One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1940: Affection Tree

"What you are going to do, but it is very difficult." Luo Ya put on a smile on his face when he heard Bai Ji's words, and said hello to the busy people, prompting him to bring Bai Ji, Xiao Wei and Yue. The old came to Qingqiu.

Above Qingqiu, countless fox families are toasting and celebrating. Bai Ji is now the patriarch of Qingqiu and has been entrusted to the position of heaven and earth. Hu Yuer is a nine-tailed spirit fox and has a position of honor.

Xiaowei, the beautiful fox of Jiuxiao, also became the god of marriage together with their patriarch, and he paid great attention to it, which means that their fox clan can step onto the front desk and will never be jealous of the world.

This is the same reason that Hou Tu was sealed as the Heavenly Monarch of Beiju Luzhou. Beiju Luzhou is sinister, because the remnants of the ancient heaven there are piled up, and there is the back soil, which can be easily solved, and the six reincarnation responsibilities are removed. With the protection of the land, the Wu clan can survive in a fair and honest manner."One Eight Zero"

During the celebration, Hu Qingrong, the ancestor of the fox tribe, sensed the breath of Bai Ji, and turned his head in doubt. Since she was removed from the position of patriarch, she rarely appeared. Now that the family is celebrating, she can’t help it Joined them.

"Respectfully welcome the Emperor" Hu Qingrong rubbed his eyes in disbelief, leaned over and bowed before saying anything.

Hearing the sound, the other fox races did not hesitate at all, and immediately bowed to worship. Luo Ya is now the supreme existence between heaven and earth, and his identity is no longer the same as before.

"Get up, I came here today, but I arranged some work for your fox clan so that your fox clan can walk normally in the Three Realms."

Luo Ya waved his hand and said, the expression on the suede face of the fox ancestor Hu Qing became very excited. The work arranged by the Supreme Heavenly Emperor alone is this title, which can already make the foxes rest assured.

"Thank you for the kindness of the emperor." Hu Qingrong gave another respectful respect, and just got up from the ground, while other fox tribes also followed suit and bowed again.

Bai Ji and Xiao Wei saw even more doubts, not to mention that it was their work that had something to do with the fox clan. Even with Bai Ji’s intelligence, they couldn’t figure it out for a while, but they probably guessed it. I'm afraid the fox clan will still be needed.

Luo Ya waved his hand indifferently, and walked toward the huge open space of the fox clan. There was only one place in this open and flat land with many mountains in Qingqiu.

Turning over his hands, a small tree was released. Roja looked at the small tree with a smile on his face. The origin of this small tree is also a coincidence.

At the beginning, he, Subhuti, and Zhen Yuanzi risked the world to use a hollow willow branch to try to seize the magnificent purple air. After success, this branch of willow branch was thrown into the world spiritual garden map by him.

This hollow willow branch fell on the treasure tree of the Thunder and Lightning poles in an extremely accurate direction, and Zhirenzhi Madoudou had no time to catch it.

The Treasure Tree of Thunder and Thunder was originally evolved from the laurel tree, and the power of destruction and good fortune on it was extremely miraculous, with the ability to return to its origin and optimize it.

The hollow willow branch was hit by the force of destruction and creation, and it was directly transformed into a black seed, losing the original characteristics of the hollow willow branch.

This kind of seed is peculiar. It has absorbed the essence of plants from all over the world, but it can't be bred out, even Doudou can't tell why.

This kind of seed resembles a willow or a willow, like a locust tree or a locust tree, a sycamore tree, a ginkgo tree, and even the seed of the albizia tree. Although Roja knows it is extraordinary, he has read various classics, but he still doesn't know what it is. What is it.

Asking the system how many redemption points can be exchanged, only to know that this thing is the seed of the affliction tree, but what is the affliction tree has become a thing that puzzles him.

Unable to conceive, Luo Ya simply threw it into the world spirit garden map, until he received Bouma into the world spirit garden map when he returned from the dragon ball world, the seed quietly germinated.

After germinating, this kind of seed growth stopped again. When Luo Ya brought Nu Wa back from the world of Chinese Girls for the second time, the germinated seeds slowly grew into small seedlings.

The strange thing is that Nuwa entered the Ten Thousand Worlds Spiritual Garden for the first time, this kind of child has not changed, so far, Luo Ya probably knows what this seedling has to absorb in order to grow.

This seedling absorbed the love of men and women. It seemed that it could not absorb anything else. After studying it for a long time and contacting it with Ao Cunxin and others, this little seedling also grew into a little tree.

After becoming a small tree, this tree actually possessed its own ideas for the first time in the world. Only after Luo Ya communicated with this sad tree did he know what it was useful for.

It is also peculiar. The Affection Tree absorbs the true growth of men and women between heaven and earth, but it cannot be used as a magic weapon like the six pure bamboos. It can bear fruit, but this fruit is not a good thing at all.

The love between men and women in it, if ordinary people eat it, they will surely become lunatics, that is, the powerful person will eat it, and if they die, they will be able to look at the love experience between men and women like watching a movie.

This sadness tree is just like its name, it has only one function, that is reincarnation and continuation of fate

When a person who truly loves each other is approaching, he can make a wish under the affliction tree. At the cost of paying part of the fairy power or demon power of the other party, or adding the love of love as the price, start reincarnation and continuation of fate, and meet in the next life.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, both men and women must have one party, but the longevity is endless, or the longevity, at least the person who has become a fairy.

In addition, whether it is a man or a demon, a ghost or a devil, you can make a wish under the tree of misery.

After learning of the role of this sorrowful love tree, Luo Ya suddenly reminded of a certain anime that he had watched in his previous life. There seemed to be a sorrowful love tree there.

After that, in order to satisfy the little nine in his heart, Luo Ya had the idea of ​​letting Bai Ji and Xiao Wei take over this great mission.

After Roya took it out, the tree of bitter love came to the ground. Roya waved his robe, and countless faint pink lights between the world and the earth continued to gather towards the tree of bitter love. In a short period of time, this little sapling grew into a hundred plants. Towering trees with a height of meters.

That pink light is the true love of men and women between the heavens and the earth. With the power of the source, there is really no energy between the heavens and the earth that Roja can't control.

"Love is love" Yuelao stammered speechless, and almost fell to the ground with his chin. This giant tree that can absorb the power of true affection, in his eyes, seemed to be entangled with countless red threads, connected to the heavens and six paths below. .

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