One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1942: Reincarnation

"Emperor Xie Tian Xie Tian Di benevolence" Kui Mulang knocked his head again and again, his face was full of excitement, the old tears stood up, and took the pleated hands of the green fox Baihua shy beside him, holding her carefully and walking to it. In front of the sad tree.

As soon as Bai Ji pointed out, the method of opening the reincarnation and continuation of the relationship to the Kuiqing Tree was passed into Kui Mulang's mind. Kui Mulang respectfully knelt in front of the Kuiqing Tree. This rough man, from the day of his birth , No matter when, I am afraid that there is no such piety at this time.

"With your strength, 10% of your strength, you can guarantee that the method of reincarnation and continuation will be achieved." Bai Ji thought for a while, evaluated according to the evaluation method in her mind, and said to Kui Mulang.

Kui Mulang's strength is only a tiny bit weaker than Nezha. The proper Jinxian can only say that he works for the heavenly court. He has always been in the middle of the lower realm, but it really made the monkey scratch his head for a long time.

"Dare to ask Niang Niang, when making a wish, is there any benefit to having more power?" Kui Mulang asked Bai Ji cautiously. He who usually speaks harshly, at this time, looks extraordinarily cowardly. , As if I was afraid of doing something wrong.

"The more determined the two parties in love, the less the immortal power will be consumed, and on the contrary, the more immortal power will be consumed, and one more thing, the more complete the memory when you fall in love, the greater the chance of awakening and reincarnation."

Bai Ji said, let alone Kui Mulang, even if she is a little nervous at this time, after all, this is her future job, this is the first time she is in charge of reincarnation, how can she not be nervous.

The countless fox families in Qingqiu looked at Kui Mulang who was kneeling in front of the Affection Tree, with a little curiosity in his eyes, a little yearning, a little pity, and a little approval.

"Bitter feeling giant tree, I am Kui Mulang, I wish to use all my immortal power." Kui Mulang took out a bead from his arms. This pearl was shining brightly, but it was Kui Mulang's magic weapon. He opened his mouth and started to make a wish to the Kuai Mulang.

Luo Ya was shocked by this mouth, but what I said was very clear before. Once the tree of affliction has taken away Xianli, he will never come back until he is reincarnated and reincarnated. All Xianli, Nima, this guy is totally wrong. Consider the consequences

The seeds of infatuation have appeared every year, and this year is particularly numerous. I first met the Queen Mother and then Kui Mulang. Luo Ya shook his head. It seems that the love between the fairy and the fairy, the fairy and the demon, and the man and the monster are indeed between heaven and earth. A big question of

"Brother Wolf 10% is at most 20%"" Qinghu Baihua shyly took Kui Mulang's hand with firmness in her eyes, but when she saw the gaze that was firmer than her, her heart was soft. Too much, see you again, you have to protect me"

"A giant tree of misery, I Kui Mulang, I would like to swear by fifty percent of my power to meet Baihua Shame in the next life" Kui Mulang said to the tree of suffering, and said a number that made Qing Fox Baihua ashamed.

Jin Xian's celestial power is already not weak, and 50% of the celestial power, directly to most of the strength, Kui Mulang may directly become the bottom of the twenty-eight stars.

"Affectionate giant tree, my Kui Mulang, I would like to swear by fifty percent of the immortal power to meet Baihua ashamed in the next life, did you hear that?" Kui Mulang looked at the bitter love tree, which had no reaction at all, and spoke again to make a wish. At this time, his voice was already a little bit crying, and the Tiehan was tender, but he was afraid that this reincarnation might not succeed.

"Fool, doesn't this guy know that in the continuation ceremony, in addition to the true love between the two parties, at least the other party needs to say three words I am willing to have true feelings"

Luo Ya held his forehead with his hand, and couldn’t stand it. How could such a scene of tears in his eyes be so special that his IQ was not online at all? It’s one of the twenty-eight stars in the sky, so he can’t use his brain.

As soon as he pointed it out, a divine thought came into the shameful minds of Kui Mulang and Qinghu Baihua. The expressions of the two were stagnant, with a slight embarrassment on their faces. After a while, they rearranged their emotions and spoke out the vows of wishing. .

The quick tidbits on the tree of miserable love flew together, and many tidbits condensed in mid-air into the words Kumulang Baihuaxiu. The symbol was full of an unspeakable power of rules, but it meant that the two were indispensable.

The tidbits turned into bright spots and quickly merged into the Affection Tree. Kui Mu Wolf and Green Fox Baihua smiled ashamed, but they knew that their reincarnation and reincarnation had already been accepted by the Affection Tree.

"Brother Wolf, go back, and pick me up when I reincarnated and reincarnated." Qinghu pushed Kui Mulang a bit with a bit of eagerness on her face. She is now old and faint, but she doesn't want Kui Mulang to see .

"Ah, let me go now. Let me stay a little longer." Kui Mulang was a little embarrassed. He naturally knew why Qinghu let him leave, but regardless of whether he was old or not, it was actually his love. Looks like.

"Nima, show affection" Luo Ya looked at Kui Mulang and Qinghu with an unhappy expression, turned his head and looked at Bai Ji and Xiaowei who were aside, only to see that the two of them had been surrounding the miserable love tree and began to study. .

Whether it is the so-called Dream Recalling Hammer, Meng Xing Sha, and Butterfly Lop, they are all made from the branches and pollen of the Suffering Tree itself. These things that help the reincarnated person to awaken the memory must be made in advance.

Of course, there is the most important thing, the Fox Fairy Book of Heaven. This thing is made from the sap of the Affection Tree. Above the Qingqiu, only two of them have the method passed down by the Affection Tree. Even Yue Lao cannot help. What busy.

A group of fox tribes in Qingqiu wanted to be the red thread fairy enthusiastically, and they all leaned over there. Moreover, there are so many idiots and girls in the Three Realms. After receiving the news, I am afraid they will rush to here first. Within time, it is estimated that this Qingqiu will not be idle.

Lost Luo Ya shrugged without disturbing the crowd, turned around and urged for a moment, and returned directly to the heavenly court, and just arrived at the heavenly court, he almost ran into Chang'e head on.

Chang'e's steps stopped, and Qiao's face under the mask was full of embarrassment. After seeing that it was Luo Ya, her eyes were erratic and she didn't know where to put her hands.

"Meet the Supreme Central Heavenly Emperor." Chang'e knew that it was not the time to be stunned, and now that Luo Ya's identity was completely different, Yingying crouched and made a blessing.

"Cough cough, why are you here?" Luo Ya coughed dryly, which was also extremely embarrassing. Some time ago, he also pinched Chang'e's neck because of Yuetu's Nizi. I don't know if Chang'e forgot about this. Anyway, he I did not forget.

"Return to the emperor, today the positions of the heavenly court are alternated, and I will come to report on my work." Nuwa lowered her head and did not dare to lift up, and replied softly, feeling at a loss..

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