One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1943: Talk to Chang'e

"Debriefing, are you done?" Luo Ya was completely speechless. He looked around, and the Heavenly Court generals who had been far away were full of pain in their hearts. These guys, I don't know if you want to come here to help you be so stupid.

In the hearts of many generals in the Heavenly Court, Chang'e is the number one beauty in the Three Realms, and ordinary people can't wait to stay with her all the time. Even the Jade Emperor before him tried to get close.

So seeing Luo Ya and Chang'e meet, these people who like to guess what they want, they strayed away without even thinking about it, for fear of running slowly and being hated by the superiors.

"No, no, I don't know who to look for." Chang'e's face under the kerchief became more and more embarrassed. She was previously canonized by the heavenly court as Taiyin Yuanjun.

This position, in order to prevent the Jade Emperor from chaos, directly sealed Chang'e. Chang'e didn't carry out the duties that the former Taiyin Yuanjun should belong to.

However, the long-term unattended operation resulted in the responsibility that originally belonged to the Taiyin Yuanjun was assigned to others. This position was completely idle. The Heavenly Court is now divided into six parts. It would be strange if Chang'e knew who to look for.

In such a special case, it is estimated that Chang'e is the only one in the entire heavenly court. After all, the previous Jade Emperor did not eat dry food. At the very least, in terms of responsibilities, the 710 had some ability.

"Eh, then you can report to me." Luo Ya's cheeks twitched, and Fairy Qing Leng Guanghan and Yuanjun Chang'e had such a cute side, which really surprised him.

However, he is the supreme existence between heaven and earth at this time, and reporting to him is really not the slightest inappropriate, and it is estimated that only he can listen to the vacancy of Chang'e.

"Yes." Chang'e made a blessing again. If she still wants the maid of the day, she does not want to be bothered by the messy people in the world. This is inevitable, and she can only bite the bullet and respond.

Chang'e is biting the bullet, why not Luo Ya, to be honest, he really hopes that this girl will stay in Guanghan Palace and stop coming out, tell me about the job of a hammer, where she lives, who will move her.

"Go to the main hall, this is not a place to report on duties." Luo Ya touched the tip of his nose, said a word, and walked towards the palace of Lingxiao.

Chang'e replied and followed obediently. The guards and busy heavenly officials on the road saluted, and then gesticulated, while evacuating from here.

When Luo Ya walked into the bdcb hall of Lingxiaobao, the former noisy and noisy Lingxiao Hall was gone, and those bastards were obviously creating opportunities for him.

"Uh, you can start debriefing." Luo Ya stepped up to the position of the emperor, and after sitting down, he spoke to Chang'e.

After he finished speaking, Chang'e responded again, and there was a long silence. The two stared at each other awkwardly, and the other looked down at the toes. The silence in the High Heaven Palace was terrifying.

Damn it, is this an embarrassing chat Nima? After the debriefing, I can say a few words, and then we will do our own things. You can go back to the Guanghan Palace and be a housemaid.

Luo Ya's cheeks twitched slightly, facing the silent Chang'e, she really didn't know what to say, what's the matter, after saying yes, there is no more

"Dare to ask Lord Tiandi, how to report on work." Chang'e was silent for a while, knowing that this was not the way, raised her head, and asked quite nervously.

How fuck do I know

Luo Ya's eyebrows twitched fiercely. He hadn't really heard how the orthodox report should come. The question of Chang'e directly stumped him.

"Debriefing, probably what you usually do." Luo Ya didn't know how to pretend to understand, and thousands of alpacas rushed in his heart, wishing to find an excuse now and just slip away.

"Rising with the rising of the moon, observing the time difference between the sun and the moon, advancing the circulation of the year, combining the twenty-four solar terms, changing the trajectory of the stars, resting with the moon setting, concentrate on practicing"

Chang'e thought for a while and said something, trying to beautify what she did on the lunar star. In fact, every day when the moon rises, she looks at the orthodoxy left by Xihe, and when the moon sets, she immediately starts practicing. Apart from that, there is nothing else to do.

The lunar star and the sun star have formed a fixed orbit for a long time. They will not change for hundreds of millions of years, so people need to watch and see what jet lag.

As for the concentration on cultivation, Luo Ya directly and selectively ignored it, Nima, debriefing and practicing, this Chang'e is also an individual talent.

"Er Taiyin Yuanjun has contributed a lot to the operation of the stars, and he has worked so hard. In the future, he will belong to the Ministry of Rites. The two central stars are responsible for the operation of the two central stars.

Luo Ya opened his eyes and said nonsense, and directly gave Chang'e a name of hard work. After saying a scene, he already had the idea of ​​rushing people.

What he said was undoubtedly telling Chang'e to go back quickly and continue the same as before, just to come to Lunar Star in a daze, not to be too disturbing.

"Yes, I would like to follow the instructions of the Supreme Central Heavenly Emperor." Chang'e replied, with a bit of joy in his eyes finally, turning around and preparing to head towards the gate of the High Heaven Palace.

"Wait, do you want to really appear in the eyes of the people of the Three Realms as a female fairy?" Luo Ya hesitated for a moment, and stopped Chang'e who was about to walk out of the Palace of Lingxiao.

"The real female fairy" Chang'e murmured to herself, her body trembling lightly. From the beginning of her birth, she has always been tired of her beautiful appearance. It can be said that as long as she is mentioned, people think of it first Yes, it is her face.

Many times, Chang'e even gave birth to the thought of self-destructive appearance. After all, people are social animals and cannot escape from the world for a long time. If they are ordinary people, they may have been suffocated.

Standing proudly among the Three Realms with something other than her own appearance, how could Chang'e not think about it, but is it possible? Is it so easy to change the fixed image formed by sentient beings in the Three Realms over the years?

"Yes, a true female fairy does not rely on her own appearance, but on her own ability and talent to win respect." Luo Ya said, it can be regarded as direct to the pain of Chang'e.

It is said that freedom is priceless, and Chang'e also wants to live a good life, not to be tired from his appearance, because of his talent, he is well known by the creatures of the Three Realms, but is it possible?

"Master Heaven and Earth don't know any magic method" Chang'e turned around and made a blessing. With a bit of hope in her clear eyes, she looked up at Luo Ya.

"There is no magic method, there is a stupid method, but I don't know if you are willing to try it." Luo Ya grinned, thinking about the method he was going to say, his heart was a little bit painful, the one just now softened, he seemed inadvertent I dug a hole for myself..

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