One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1949: Magic Council

Magic Council.

As an institution higher than the major guilds in the Fairy Tail World, the Magic Council is responsible for monitoring the guilds and often comes forward to punish those guilds that violate the rules, although the targets are mostly dark guilds.But in fact, the Fairy Tail Guild is also a frequent visitor to the council.

Especially the recent emergence of the first generation Mebis has made these parliamentarians a headache.

On this day, a huge spiral instrument in the center of the hall suddenly sounded an alarm, and the violent magic wave made the whole hall sway.

"what happened"

The third Simikeiro first came to the main hall, looked at the magic detection instrument and found that the map displayed on it was where the "Fairy Tail" guild was located, and he frowned.

As the magic wave became more and more intense, it also attracted the attention of other members.

"It's so noisy, what happened?" The second Oge walked out of the room impatiently, but when he felt the violent magic fluctuations, his face suddenly changed.

He felt a terrifying energy from the magic detection instrument, full of devastating aura, it was definitely a terrible power that exceeded the taboo.

"How could it be?" Oge's face changed drastically. The magic detection instrument had never issued such a violent alarm 13 report, even in the previous battle, there was no such fluctuation.

"Oh my God, what kind of magic is this, why even I feel suffocated"

"This has surpassed the power of the holy wizard"

"Is this power Mebis again"

At this time, the magnates of the Magic Council that were rarely seen on weekdays were all startled by this wave of magic and appeared here and here together.Each of them had a look of horror on their faces.

"I'm sure it was the trouble caused by the fellow Mebis" Yakima frowned and said in a very positive tone.

Now the appearance of Mebius has broken the balance of power in the monster tail world. Apart from Mebius, he really can’t think of anyone else who can have more terrifying power than the Saint Ten Sorcerer.

"How terrible is the strength of that guy Mebis" Beluno did not participate in the discussion, but sighed secretly from the side.

"President, I strongly recommend condemning Fairy Tail. This time you can't condone that guy anymore, otherwise it will damage the prestige of the Magic Council"

Oge was silent for a long time, and said with a serious face.There was a slight anger on his face. Over the past few days, Mebius has caused some trouble. Every time, the council will help wipe his butt. How is this possible?

No matter how strong the guy is, he can’t ignore the rules like this.

"Oge, I don't agree. With Mebis's character, if she really angers her, God knows what the consequences will be," Hogg said.

"Fart, Hogg, you coward, if you dare not go, then hide in the room. Even if Mebis is a member of the guild, you must abide by the rules, otherwise the council will have no face." Ouge jumped directly after hearing this. curse.

At this time, President Crawford Sim raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. He stared at the detector and slowly said, "The majesty of the council cannot be provoked. This time, we must do something to Fairy Tail. Really punished"

After his voice fell, the audience was silent.Everyone’s eyes flickered, and no one knew what they were thinking.

Fairy Tail Guild.

At this time, everyone was still in the shock just now and hadn't recovered for a long time, and everyone looked dumbfounded.

The man, who just breathed out a little, was suppressed by the horrible magical riot that could destroy the world.

"This, is this the strength of the adult that the first generation said?"

Miraj, Elsa and others stared blankly at the man in a moon-white robe, who looked like the emperor of heaven and earth, in a daze.

"It turns out that in this world, there are really human powers that can reach this point." Makolov swallowed hard, and he suddenly felt that he was dead at this age.

He looked hesitant, and finally couldn't help but open his mouth, boldly asked, "My lord, I, can I know your name?"


Roja gave him a surprised look, but still said his name, but he was too lazy to elaborate on his identity. He glanced at the people who were still in a daze and said, "Where is Mebis's room?"

"Master Roroya, the first generation room is in the women's apartment."

Elisa was the first to react. She pointed in a direction, but just after speaking, she discovered that Roja's figure with Mebis had disappeared.

"So fast, it disappeared out of thin air"

Elisa was stunned by the shock.

"Who is he who just came out of the magic circle? Doesn't he belong to this world?"

Miraj and others all looked at the direction Roja was leaving, and talked about each other.

"President, what is the identity of Lord Naroya? The top ten holy wizards have never heard of this name" Milaj couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Roya?" Makarov seemed to be talking to himself, but he had a thoughtful look. At this time, he was interrupted. After recovering, he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to tell everyone something. What, but still held back and did not dare to say it.

"From now on, no one is allowed to speculate about Lord Loya."

Makarov pretended to be stern and left after speaking, leaving a group of people staring at each other, completely unaware of what happened.

"What happened to the president"

Miraj looked at Libby blankly.

Rebby shrugged, indicating that I don't know anything.

The entrance to the women's apartment.

117 Miraj, Elsa, and Lebby stood at the door at the same time with a hesitation on their faces.

"It seems a little weird if we go like this, what if he is treated as a voyeur" Lebby asked weakly, looking a bit like a guilty conscience.

"What are you afraid of, Lebby is really a kid, you have to understand, we did this to protect the first generation." Elisa patted Lebby on the shoulder nonchalantly.

It turned out that not long after Makarov left, they couldn't help being curious, and unanimously decided to go to Mebis' room to see if the man in the first generation's mouth was really as exaggerated as she said.


Rebby opened her mouth, still hesitating, but could not refute it.

"Oh, Ann, don’t worry, I won’t show you the stuff." Elisa still said nonchalantly. At this moment, she suddenly noticed the strangeness of Miraj, and asked curiously, "Mijra, how are you? Up"

Mijella's face was even flushed when Elisa asked, "You guys said, "Do you think the first generation and Lord Roja are doing that kind of thing?"

"What kind of thing"

Elisa and Lebi looked blank at the same time, as if they hadn't reacted yet. When they saw Mijera's slightly shy grin, they immediately reflected it, and their faces were brushed like a more ripe apple. ..

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