One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1950: Mebis wants

"Miraj, you mean" Elisa was startled, she seemed to have guessed something, a touch of shame appeared on that pretty face.

"Elisa really asked me knowingly." Milady, who was thinking stupidly, paused, with a sordid smile on her mouth, and blushed and said, "We are not here to verify the first generation of Mebis and that Is it a man's relationship?"

"Aha, think about it, the first generation is drunk, if it is really that kind of relationship, will something happen?"

When Miraj said this, Elisa and Lebby suddenly understood that the simple-minded Lebby's face was as red as a ripe apple.

"But how about we eavesdrop on others like this?" Lebby asked weakly.

"Aha, Rebby is really a simple little girl, what does it matter if you don't get discovered?" Although Elisa blushed, she patted Rebby's shoulder carelessly, pretending to be indifferent Look like.

"Moreover, you are also very curious, right"

After she finished speaking, Miraj nodded repeatedly.Rebby was still shy, but those big curious eyes had obviously betrayed her inner thoughts.

At this time, inside the room.

Roja gently put Mebis in her arms on the bed, and as soon as she covered her with a quilt, he heard Mebis in his sleep turning over and murmured, "My lord, where are you? Bis misses you so much."

At first Roja thought that Mebis was awake, and was startled by her, but when she saw that she turned over after speaking, she fell asleep again.

Roja smiled and touched Mebis' hair tenderly, "This Nizi is really crazy, can I drink Jiuqu Immortal Brew?"

Roja sighed, he still resisted the urge to wake up Mebis with the pill, and let this girl get a good sleep.

At this time, Luo Ya turned around, looked at the door, and walked over slowly, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.There were three eavesdropping guys squatting at the door, he had already discovered it.

"Hey, why is there no sound?" Miraj was leaning on the door with his head tilted at this time, and he whispered suspiciously when there was no movement in the room.

At this time, the three chicks were lying on the door in various strange positions, trying their best to overhear all kinds of sounds in the room, but at this moment, the door was suddenly opened.


"Oh, it hurts me to death"

Accompanied by a scream, the three of them all fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Luo Ya looked at these three women, angry and funny, holding back a smile, and said with a straight face.

"Uh" the three of them realized they had been discovered by Roja, and quickly patted the dust on their bodies, and quickly stood up from the ground, one by one, like children who had made a mistake, bowed their heads and blushed at a loss.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Lord Roja, I'm sorry we didn't mean to." Rebby lowered her head and dared not look at Roja, and kept apologizing.

"Aha, the weather is really good today." Elisa smiled awkwardly, looked at the ceiling, and said this sentence without thinking about him.

"Sorry, we went to the wrong room." Milaj was the first to react. She spit out her head at Roja. That cute appearance was very charming. She quickly picked up Elisa and Rebbi. The man disappeared in the corner of the room in a blink of an eye as if the soles of his feet were greased.

"It's interesting." Luo Ya looked at the direction where the three women were leaving, with a smile on his lips. He had already seen a new Fuli treasure chest refreshed on the system map.

the next day.

When Mebis woke up, he didn't even care about washing, he fell into Roja's arms, hooked his neck with his hands, and buried his head in his mouth, as if he was afraid that Roja would leave. .

"My lord, it's really you" Mebis felt the warmth in her arms, her pretty face flushed, she wrapped Roja tightly, and said with a drunken expression, "Mebis misses you so much, really Miss you so much."

Smelling the girl's alcohol has not gone away, Roja showed a helpless smile on his face, but his eyes were full of petting and caring. He shaved Mebis' nose and smiled, "Then you can't drink too much. "

"My lord, Mebis misses you too much." When Mebis heard the words, his face blushed, as if thinking of something, he looked at Loya with a pitiful face, and asked weakly, "My lord will not blame Mei. Bies use the summoning card indiscriminately"

Seeing Nizi’s big watery eyes, the blame in Luo Ya’s heart had long since drifted beyond Jiu Xiao, patted her i-shares, and laughed, "A summoning card is nothing, I’m Luo Ya’s. Woman, even if you want the moon in the sky, you have to pick it off and give it to you."

Hearing what Roja said, Mebis's face was even more blushing, but with a look of happiness and admiration, she closed her eyes and slowly kissed Zui.

"My lord, Mebis wants"

How could Roya resist this kind of confusion, and directly pressed Mebius on the bed, slowly released the buttons in front of her, and directly started a spring-filled movement.

After the incident, Mebis looked drunk and blushed.

After the two stayed in the house for a while, Mebis put on his clothes again and pulled Loya to say, "My lord, go and see the guild created by Mebis."

This little Nizi looked terrified. Although Luo Ya had no interest in it, she couldn't hold back her enthusiasm and had to follow her out of the room.

Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

Mebis pulled Roja to here, and found that people were already gathered at this time. Among them, a group of Fairy Tail members headed by Makarov, all looked at the opposite side angrily.

Opposite them, there are a few men wearing magic robes. From the signs in front of them, it can be seen that these people are from the magic council.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this matter is my fault, please forgive me, Members of Parliament, we are willing to pay some compensation." Makarov smiled and apologized to these people who looked like good people constantly.

"Huh, President Makarov, you did the magic fluctuations yesterday, right?" The person headed by the second Oge, he looked righteous and awe-inspiring, said, "This time you have destroyed three buildings in total. Seventeen buildings, causing a total of 2.758 billion economic losses"

"It also has a serious impact on the surrounding residents, causing social disorder, which requires Fairy Tail to pay a price."

"After a serious decision by the council, the following penalties are now imposed on Fairy Tail: one, a fine of four billion yuan, two, the saboteurs need to be punished in accordance with the regulations of the council, and three, disqualification for the Fairy Tail selection."

After he said this, the faces of Fairy Tail changed drastically, and even Makarov's face slowly became hard to look at. He wanted to punch this guy away.

How could he agree to such a condition, but for the guild's existence, he could only sullenly and smile..

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