One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1951: Slap and fly

The guys of the Magic Council, all aloft, boisterous and boisterous, seemed to have long been accustomed to treating the major guilds as random subordinates.

Especially Mebis, who has been in trouble recently, has made this group of people completely disliked by Fairy Tail, and this time they have directly made such a punishment.

This is almost to destroy the Fairy Tail Guild’s Rhythm indemnity of 4 billion. Such a huge cost can be obtained based on the current situation of the Guild, especially the third clause, which has completely sentenced the Fairy Tail Guild to death.

Disqualification of the guild selection means that after the next selection, the Fairy Tail Guild will be forcibly disbanded

How can this punishment be accepted?

When Oge made the announcement, everyone present suddenly became angry, even Makarov, his face became extremely difficult to look at.

"Master Oge, this matter is our negligence, I'm very sorry, but you see if you can be accommodating, and the demon tail can't be disbanded." Despite the anger in his heart, Makarov had to lower his voice for the guild.

"How could it be possible?" Oge snorted coldly, seeming to find that his tone was a little bit wrong. After all, Makarov is one of the top ten magicians, he is still a little jealous, and said, " Sorry, this is the decision of the council and we have no right to change it."

"But" Makarov looked embarrassed and kept apologizing and complaining constantly. I have to say that this guy's cheeky kung fu is really good, and he can still calm down in the face of such difficulties.

"The first generation is here"

"It's Lord Mebis"

"And the Lord Roja"

At this time, Elisa and others found Roya and two of them coming out of the room, and they all looked over, even Makarov's attitude became respectful.

The guys from the Magic Council naturally saw Mebis, and they suddenly looked bad, but for Roja next to Mebis, they simply ignored them.

"Hmph, Mebis, look at the good things you have caused." bdde Oge said with a sullen face and said unceremoniously. Although he was afraid of Mebis's strength, he was the second in the Magic Council. Xi, his status and status are even higher than Mebis, so he is naturally unceremonious.

"Mebis, you must give the council an explanation this time." Not only Ogle, but the other members of the magic council also have a bad face. There is no way. Recently, Mebis has caused too much trouble and caused them headaches. Very much.

If it weren't for the terrifying strength of this guy, I'm afraid they would have imprisoned Mebis long ago.

As soon as Mebis appeared, he heard all kinds of accusations, smiled awkwardly, and looked at Roja helplessly. His big watery eyes seemed to say that I was innocent.

"Early Master" Makarov looked at Mebis with a wry smile, saying that the person who really had a headache during this period was not the Magic Council, but his president.

Every time Mebis got into trouble, after the Magic Council came, it was him, the president, who got in front of him and apologized, but he did not dare to blame the first adult.

After finally waiting for this adult to disappear for a few days, there was another event that shocked the world, which made him tremble every day for fear that Mebis would cause another big trouble.

"Mebis, why don't you dare to admit it now? Humph, this time the council has decided to punish you." Oge was even more angry when he saw Mebis's innocent look. He was here. This is the third time I have come to Fairy Tail Guild in this month, and Mebis has this expression every time.

"Noisy" Before Mebis could speak, Roja frowned. He glanced impatiently, waved his hand, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Oge.

"My presumptuous talk to Mebis, what right do you have to interrupt?" Oge said with a sullen face. As the second seat of the Magic Council, he has always been respected. Is one of Makolov respectful to him?

What kind of green onion this kid actually dared to speak to himself in this tone, except for the Saint Ten Great Sorcerers, Ouge asked himself who he had not been afraid of.

"Master Oge, this adult is" Makarov swallowed, as if trying to dissuade Oge, but was interrupted before he could finish.

This guy was getting angry, where he could be persuaded, he waved his hand impatiently, and said angrily, "Makarov, you don't have to explain to this kid, no matter who this kid is, anyone who dares to offend me Oge is nothing. Good end"

Although Oge didn't dare to speak to Mebis in this tone, he still had nothing to fear for such a stunned boy who emerged from nowhere, not to mention that Mebis could not protect himself, I am afraid he could not help this boy.

"Give you a chance and immediately disappear in front of me."

Roja didn't even look at him. After speaking indifferently, he listened with interest to Mebis's recent interesting events around him.

After hearing his words, everyone's complexion became a little difficult to look, and Makarov was even more worried. He was not worried about Roja's situation, but was afraid that he would cause greater trouble to Fairy Tail.

"He actually let Oge get out"

"Master Oge is the second seat of the Magic Council"

Elisa, Miraj and others have an even more incredible look. Although they already believe in Roja's identity, living in this world, they have long been accustomed to the superior magic council, which is a bit unimaginable for a while.

"This seems to be the first time someone has spoken to the adults of the Magic Council in this tone."

Sure enough, after hearing Roja's words, Oge suddenly jumped up with anger. He had never been humiliated like this before, his face was pale, and angrily said, "Asshole, you dare to talk to this lord like this, kid, do you know? You are looking for death"

The other members of the council next to him also agreed and accused Luo Ya, but before they finished speaking, they saw Luo Ya gently lift his palm and slap it.

That terrifying majestic power, like infinite, directly slapped these people of the Magic Council and disappeared into the sky.

These guys were in the Fairy Tail Guild one second before, and the next second they all hung on the flagpole at the entrance of the Magic Council..

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