One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1952: Naz the Fire Dragon

The occurrence of this scene left everyone dumbfounded, and each of them opened their mouths into an "o" shape.Makarov was even more frightened to his legs.

"My God, what did this guy do"

"I'm not mistaken, he actually shot the adults of the Magic Council"

Elisa, Miraj and others were so scared that they couldn't close their mouths. They looked at the several adults of the magic council who had disappeared in the main hall.

Makarov was even more frightened, his legs softened, and he almost fell to the ground at the moment Roja shot.He actually felt a horrible power that was suffocating, and then Ouge and others flew out.

As one of the Saint Ten Great Sorcerers, he knew a little about Oge's strength, even he found it tricky to deal with, but he was slapped flying like this.

However, this was not the reason to scare him. More importantly, the people of Og, but the big figures of the Magic Council, received such treatment, how could the Magic Council give up.

At the thought of the next revenge from the Magic Council, Makarov turned his face pale in fright.

Mebis looked at Roja. Although she had expected it, she would inevitably still be a little worried. Staring at the empty area, she said, "My lord, this will cause a lot of trouble."

"It's okay, I'm here." Luo Ya rubbed her head and said tenderly.

Mebis looked up at him, a look of intolerance flashed in her eyes, and she said, "It's not like that, my lord, Mebis doesn't want to see too many people die."

She stared at Roya in a daze, as if remembering some memories, she slowly said, "Too many people have died in Naruto World. Mebis has seen too many lives and deaths, and I don't want it to become like that again."

Roja was taken aback, seeing Mebis this way, he knew that this girl was still too kind-hearted, sighed, and said, "Although it is cruel, this is a normal thing."

"Mebis, you have to understand that everything is relative. Now that some people die, fewer people will die in the future. In fact, it's still more profitable overall, isn't it?"

"But" Although Mebis understood that Roja was telling the truth, she still found it difficult to accept it. She didn't like the bloody scenes of Hokage.

She likes to live a stable and stable life like it is now. Although there are always some annoying flies, as long as she is forbearing, she will pass by, and she will be very happy every day.

"This world is not as simple as you think, and you will understand later, Mebis." Roja sighed, patted her shoulder and said.

Mebis hugged Roja. She knew very well that once Roja decided something, no one could change it, and she would be boring to continue.

"Maybe, your lord is right" Mebis thought like this in her heart. She knew that Roja said that the world is not as simple as it seemed, and it must not be simple, so she unconditionally believed Roja's words.

The two stuck together again in front of many guild members. In this scene, Elsa and the others had goose bumps. Among them, Miraj seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked ashamed.

"Haha, I have to leave beforehand." Makarov, the old guy, has passed a lot of years, and he's not surprised about these things for a long time. He found an excuse and left.

"Aha, Miraj, didn't you say you want to go shopping, let's go."

Elisa gave a haha, and Miraj, who was still at a loss with Rebe, was about to leave.

"Hey, when I said I'm going shopping, why don't I know"

Miraj thought about it very seriously. She didn't seem to say that she was going to go shopping recently, but she was dragged away by the two Elisa as soon as she finished.

It's just that these few people stopped as soon as they walked to the door, even the president Makarov who was already going far away.

"Aha, Gray, don't stop me, I must beat those guys hard"

"Huh, you don't need to say, I will also try to teach the bastards of the Magic Council"

Before I saw the figure, I heard two figures making noise all the way, and then I saw a red-haired boy and a black-haired boy appearing in the hall.

"Oh ha, bastards of the Magic Council, get out and let me Naz the Fire Dragon teach you a lesson" Naz has rolled up his sleeves, and looks like he is about to fight at any time.

Gray next to him was also filled with righteous indignation, and it seemed that he was the one who couldn't wait to do it right away.

Ask for flowers

The appearance of these two people immediately caused the guild to be full of black lines. Even Makarov who stopped when he saw these two troublesome spirits felt a headache and hurriedly flashed people.

"Natz, Gray, have you completed the mission?" Elisa asked curiously. She remembered that these two guys only accepted the assignment not long ago, but she didn't expect to come back so soon.

Hearing this, Naz suddenly got a smug face, patted himself, and said proudly, "Of course, Elisa, you know, I'm the fire dragon Naz"

Gray next to "Hum" snorted disdainfully, obviously disdainful of Naz's act of taking credit to him.

But Naz didn't care, boasting about how powerful his dragon-killing magic was.After seeing that everyone looked like a black line, he stopped chatteringly.

"By the way, the bastards of the Magic Council heard that they are asking for trouble again." Gray finally found the opportunity and asked.

Naz suddenly came out again, saw him look angrily, waved his fists, and said loudly, "Yes, right, where are those bastards, I want them to taste the magic of the dragon."

When Elisa heard the words, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she rolled her eyes and said, "You are late, the members of the Magic Council have been beaten away."

"Aha, who is so good, can actually beat those bastards away" Naz and Gray exclaimed at the same time, looking curious.

Although they were clamoring to punch the group of guys, they knew very well in their hearts that even if the two of them joined forces, they were not necessarily the opponents of the magic council.

"It's Lord Roja."

Elisa glanced at Loya, who was watching them with interest, and whispered.


Naz and Gray turned their heads together. After seeing Roja, before Gray could speak, the guy Naz flashed to Roja's side.

He patted Roya's shoulder carelessly, and said with admiration, "Not bad, you can actually beat the people of the Magic Council, it's amazing."

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