One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1953: Dragon Slayer Magic

Naz patted Roja carelessly on the shoulder, but his height was half a head shorter than Roja, and he insisted on putting on his shoulders. This picture felt discordant no matter what.

"You guys are very good, you can beat those guys away."

Roja shrugged noncommittal about Naz’s compliment. Those guys from the Magic Council, whose strength is measured according to the Westward Journey’s hierarchy, are at best as an immortal. If they didn’t want to kill, Roja would just slap in the face. Directly photographed these guys into mud.

Gray in the distance took a deep look at Roja. He was obviously curious about Roja's strength. However, he was not like Naz. Instead, he put his hands on his chest and said coolly "Thank you."

As always, Gray, who likes to pretend to be cool, still looks cold when facing Roja.Only after "Twenty Twenty Two" he looked at Roja in his eyes, but there was still a deep jealousy hidden.

He is not as nervous as Naz. Although Elsa and others described it as very light, he still knows very well that the man in front of him can easily beat the guys from the Magic Council, and his strength is probably not lower. Holy ten great wizards.

Seeing that Naz was so carelessly hooking Roja on his shoulders, this scared Elsa and the others. They still clearly remembered how terrifying the power Roja shot just now, for fear of Naz. Annoyed Roja, the women hurried up and pulled Naz back.

Roja was not angry. He looked at Naz and Gray with interest. He thought these two guys were quite interesting. He could feel that the smell on Naz's body was like a monster blood, half human and half monster. Quite strange.

After a closer look, Roja discovered that Naz originally had a Western Dragon in his body.

That guy Gray is also good, the ice attribute is a mixture of water and the wind, in a sense it is a kind of sublimation, quite potential.

Mebis seemed to see that Roja was interested in these two guys, smiled, and asked, "My lord, these two guys are not bad."

Mebis was very happy and proud of the guild members he created by himself.

"Yes, it has potential." Roja nodded. The potential of Naz and Gray is indeed pretty good. If it weren't for the limitations of the demon tail world, they might have gone further.

"Are you interested in accepting disciples? Mebis remembers that it has been a long time since I have a new disciple." Mebis looked at Roya and said. She hoped that Roya could accept these two guys. After all, if he could follow Roya, These two people should have a greater future.

"Forget it, I don't need it at the moment." Luo Ya smiled. He really has no interest in accepting disciples. After all, he has already established a school in Journey to the West, and he really has no shortage of heirs.

A look of regret flashed across Mebis's face, and said, "That's a pity."

The conversation between the two of them did not conceal the slightest bit. Many guild members in the hall heard it. After seeing the power of Roja, Elisa and others didn’t feel anything wrong, but Naz and Gray were both at the same time. Frowned.

"Hey, my master is the fire dragon Ikunilu. Although you are also very powerful, you are still far behind Ikunilu." Naz felt very disdainful. Although he couldn't be his disciple, this kind of The taste of being rejected made Naz feel underestimated.

Gray next to him also gave a cold snort, seeming to think that Roja's words just now were too arrogant, and he Gray would not succumb to anyone.

Hearing Naz's retort, Roja just smiled and waved his hand non-committal, not interested in arguing with him.But the more he was, the more angry Naz was.

"Hey, you kid, do you look down on fire dragons, do you know that Igunilu can burn you to ashes with a single blow" Naz is very angry, he thinks this guy looks down on him, even if he still has Dare to look down on the fire dragon, Igunilu is his master

Roja didn't have much interest in this guy. He didn't bother to argue with him. He was about to return to the room with his arms around Mebis. At this time, Naz was angry, his whole body was angry, and anger was burning in his eyes.

"Asshole, you dare to ignore me. Today, I must let you see the power of the dragon-killing magic." Naz was so angry that he had never been so underestimated by others. His contemptuous attitude made him very angry. .

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist"

On Naz’s fist, a layer of blazing flames was immediately covered. The powerful magic wave made the entire hall sway, and behind him, a fire dragon seemed to faintly appeared.

In other words, compared with a year ago, Naz now has a real improvement in strength. Although it is only the most common trick, he still has an extraordinary power in his hands.

Seeing this scene, Elsa, Miraj and others suddenly changed their faces. They were not worried about Roja, but they were afraid that Naz, a very nervous guy, would anger the adult.

"Naz, stop it, Lord Loya is not"

"Naz, come back quickly and don't cause trouble"

Regarding the dissuasion of Miraj and others, how could Naz, who was in anger at this time, hear it? He turned his head and said coldly, "Shut up", and the whole person turned into a form under the acceleration of the flame. A fiery red streamer rushed towards Luo Ya.

Facing this massive attack, Luo Ya seemed to have not seen it, with a calm face.This scene was seen by Gray next to him, and he frowned suddenly, a look of jealousy flashing in his eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid this is the end of the fire dragon's power underestimated." Seeing Roja unmoved, Naz thought that this guy was scared by himself, and suddenly laughed proudly, but what he had on hand The attack did not stand still.

Seeing that the flame-covered fist was about to smash, Luo Ya placed his gaze on the table next to 37, and saw that he took a light breath, and a chopstick flew over.

"court death"

Naz saw that this guy actually used a chopstick to fight his own "Fire Dragon Iron Fist". This made him very angry. He actually dared to underestimate his dragon slaying magic. When his power increased a bit, his fist The flame suddenly burned more and more vigorously.

The fire fist collided with an ordinary chopstick, and the imaginary situation did not appear. The chopstick seemed to have extremely strong flexibility in Luo Ya's hand, bent into a bow shape, but it still did not break.

"go with"

Roja spit lightly in his mouth, the chopsticks that were in the shape of a full moon bow, as if they were full of power, broke out completely at this moment, turned into a terrifying and peerless force, and directly shook Naz's whole person. Outside the door..

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