One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1954: The power of a chopstick

This scene shocked everyone into speechless.

"how is this possible"

"He actually only used one chopstick"

Elsa and the others were so scared that their eyes almost fell. Even Gray, who has always been pretending to be cool, can't keep calm at this moment.

I'm afraid no one knows Naz's power better than him. Although the move just now is not Naz's strongest magic, even he can't follow it so easily.

What's more, just use a chopstick

You know that Naz guy, a punch has the power to penetrate the wall, let alone a chopstick, even a stone, Naz will be smashed to pieces in front of him.

Furthermore, the flame on Naz’s fist is not for decoration. It is a real flame. Even if a punch is broken by chopsticks, the flame alone can burn it to ashes.

"What is intact?" Gray was shocked. He saw that the chopsticks in Roja's hand were still intact, with no signs of breaking.

He couldn't help taking a deep look at Luo Ya, his eyes full of jealousy.He remembered that even President Makarov, one of the top ten holy wizards, did not have such power.

"Ah, you 13 bastard"

Naz rose to the sky from the ruins, his whole body was ablaze, and his eyes burned with anger. He was defeated by this guy with a chopstick. He was very unwilling and wanted to find the place back.

"Hmph, let you see, the strongest dragon-killing magic" Naz gritted his teeth, he was dazzled by anger, as if he had forgotten that he was still in the guild and ignored the people present.

He slowly squeezed Yinjue with both hands, as if he was brewing an extremely terrible magic, and a tyrannical aura faintly exuded from his body. The fluctuation made Elisa and others feel palpitation.

"Naz, are you crazy?"

"Stop it, you will destroy the guild"

After seeing this scene, Elisa and others seemed to have guessed Naz’s behavior, their complexion changed suddenly, and they hurriedly called to stop, but Naz, who was dazzled by anger at this time, seemed to have not heard it and did not care. He recklessly brewed his dragon-killing magic.

"The Huangyan of the Dragon God"

Naz's eyes were blood red, and his tone became extremely cold, without a trace of emotion.In his hands, the flames ignited by both hands slowly formed a black-red fireball, which was constantly expanding and growing.

"This nasty bastard"

When his voice fell, even Gray couldn't help but his face changed drastically. He cursed inwardly, and turned around to drag everyone away from the battlefield.

As a companion, Gray knew very well how terrifying the power of this trick was. You must know that when Naz performed this trick, even the gods could not bear it.

"This guy is crazy"

Miraj and others were pale, they could already imagine that when Naz was released, the entire Fairy Tail Guild would no longer exist.

Even Makarov was alarmed. He ran out of the room in a panic. After seeing this scene, his face changed drastically, he did not hesitate to use the giant magic, and he immediately became a four or five feet tall. giant.

He was trying to interrupt Naz’s magic, but it was too late. At this time, Naz’s magic had been condensed and he watched the huge black-red fireball slowly slam into Roja’s direction.Makarov closed his eyes unbearably and said in secret, "It's over"

As members of the guild, they all know how terrifying Naz’s destructive power is, especially after seeing him cast the dragon-killing magic, they flee in a hurry, only Mebis still looks calm, it seems Don't worry about it.

Seeing this black-red fireball containing a little violent energy, Roja only shook his head slightly. He let out a sigh of relief, and then a majestic force blurted out and wrapped the fireball lightly.

In an instant, there was a black-red fireball capable of destroying the entire guild. After Roja exhaled this immortal breath, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.


Seeing this scene, Naz was so shocked that his eyes were about to fall out, and the "Dragon God Huangyan" he was most proud of was so easily resolved in one breath.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Fortunately" Makarov was relieved when he saw this familiar scene, and suddenly withdrew from the giant form, his legs softened and almost fell to the ground.

He almost thought that the guild was going to be destroyed just now.

"Naz, you bastard, do you know what you are?" Makarov was so angry that he blew his beard at the thought of this, and yelled at Naz.

At this time, Elsa, Gray and others, who were about to run out of the door, were immediately relieved when they saw that Naz's fireball was resolved.Elisa and others are okay, they saw Roja's strength yesterday.

"It's just a sigh of relief." But Gray couldn't. When he saw that Roja had resolved the fireball with a sigh of relief, his heart was shocked.

Even with his current strength, he didn't dare to accept this move, but this guy took it so easily.

"Who is this guy?" Gray was shocked. He suddenly felt that he still underestimated the strength of this mysterious man.

After being reprimanded by Makarov for 590 times, Naz seemed to calm down, realizing that the action just now might destroy the entire guild, he scratched his head embarrassedly, and smiled happily, "Uh heh, sorry, sorry. "

"Huh, you stubborn bastard," Elsa and the others suddenly accused them. They were really scared to death just now, almost thinking they were going to die.

Naz seemed to realize that he had some impulsiveness just now, and he smiled weirdly, scratching his head constantly, unable to speak.

"Hmph, I really don't know what I can do. You dare to challenge people with your ability, and you are not afraid to laugh out big teeth." Gray, who had calmed down at this time, directly turned on the ruthless mocking mode.

"I was defeated in one breath by someone using a chopstick. I really don't know what face you dare to stand here."

Gray this guy was really venomous when ridiculing Naz, all kinds of ruthless crit, making Naz look sad, but he could not speak.

Elsa, Miraj and others next to them rarely saw Naz's deflated appearance, and suddenly laughed and trembled, seemingly happy to see Naz's loss.

"Aha, finally here, this is the legendary Fairy Tail Guild, right?" At this moment, a beautiful girl suddenly appeared from the door..

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