One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1955: Encounter with Aquiya again

The girl who walked in was a blonde girl who was very beautiful and had a surprisingly good figure. No wonder Gray once vomited that her body was too heavy.

"Lucy, great, you are finally here." After seeing the blonde beauty suddenly appeared, Naz suddenly greeted her with excitement.

Next to Lucy, there was another blue cat, Hobby who was always with Naz, and this time it came back with Lucy.

"Hobby, you are back too."

Naz hugged Hobby intimately, cuo rubbing like a good friend.

At this time everyone didn't know Lucy, and when they saw Naz and her that seemed to be familiar, they all looked at a loss. Fortunately, after Naz and Hobby renewed their past, they began to introduce them to everyone.

"Let me introduce you, her name is Lucy, and I met Gray when we met." Naz patted Lucy on the shoulder carelessly, and then introduced everyone one by one. This said, "Lucy is I really admire our Fairy Tail Guild, and I really want to join our guild"

"Hello everyone, I'm Lucy, I'm very happy to meet you all." Lucy, a newcomer, looks like a big girl next door, and greets everyone very politely with a smile on her face.

"Hello Lucy, come here soon, I tell you, don't be with Naz, this guy is not reliable at all." Elisa is a self-acquaintance, she seems to be very close to Lucy With a good impression, she quickly pulled her to her side.

Her remarks immediately caused everyone to laugh. Only Naz was dissatisfied next to her. Thinking of her embarrassed appearance just now, she could only chat with Hobby next to her in an embarrassing manner.

Elsa, Miraje and others pulled Lucy with a cold and warmth. Women seemed to be born with many common topics. They immediately chatted and laughed, very intimate and intimate.

At this time, Roja suddenly saw the Aquarius key hanging from Lucy's waist, and felt a little familiar. He hooked his finger and the Aquarius key flew out automatically.

Holding the Aquarius key in his hand, Luo Ya felt a familiar breath, smiled slightly, and directly summoned the Protoss inside.

With a wave of magical fluctuations, in a brilliant blue light, a graceful mermaid figure slowly appeared. Seeing the familiar face, Luo Ya said with a smile, "Long time no see, Akuiya."


Who could have imagined that in the world of Pirates, the Protoss Aquarius key given to Xia Li by Roja would actually appear in the world of Monster Tail.

It turned out that after the unification of the Pirate World, Xia Li didn't want to bind Aquia, so she took the initiative to terminate the contract. Later, Aquia moved to the world of Fairy Tail with the Aquarius key.

After Aquiya came out, she also found Roya. When the deceased reunited, her first reaction was to blush and curse, "Why are you shameless again?"

"Huh, old hooligan"

This girl seems to be still brooding about what happened back then, and has never had a good impression of Roja. This time she met with her eyebrows unceremoniously.

In this scene, everyone was stunned for a while, why suddenly a woman appeared and she looked like a godlike woman.

Lucy, who was next to her, had been dumbfounded, she subconsciously touched her waist, only to find that the key no longer existed.

"How could it be possible that he summoned the Protoss without doing anything"

Lucy looked dumbfounded. She knew very well that she had signed a magic contract with this Protoss. It stands to reason that no one else could summon it except herself. What's more, that guy didn't have any spells, just so direct Get the Protoss out

This makes no sense, right?

But next, what made Lucy even more shocked was that listening to their tone, the two seemed to have known each other a long time ago. How could the Protoss be hundreds of years old? That is to say, the man in front of him, at least, has Hundreds of years old

Impossible, impossible, I must have read it wrong.

Lucy shook her head like a rattle, and she couldn't accept this fact for a while.However, no one noticed her at this time.

Roya was not angry and looked at her quietly, as if he didn't care at all.

The two should have not seen each other for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that this would be the situation when they met again, but after cursing, Akuiya herself burst into tears.

Mebis, who was next to him, looked at Roja curiously, and then at Akuiya. He seemed very curious about the relationship between the two, but he resisted the urge to ask questions.

"I haven't seen him for hundreds of years, how's it going?" Luo Ya looked at her with a smile on his face, and reunited after a long time. There was only one most plain greeting, but Akuiya burst into tears instantly.

"Have you found the one you love"

Roja asked again.

At this time, Akuiya's eyes were already red. She looked at Luo Ya in a daze, with tears moving in her eyes. She opened her mouth, but did not say anything, but the two had already understood what she wanted.

In fact, as early as in the Pirate World, Aquiya had already carved Roya's shadow deep in her heart, but because of Xia Li's existence, she was embarrassed to say.

The two missed it. The difference was hundreds of years. In this strange world, Aquiya occasionally thought of that person, and couldn't help but look into the distance.

At the moment of leaving, she realized that she had fallen in love with the man a long time ago, and she was out of control. She hadn't even talked about a partner for hundreds of years.

After looking at each other affectionately, the two hugged each other tightly.The former burst into tears, while the latter was full of affection, like a pair of lovers who have reunited for a long time.

Seeing this scene, everyone had guessed something, and even Mebis took a few steps back, leaving a little space for the two of them.

"Is this the Protoss-sama I know?"

Lucy looked at the two dumbfoundedly, too surprised to speak.Her guess is actually true, the two have really known each other a long time ago, and the relationship seems not so simple

After the deep embrace, Roya touched Aquiya's hair affectionately. At this time, Aquiya seemed to notice that there were a lot of spectators next to him, and his face blushed beautifully, and he pushed Roya away angrily. , Cursed "Old Hooligan."

Roya smiled unconsciously and suddenly looked at her seriously and said, "Do you want to be transformed?"

When Akuiya heard the words, she didn't seem to understand, and her face was blank. She had lived for so many years and hadn't heard of what transformation was.

Everyone, including Mebis, was also confused..

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