One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1956: Banquet

Seeing these people's blank faces, Luo Ya smiled and explained that this transforming pill was a pill he got from Journey to the West, which could transform the monster into a human form. After taking a star like Aquiya, Nature can also become a real human being.

Of course, after Roja's refining, the pill will remove the side effects and will not reduce the life span. For Aquiya, there is no harm.

"So there is such a magical thing."

Mebis's big eyes sparkled with thoughtful light, and he muttered to himself in a low voice.After Elisa, Lucy and others heard about it, they were also shocked.

"If Master Protoss can find his own happiness, Lucy will be very happy too." Lucy thought to herself.

At this time, after listening to Luo Ya's explanation, Akuiya was not as excited as she imagined, but instead said humorously, "Huh, the old hooligan must have no good intentions."

Even, she seemed to think of something indescribable, and the blush on her face became even worse, but even though she said so, she reached out and took the transforming pill that Luo 157ya handed over, and swallowed it in one mouthful.

It didn't take long for those medicinal powers to seem to have opened up, and as a faint fairy gas sprayed out, Aquiya was covered with a faint light blue mist.

In the end, her whole body was shrouded in blue mist, and she couldn't see anything clearly in the dimness. About half an hour later, but after the enchanting spirit dissipated, Aquiya had completely transformed into a human form.

Her mermaid tail has long turned into a pair of beautiful white long legs, and the dress that she wore not knowing when, under the light blue, is like a fairy who can't eat fireworks. Things.


Roja looked at her with a smile.


Akuiya snorted coldly, but her expression was very happy, as if she was very satisfied with the human form she transformed into.

"Wow, so beautiful."

Lucy, Elisa and even Mebis and the other women let out a cry of exclamation, their eyes filled with envy, and they couldn't help but surround themselves.

I have to say that although the few women present are all beautiful and talented, they are still less immortal and agile than the freshly transformed Akuiya.

No wonder the eyes of each of these women are straight.

"President, what's wrong with you"

Perhaps in the presence of Naz, only Naz was calm. This guy was really not interested in women. He found Makarov's appearance and felt very strange.

At this time, Makarov was looking at Aquiya idiotically, and the saliva in his mouth almost flowed to the ground.Naz thought that the guild leader had been caught in evil, and shook his body vigorously.

"Uh no, let me go quickly"

After being forcibly awakened by Naz, Makarov smiled awkwardly, then gave Naz an angry look with a look of dissatisfaction.

"By the way, Lord President, I want to introduce to you. This is Lucy. She really wants to join our guild. Let her join."

Naz thought of business at this time, and said quickly.

Lucy heard the conversation between the two, and quickly emerged from the crowd, walked to Makarov's side, said hello politely, and said "Hello, President Makarov, this is Lucy. I have always admired the chairman."

Seeing Lucy looking so beautiful and complimenting herself so much, even Makarov felt a little proud and laughed happily, "Hahaha, I'm overwhelmed."

Although he said that, the compliment to Lucy was actually very useful, as can be seen from his smug bdec expression.

"In that case, well, I announce." After asking Lucy a few words, Makarov made a decision. He took a deep breath and announced loudly, "Agree to Lucy Hartfield. Ya joined the Fairy Tail Guild"

His loud voice attracted everyone's attention. After hearing the result he announced, everyone cheered happily.

"Oh yeah great"

"Welcome, Lucy"

"Congratulations Lucy"

Lucy was also very happy for everyone's blessings and congratulations, smiling so that her eyes were bent into a pair of crescent moons.Especially Naz was excited and hugged Gray tightly.

"Asshole, let me go"

Gray pushed Naz away with disgust. Although he was also happy for Lucy, in order to maintain his cold style, he would not disregard his image like Naz.

"What? You can't hug it"

Naz exclaimed in dissatisfaction. He couldn't get any benefit from Gray, so he could only run over to play with Hobby, or Hobby got along with him.


Seeing this scene, everyone immediately laughed happily.

Naz liked this kind of atmosphere the most. Seeing everyone frolicking and having fun, he immediately made a suggestion, "Let’s just have a banquet, OK?"

"Okay, I agree"

"I agree"

Perhaps the mood was a little high at this time, but everyone rarely agreed with Naz's proposal, and they all raised their hands in agreement. Such a harmonious atmosphere is really rare in the Fairy Tail Guild.

Seeing that everyone's emotions were so high, Makarov also had a cheerful expression. It was rare for everyone to forget the unpleasantness caused by the Magic Council, and he simply obeyed everyone's wishes.

"In that case, well, I announce, hold a banquet"

Makarov's voice fell, and there was a cheer.

"That's great"

"Hahaha, great"

In the hall, everyone was jumping and making noise, very happy.Mebis, Aquiya, and Roya stood in the attic. After seeing this scene, a faint smile was raised on their faces.

"It feels so good"

Seeing the energetic look of such a guy, it reminded Roya of a long dusty memory. He still remembered the banquet held on the white beard boat when he first came to Pirate World.

At that time, everyone was so enthusiastic, just like a family, they were very close to each other, there was no intrigue, and there was no estrangement, letting go of everything and wandering in the ocean of joy..

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