One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Chest System 1961: Kildas vs Kildas

"I'm really looking forward to it, a duel between two Kildas"

Lucy looked expectantly at the two identical figures in the field, and couldn't help ruining the ruined Xiaoquanquan with excitement.

"Wow, the duel between the two uncles, I feel my whole body is burning"

Naz said full of spirit, seeing him like this is more excited than the person involved, and unknowingly thought he was the one who was fighting.

Gray also looked at the field with interest, as if talking to himself, "Two kinds of Feng Shui magic are fun?"

In the eyes of all the expectations, Kildas couldn't restrain his strong desire to fight, moved his limbs, and smiled, "Are you ready for my copy."

"bring it on"

Opposite him, "Kildas", who was also making preparations, had a slight smile on his mouth, and his eyes also had a strong warfare burning.

I have to say that after the two skills of Roja's "Drawing Like a God" and "Palace Brush" are promoted to god-level skills, the effects have become extraordinary. The "Kildas" drawn is not only exactly 697, but actually Also have a sense of autonomy and be able to speak on their own.

There is even no need for Roja to manipulate it. In other words, the "Kildas" drawn is almost a completely independent individual except for the time limit.

The babbled "Kildas" immediately attracted a surprised look.

"Actually, in a sense, it's similar to Protoss Magic." Lucy muttered to herself thoughtfully.

In the eyes of everyone, the two "Kildas" have already fought together. The speed of the two sides is amazing. In just a few breaths, they have fought thousands of times. The movements are too fast to leave everyone. All are some afterimages.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to have such a strong physical strength."

Kildas stepped back a few steps, and couldn't help but glance at the other person more, shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that the picture of himself could actually be comparable to himself in physical strength.

You know, the weakness of many wizards is that their strength is too weak. In order to make up for this shortcoming, Kildast practiced for many years before reaching the current level.

But the copy in front of him could be achieved by Roya with just a simple drawing, and even after the brief confrontation just now, he faintly felt that he was not as good as it was in terms of strength.

"If that's the case, let's show your real strength." Kildas touched his fist, his eyes burned with fighting spirit. It was just a small test just now. Next, he wants to show his real strength.

"Smash" magic is terrible

As Kildas's whole body of gas warfare intent, the incomparable magical fluctuations on his body instantly released, and a terrible storm was rolled up, forcing everyone around him to keep backing.

However, his power is still constantly climbing. After reaching the limit, the magical fluctuations are too terrifying, making the storm turn into a tornado, spreading and raging out.

"Uncle so powerful, it seems to be stronger." Naz showed unprecedented dignity. He covered his body with both hands and blocked the storm, but his body still retreated uncontrollably.

He can clearly feel that Kildas is now stronger than when we met last time, and the gap between him and the uncle is still that huge.

"Strange, why is there no magic wave on the opposite side"

Elisa frowned. She thought it was weird. Just now, the other "Kildas" was able to beat her uncle, so it couldn't be magic.It can be seen that "Kildas" faces the uncle who releases magic, but he is still so calm, which makes Elisa feel very abnormal.

"Is there no fluctuation?"

Kildas apparently discovered this too, but he still didn't get too entangled, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and said, "However, it's useless. In front of the crushing magic, nothing will exist."

"Cut the Net"

When Kildas's voice fell, he saw him pat it with one hand, and suddenly rolled up a suffocating wave of powerful magic, and then formed a cutting net, covering the opposite "Kildas".


The opposite "Kildas" faced the uncle's hand, but he was not at all rushed. His eyes were hollow and there was no emotion at all. He spit out two words coldly in his mouth, and he felt a majestic wave of magic. , Swept out.


Kildas’ pupils instantly expanded several times, and he finally understood why the clone hadn’t released the wave of magic just now. It turned out that his magic could be instantaneous.

Before he could be shocked, he saw that above the void, two kinds of magic that had the power to shatter everything collided with each other, and even canceled each other out.

"not good"

The rich combat experience and instinct made Kildas react quickly, and his body suddenly flashed forward. Just as everyone was still at a loss, "Kildas" suddenly appeared behind him.

"It turns out that the speed was too fast, leaving behind an afterimage, so that we didn't even see it." Elisa said to herself thoughtfully.


Kildas snorted coldly. Fortunately, he hid quickly, otherwise he would be miserable. Just as he was preparing to fight back, the offensive of "Kildas" changed his expression greatly.

The speed of the guy was so fast that it was too fast for him to see clearly, and he appeared above Kildas's head almost in such a blink of an eye.

Seeing that guy smashed it down with a hand knife, and it was covered with a layer of magic shattering power, Kildas didn't dare to follow.

In a hurry, Kildas had to roll forward. Although it seemed a little embarrassed, it was the best way to avoid this fatal blow.

"you lose"

Just when Kildas thought he was out of danger, another "Kildas" suddenly spoke coldly, his voice fell, and Kildas's face suddenly paled.

"Smash the prison"

This guy even arranged such a smashing magic, but even Kildas didn't notice it.

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