One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1962: powerful painting magic

On the ground, a hexagonal magic circle appeared, exuding a terrible wave of heart palpitations, as if it had the power to shatter everything, this scene immediately made Kildas cold and sweaty.

Stronger than him, in the battle just now, I didn’t even find out when the opponent deployed the magic circle.


Kildas' complexion changed and he gave a cold snort. Although this smashing cage is strong enough, he is Kildas, the super S-rank wizard, how could he be defeated so easily

"Come on, I'm the least good at releasing water. Let me see." Kildas's whole body was full of ripples, the wave of powerful magic condensed into liquid, and his eyes burst into red light, and he slowly Said, "How powerful is your crushing magic?"

His voice fell, and his foot stomped on the ground, and all the magical power of his body surged to this foot. When he stepped on it, a wave of ripples was formed on the ground, with the power to smash everything, and swept around.

The "smashing cage" that was still shining brightly before that moment collapsed under his foot.

"Wow, you really deserve to be an uncle, he is still that great as expected"

Naz said with admiration that although he was a little careless, it didn't mean that he couldn't feel the terrible power of "smashing the cage". Even if he was outside the battlefield, he could still feel the terrible magic. Not sure to break it open.

"Huh it's me"

Kildas snorted coldly. He shook his figure, as if disappearing in place, but appeared in front of the copy in the next moment. He punched out, and his fist was already covered with the power of shattering magic. With full force, the fist wind is fierce, as if even the air has been shattered, forming a vacuum zone.

"I said, you lost"

The "Kildas" drawn by Roja looked at him indifferently, and spit out a word from his mouth coldly, without any trace of emotion mixed in it.He slowly raised one of his hands, and just so directly caught Kildas's fist.

Kildas's complexion changed drastically. As soon as he touched him, he felt the unimaginable wave of magic from the opponent's body. It was the power to shatter magic. Under this power, he actually Suddenly a feeling of powerlessness was born.

Kildas flew out uncontrollably like a cannonball, and finally hit the wall hard, causing the whole house to shake violently. Fortunately, there was a barrier set by Roja, otherwise he would hit it. It can crash the entire guild.


"Uncle actually failed"

"Very awesome"

Elsa and the others were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, and swallowed involuntarily, staring at the scene in a daze.If Roja easily defeated Kildas, they might still think it was normal.

But this is just a "character" drawn by Roja using painting magic. Can it be so strong? It's incredible. You must know its opponent, but the strongest wizard of Fairy Tail, Super S-grade Kildas.

Did a man who could escape under the black dragon actually lose to himself?

"I still lost, great"

Kildas stood up again from the ground. He didn't receive any serious injuries, because people didn't use all their strength at all. Although he was very unwilling, he could only accept this ending, and said with a wry smile.

"Wow, isn't the fake uncle stronger than the real uncle is so exciting" Naz reacted from the shock, but his eyes lit up with a strong sense of war, and he jumped excitedly, as if thinking Like something, he said excitedly, "As long as I defeat the fake uncle, I can prove to be stronger than the uncle, right"

"Ok I'm already burning"

Naz yelled, and a red flame ignited all over his body. He was energetic and motivated. "Let me see how strong Lord Roya's painting magic is."

Seeing him like this, everyone's expressions changed. Many people had guessed what Naz was thinking, and wanted to go up to dissuade him, but Naz could not wait to rush up and couldn't stop him. .

"Naz, no"

Kildas's face changed drastically. He knew very well that his copy was stronger than him. How could Naz now be its opponent? He wanted to go up and stop him, but it was too late.

Ask for flowers

"This bastard"

Elisa, Lucy and others are all speechless, they can completely imagine what Naz will end in the next second.

"Fake uncle, taste my strongest blow"

Naz rushed into the air, and the flames ignited all over his body were as high as three or four feet. A violent wave of magic slowly radiated from him. This move was caused by his fusion of the "dragon" that entangled his right hand. With the moves used by the "flame of the gods" and the "flame of the gods" on the left hand, the two flames will eventually form a huge black and red fireball hitting the opponent and burning it all.

"The Huangyan of the Dragon God"

The voice fell, a huge black-red fireball, like a meteorite falling from the sky, with a powerful force of thunder, dragging a long tail, and rushing.


When he challenged Roja before, Naz used this trick, but it was directly resolved by Roja with a gentle wave. This time he faced Roja’s "Kiel" created by painting magic. Darth", the ending is exactly the same.

After all, Kildas' smashing magic, as long as it is cultivated strong enough, can completely smash any physical object.

The imaginary explosion scene did not appear. The meteorite-like black-red fireball, like mud, broke apart in an instant, turned into sporadic firelight, and fell on the ground. The next moment, "Kildas" suddenly appeared. Behind Naz, a whip kick was thrown out.

Naz's whole figure was like a broken kite. He fell uncontrollably and hit the ground. The severe pain made this guy wailing on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ya shook his head helplessly, waved his hand and took the "Kildas" directly.

For the hand-painting magic that Roja revealed, everyone admired them, especially Ridassel, who mastered painting magic. After seeing that painting magic could be so strong, he was even more excited and shouted for Bai Luo. Ya is a teacher.

Of course, for this big belly Li Da Su, Luo Ya naturally has no interest in accepting disciples. This guy's aptitude is not even worse than that of Nazgray and the others. How could he accept such disciples..

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