One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Chest System 1963: Treasure Chests That Make People Headache

Day by day, Roja and Mebis were present, so everyone automatically ignored the situation facing Fairy Tail. Every day, they were frolicking. However, it is worth mentioning that the entrusted tasks stopped during this time. Up.

This also makes these guys out of work, either staying in the tavern all day, or spending the whole day in the noisy, although everyone seems to be laughing and joking on the surface, but in fact, everyone can see that the atmosphere of the guild is better than It used to be very different.

Therefore, some of the peripheral members may not have much sense of belonging to Fairy Tail, and finally left.Although no one spoke out, everyone could feel that there were fewer and fewer people in the tavern.

This incident made Mebis very disappointed. She really couldn't understand. She clearly told everyone that with her and Roja, she would be able to protect Fairy Tail in “four or eight”, but why these people still refused to believe it.

Is their strength not enough to reassure everyone?

"Don't worry, everything will be okay." Roja saw that Mebis was a little lost in the past few days and felt distressed. He touched her blushing little face, and comforted, "Now only some worthless guys are leaving, they Originally unworthy of joining the guild, their departure will only make Fairy Tail better and better."


Mebis looked at Roja with watery eyes.

"Of course, did I lie to you?"

Mebis thought about it seriously, and nodded heavily. Her face returned to her old look and a moving smile, and she said happily, "Enmebis knows, your lord will not lie to Mebis." "

"Trust me, that's it."

Roya smiled and pressed a softly on her face.

In the next few days, Luo Ya was tired of being with Mebis and Aquiya all day, enjoying the happy life of hugging each other every day. The days were very leisurely, but as time passed, it was a little boring. Up.

Speaking of, there is one more thing worth mentioning.That is the "Miraj's Welfare Treasure Box" that has been refreshed a long time ago, and the system still inherits the same pitfalls as before. This time the opening conditions are actually "subtle and explicit" inviting Miraj to bed.

You know, Miraj is a big beauty in the fairy tail world, a goddess level existence, such a welfare, Luo Ya shouldn't refuse it, but even after so many adjustments in the system, he still finds it difficult Open teeth.

No one would invite someone to go directly to bed as soon as they met. Although Roja would not refuse such a good thing, it was "subtle and explicit". After seeing this condition, Roja was depressed for three days.

"Is it implicit or explicit? Are you testing my Chinese reading comprehension ability, but I got a perfect score in my composition back then?" Luo Ya had raised his middle finger to the system more than once.

In the past, he thought the system was bad, but now he feels that the system is embarrassing himself. It is implicit and explicit. How to express this kind of meaning? Roja really expressed it once. As a result, now Miraj meets him all around. go.

"Milaj, uh, can I get to your bed tonight"

Roja worked hard to make himself look serious.

"Ah, Lord Roroya, are you kidding what you said?" Milaj almost thought that he had heard it wrong, his face flushed suddenly, but his eyes were full of alert when he looked at Roya.

"Of course not, uh, I mean, we might be able to go to bed." Luo Ya seemed to have not noticed Miraj’s embarrassment, racking his brains on how to express "subtle and explicit", he just said clearly. It was explicit, but still didn't get the system prompt, which annoyed him.

"Unexpectedly, Lord Roja is actually this kind of person, huh"

Miraj smashed angrily and ran away in a panic. She didn't expect that Lord Roya, who looked very serious, would actually say such things like a gangster, which made her ashamed and ashamed. Afraid.

She knows Loya's strength very well. If he really wants to do something to herself, he can't resist it anyway. This makes Miraj feel very worried. She wants to tell the first generation of Mebis, But I was afraid of being discovered by Roja, so in desperation, I had to avoid Roja as much as possible.

"Hey, Miraj"

On this day, Roja, who was just about to have a drink in the tavern, found Miraj and was about to go up to say hello. She didn't expect that when she looked back and saw that she was herself, she blushed and ran away without looking back.

Such similar scenes are being staged in various places in the guild, such as the tavern, the mission office, the guild hall, etc., as long as Miraj sees Roja every time, it is like a snake and scorpion.

This incident attracted everyone's attention, so that in the next few days, no matter where Roja went, they found that everyone looked at him with weird eyes and always heard some weird discussions.

"Hey, have you heard that Lord Luoya seems to have something with Miraj"

"Yes, I also found out. Every time Miraj saw Lord Loya blush, guess what happened between them."

"Could it be that Lord Roja gave Miraj to"

"Stop talking, stop talking, he's here"

Since ancient times, rumors will only become more and more bizarre as the rumors spread. Roja can still open one eye after hearing this kind of remarks, but when he gets to the back, he can't bear it anymore.

"Have you heard the heavy news that Miraj is pregnant with Lord Loya's child"

"What my goddess is actually unreasonable"

"Cut, what is this? I also heard that in order to fight for favor with the first generation adults, Miraj, the two fought, and finally 52 was stopped by Lord Luoya."

"No, when did this happen, why don't I know"

These rumors made Roya look black, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He almost couldn't hold back his shot and beat these guys to death. What's the matter with this? When did Miraj have a child, I didn’t even know you just heard that Up

In the end, Roja couldn't help it anymore, and he and Mebis proposed to go out for a vacation and enjoy a few days of cleanliness. He was really afraid that if he couldn't help it, he would directly kill these guys.

As for the opening of Miraj’s Fuli Treasure Box, let’s talk about it after a while. I haven’t seen that now Miraj sees himself as if he sees a ghost, and it’s too late to hide, and he doesn’t even give a chance to speak. Roja is powerless even if he has the heart. .

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