One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1964: Holiday by the Sea

Roja intends to take Mebis and Aquiya to the beach for vacation, but Mebis proposes to invite everyone to travel together. This has aroused enthusiastic responses from many girls, and Roja's honeymoon plan has been ruined.

However, someone raised an objection.

"The first generation of adults, the magic council is about to attack, we leave at this time, is it really okay?" Elisa hesitated, she had lived here since she was very young, and didn't want to see Fairy Tail destroyed.

She reminded so many people that the enthusiasm of many people was suddenly extinguished. During this period of time, it was too leisurely. Many people have forgotten that there is still such a thing. Hearing Elisa said this, many people were a little embarrassed. .

"Yeah, if we are not there, the guild will definitely be smashed by those guys."

"Moreover, if the first generation of adults is not there, it would be difficult to resist the eight holy wizards by relying on the president alone."

Mebis was stunned. She really forgot about such a thing, and her face was a bit hesitant. If they were all gone, the remaining members would definitely be in danger.Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little distressed.13

"If this is the case, there should be no problem."

At this time, Luo Ya smiled slightly, and in the curious eyes of everyone, he calmly used the Danqing magic pen to draw exactly the same "Mebis" in the same way as Mebis.

"It's painting magic"

"Sure enough, it looks exactly like the first adult."

"I see. If the picture is Master Mebis, it should be able to block those guys."

Seeing that Roja drew exactly the same "Mebis", after being surprised, some people quickly reacted. They had already seen the power of "Kildas" before, if this time it was stronger If "Mebis" guards the guild, there shouldn't be a problem.

"You are responsible for guarding this place."

Roja ordered the "Mebis" drawn.The "Mebis" still has no emotional color, but nodded coldly, like a puppet that only executes orders.

Mebis was very curious about this guy who looked exactly like him. He kept looking at him with a pair of big eyes, and there was an urge to try in his eyes, as if he wanted to try this guy's power.

Roja saw Mebis's thoughts, patted her head, and explained with a smile, "The strength of this clone should be a bit stronger than you. You'd better dispel this idea."

Mebis curled his lips in an unyielding manner, as if he was very dissatisfied with the fact that Roja could easily surpass his own strength.

At this time, everyone heard Luo Ya say this, but they were all stunned.They know very well how powerful the first-generation Lord Mebius is, but Loya drew it easily, and it actually surpassed the first-generation

However, this time even Naz didn't dare to challenge him. There was no way. He had tasted the pain of the first two times. He didn't want to experience the painful feeling of being beaten.

"If there are first generations here, no one is really scared." Chairman Makarov walked out. He also heard Mebis’s proposal to travel just now, so naturally he won’t participate at his age. , But he is still very happy to let these energetic guys release.

"The enchantment I set up before will remain effective as long as I don't leave this world, so whether you go or stay, you don't have to worry about the guild being attacked."

Roja said with a smile.

With the guard of "Mebis" and the enchantment laid down by Roja himself, everyone was finally relieved and lost their worries, and everyone was relieved.

"In that case, if you want to participate, hurry up and go with us."

Mebis was very happy, his big eyes bent into crescent moons.

"I want to participate"

"And I"

Elsa, Lucy and others responded immediately, but Naz, who has always liked to join in the fun, unexpectedly did not participate this time, which surprised Lucy and others very much.

"Naz, don't you plan to go to the beach for a holiday?"

Regarding Lucy’s question, Naz actually answered with a serious look. He said, “Forget it this time. Seeing that everyone is so strong, I have to practice hard. I can’t be a dragger.”

Lucy was startled, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something. Seeing Naz's serious face, she finally resisted the idea of ​​persuasion.

"Huh, I won't be behind"

Gray may have been influenced by Naz and didn't plan to go on vacation. He decided to stay and take the opportunity to practice.

"If this is the case, then I can only stay."

The corners of Lucy's mouth twitched slightly, and she also made a decision.

"Lucy, do you want to stay and practice"

This made Elisa and others feel very incredible. After this time of getting along, they have roughly understood Lucy’s character, she will stay and practice, and the sun can come out from the west, which is almost impossible. thing.

"Of course not. With these two guys here, how could I leave with confidence? God knows what my house is going to be made by these two guys." Lucy said with a helpless expression. Her remarks immediately caused everyone to laugh. .

Everyone had heard about Lucy's frequent destruction of Naz and Gray's house, and they all looked at her with sympathy.

"Then we're welcome."

Elsa, Rebbi and others don’t have these worries, especially Elsa. Although this woman looks fierce at times, she actually loves beauty. After she decides to go on vacation, she uses the changer in the blink of an eye. She changed into a beautiful dress and carried a large cart of luggage.

Mebis and others were shocked by Elisa's posture, and couldn't help but ask, "Elisa, are you sure this is going on vacation?"

"Ah, is there a problem?"

Elisa was stunned, she didn't know why Mebis asked that.

Everyone was speechless for a while, Roja smiled, waved his sleeves, and collected a lot of Elisa's luggage into the space magic weapon. This scene immediately attracted everyone's surprise.

"Miraj, won't you go together?"

Elisa saw Miraj watching from afar.

"No, I'll forget it"

Miraj looked at Luo Ya deeply and waved his hands again and again.

"It's okay for you to stay here anyway. Why don't you say yes, Lebby"

Elsa and Lebby didn't care about Miraj's inner resistance, and the two women dragged Miraj up.Finally, the group took the flying magic weapon that Luo Ya took out, and headed to the beach together.

It was a coincidence that the male members of Fairy Tail seemed to have been affected by Naz, and they all expressed that they would stay to practice and guard the guild.So much so that all of them, except for Luo Ya, are actually all women..

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