One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1972: R system plan

In fact, the main purpose of Roja's trip was the diamond treasure chest. There was no threat to him like the r system. He just did it incidentally.He didn't care about it, but that didn't mean that Geral would not care.

When he heard Roja finished speaking, his face suddenly became difficult to look.He didn't doubt why Roja knew it, it was very simple, and it must be Elisa who told him, after all, Elsa was also their former "companion".

"Are you joking"

Gerald quickly recovered his smile. He was a very scheming person, otherwise he would not be able to endure it for so many years. For his "Tower of Paradise" plan, he actually came here from Roja and others. Just know that this matter is impossible to be good.

He was ready, but the appearance of Mebis caught him off guard.But after the initial panic, he quickly regained his strategizing smile. No matter how strong Mebis is, this is his base camp.

"Will I come here to make a joke with you?"

Roja looked at him with a smile on his face.

He came to the world of Monster Tail, in addition to the call of Mebis, there is another reason to control this small world, and further improve the way of heaven.Therefore, once there are some situations that will disrupt the balance of the world, he is not allowed to appear.

Geral's face turned gloomy, and his eyes looked at Roja with a trace of jealousy. He knew very well that his plan had encountered the biggest trouble in history, and he could not understand this man, in front of his base camp. Why can he be so annoying

Do you rely on Mebis?

Geral didn't think so. He was not a fool like Woolley. From Mebis's attitude towards Roja, he could see that the status of the relationship between the two was by no means as simple as it seemed.

He seemed to hear that Mebis called this guy "adult"

This shocked Geral's heart. If even Mebis was to be called "adult", then what a terrifying background and strength this man who looks a little younger than himself has?

Mebis is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. Could it be that this man is bigger than her?

In fact, Geral guessed it correctly. Not only did Roja live a few hundred years old, his real age is probably a few thousand years old if he counts his experience in the three worlds. Put it in the fairy tail world, that is a living monster, a monster

"Huh, so, are you ready to die?"

Before Geral could speak, Hugh became impatient. He felt that Geral shouldn’t talk nonsense with this kid at all, and just kill these guys who got in the way. Why waste time?

Not only Xie, but also Box-faced Woolley and Tiexia Basimon thought so. When Xio spoke up, they took a step forward voluntarily, trying to overwhelm each other with momentum, but Geral did not move. Looking at all this quietly, a thoughtful light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing the opponent's posture, Roya also understood that these guys were about to do something. He shrugged helplessly, although the strength of these guys was a bit unsightly, making him not even interested in doing it.

It's just that he is the only man on their side, and the others are girls. How could he be embarrassed to let them do it.

The two sides watched the battle, and Elisa suddenly became nervous. This strong woman became a little overwhelmed when facing her childhood friend and Roja. She looked at Roja crisply and said "Please don't hurt them, okay"

Roja glanced at her, her face was calm, but she sighed slowly, since Elisa had spoken, he couldn't even do it.

But many things are like this, the less you don't want to cause trouble, the less others will let you go.Hearing Elisa's words, Squareface Woolley and others were annoyed. They felt that they were underestimated by Elisa, the "traitor".

"What are you kidding me, sister" Xio glanced at Luo Ya with disdain, and sneered, "I am not the same waste as before. With this waste, what right do I have to be arrogant in front of me?"

"It's ridiculous that you asked him not to hurt us"

At this time, Square Face Woolley also spoke. For Roja, he also felt disdain, and said contemptuously, "As a mature man, I think I should teach you a little lesson and let you know who is the home court."

The voice fell, and the two shot at the same time. The magic wave condensed on them and turned into a fierce offensive, blocking Roja's retreat. Xio uses playing card magic, which can seal the target in the card, which is a bit similar The supernatural power of space in Journey to the West.

Ask for flowers

Woolley is a "body split" magic, which can split the body into pieces and move in space to attack opponents.

These two attacked one by one, and the other was a seal. The combination was perfect. If you were an ordinary person, it would be a headache to meet these two guys, but they met Luo Ya, playing space magic in front of Daozu.

Cards flew one by one, with weird magic power on them, as if to suck people in.Woolley's body turned into fragments, surrounded by Roja from all directions, seeming to block all of Roja's back.

Upon seeing this scene, the catwoman Milianna raised a smile. As far as she knew, apart from Lord Geral, no one seemed to be able to survive in the hands of Hugh and Woolley.

Geral frowned, because he saw that Roja was too calm, so calm that made him feel uneasy, as if he was confident

"I don't want to kill."

Roya's faint voice resounded in the empty hall. He glanced at Hugh and Woolley indifferently. For their strange magic, as if he hadn't seen them, his sleeves lightly waved, forming an absolute field. Covers the entire hall.

In this absolute realm, all magic was ineffective, and Woolley, Hugh, and even Geral and others, at this moment, they suddenly discovered that the magic power of their whole body seemed to be emptied all of a sudden.

Woolley, who was moving fast, suddenly reorganized his body at this moment, and then as if losing strength, he fell to the ground abruptly, and his face was gray.On the other hand, Xio’s condition was better, but because of the huge contrast created by the instantaneous extraction of magical energy in his body, his legs softened and almost fell, but fortunately he leaned against the foot of the wall.

"What is going on here"

Geral's face changed drastically. He was far away from the battlefield, but he was still suffering. At the moment Roja's sleeves were waved, he suddenly felt like he had lost all his strength all at once, an unprecedented sense of emptiness. The surge came..

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