One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1973: Destruction and Letting Go

Elisa didn't know what Roja did, but she could tell from the expressions of the people in Geral that Roja didn't hurt them. Well, at least they weren't hurt on the surface.

The actual situation is that in this short instant, all the people including Geral lost their magic, and their magic power was all taken away. Except for a slightly stronger physique, they were different from ordinary ones in other aspects. People are no different.

"Meow, what the hell is going on?" The catwoman Milianna, who is used to smiling all day long, was also anxious this time. She was really scared. She was obviously okay, but suddenly the magical energy was lost. All gone

"What kind of magic is this"

Tie Xia Basimen looked dumbfounded. He hid far away. He didn't expect to suffer. Feeling the "emptiness" in his body, he couldn't help turning pale, staring at Luo Ya's "One Six Three" staring blankly.

Geral's face became more and more ugly. He had known that Roja was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, but he discovered that he still underestimated Roja, and he could take away his magic without acting up.

Although he has not yet merged with the Missing Body, his strength is not weaker than that of the Fairy Queen Elisa, not to mention that he is in the base camp. He had expected such a day for a long time. A lot of back moves.

However, he was defeated before he had time to shoot.

"Is this guy really so scary?"

Geral was shocked. When he reached his level of strength, he could slightly detect it at the moment Roja shot. Although he looked calm and gentle, as if he was waving his sleeves at random, the terrifying degree of that power was even He felt palpitations.

"Don't worry, it just temporarily sealed your power."

Roya glanced at these people indifferently. To be honest, he had almost no interest in these people, and he didn't even bother to kill them. Even Geral and Roya only glanced a little longer.

"What do you want to do?"

Geral was tied up by the immortal rope so he could not move, but his mouth was still able to move, staring at Roya with a gloomy face, and said coldly.

"It's nothing. It's just that I think something boring like the Tower of Paradise is better." Luo Ya shook his head slightly and smiled. If it wasn't for controlling the world, he wouldn't even bother to control the Tower of Paradise. Anyway, no matter what happens, there is no threat to him.

"Pulse Magic Missile, reviving Jeff is actually very boring, isn't it"

Hearing Roja's words, Geral could no longer remain calm. His face turned pale suddenly. He stared at Roja in a daze, as if he didn't understand why he knew so clearly.

If Roja knew the "Paradise Tower" or even the "R System", he would not think there was anything, because these Elsa knew too.But it’s impossible for anyone to know about the resurrection of Jeff.

At this moment, Geral thought a lot. He even wondered if he was betrayed by that person. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask Roja. After all, he held it back. He was not a fool, and he was not willing to bow his head.

Geral didn’t ask, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t. Mebis and other women, after hearing Roja mention Geraf’s name, their eyes widened, a little surprised, and asked "Jie Is Elf the strongest dark wizard in the legend, Demon Jelf"

"The Devil" Roja didn't answer the question, turned his head, but he quickly shook his head with a smile, and answered by himself, "Maybe he is, but he is not very strong, right"

After he finished saying these words, Mebis was the first to nod. She thought it was normal. Although Jeff is known as the strongest in history, she has certainty that she can play against Jeff, let alone Lord Loya.

But on the other hand, other people are not as calm as her.

"No, not very strong"


The corners of the mouths of Kana, Miraj and others twitched slightly, and there was nothing to say for a while.Although they knew that Roja was really strong, they would still think it was a little weird if he were placed in the strongest position in history.

After all, Jeff has existed 400 years ago, and is known as the strongest in the history of the magic world, possessing the almost invincible power to destroy the world, even his name has become a forbidden word on the mainland.

Such a near-legendary existence, in Luo Ya's mouth, is actually not very strong

Lebby felt that he had read so many ancient books for nothing.

"Hahaha, what kid I heard, are you confused?" Hugh laughed so that tears flowed out. He almost heard the funniest joke in the world. This kid actually said, "Jerf is not very strong. "

"Cut, bragging, please make a draft, please"

The catwoman Miliana couldn’t stand it anymore, she gave Roya a white look and thought this guy was talking too exaggerated.

Roja just shrugged noncommittal.

He looked at the top of his head, as if he had discovered something, slowly raised his hand, flicked with his fingers, a condensed immortal force blasted away, with a terrifying aura that could destroy everything, and went straight to the direction above his head.

Seeing this scene, Geraldton's face changed greatly.

In the next moment, everyone just felt their eyes sway, as if the whole world was shaking, and there was nothing in front of them. When they opened their eyes again, they found that they were already above the sea.

In the front, the entire island where the tower of the paradise was located, as if it had been hit by a devastating blow, became torn apart, slowly sinking into the sea in the collapse, and the tower of paradise, towering into the clouds, had long been in ruins.

"You, you, you actually ruined the Tower of Paradise"

Hugh, Woolley and the others looked at Roja in disbelief. At this moment, they felt as if they had lost something in their hearts. The hope of more than ten years suddenly disappeared and was ruined by this guy.

They should be very angry and angry, but they don't seem to resent as they thought.


Geral seems to have not reacted to 07. He is a strategist and a very scheming person, but in just one day, a series of things happened, but he was a little at a loss, even forgot to think.

His face was pale, staring blankly at the sinking island.

His more than ten-year plan, without the careful layout and painstaking design of the tower of the paradise, was reduced to ruins, and the "r system" he built was also sunk into the sea.


Geral seemed to have only this thought left in his heart. When he raised his head and looked at Roja again, his eyes were full of hatred, and endless anger, surging like a tsunami.

"You, damn"

Cold, merciless, and indifferent, his eyes were bloodshot..

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