One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1974: Geral’s Strength

"You damn"

It's been a long time since Geral wanted to put a person to death so strongly, the last time he was when a slave rebelled.

He thought he could control his emotions well, plan tactics, and face everything calmly, but he found that he was wrong.

When I saw that the tower of the paradise that I had worked so hard to manage for more than ten years was suddenly destroyed by another person, it felt like I lost something all of a sudden.

The process from hope to destruction was very painful, especially the greater the hope, the greater the pain, and suddenly became nothing, which rekindled the violence in Geral's heart.

"Geral, don't be like this." Elisa seemed a little scared when she saw Geral like this, but she still wanted to dissuade Gerald. She didn't want this childhood companion to go nowhere.

"Go away"

This was the first time Geral looked at herself with this kind of eyes. Elisa was frightened. She felt like she was being stared at by a fierce and ruthless beast. This feeling made her very scared.

At this time, Roja's absolute domain has not expired, and Geral's whole body magic is sealed, but he still broke free from the immortal rope.

There was a terrible aura on him, black flames were burning on him, he stood up, and slowly walked over to Roja. At this time, his eyes were so dark that there was no trace of emotion, and they were as cold as cold-blooded animals.

His pupils were replaced by black flames, and the gray-black fire, like the fire of the soul, burned in his eyes.

The breath exuding from his body was full of evil magic, which made everyone feel depressed and very uncomfortable, even Mebis frowned slightly.

"You must die"

Geral came step by step.

"Geral, stop, you can't do this, you will die" Elisa has never seen Geral like this. She doesn't know what happened to Geral, but she knows if If Geral doesn't give up, Roja will kill him.

She didn't want to see Geral die, but she didn't want to see Geral become like this. She was very conflicted, and she wanted Roja not to kill him, but she never opened her mouth.

Geral didn't seem to have heard it. There was only a cold and merciless killing intent in his eyes. He opened his palm, and a cluster of black flames burned in his palm, which seemed to have some strange power.

Roja was very strange. He took a look at Geral. In his impression, Geral was only bewitched by Urutia. In fact, he was a good person by nature, and he did not master this weird magic.

Today's Geral has become like a complete Dark Sorcerer, and his whole body exudes a strong evil atmosphere, which makes people feel repulsed and the world rejects.

Roja guessed that after he came into this world, he inadvertently caused a change in Geral, or it was possible that Geral had always possessed this power, but it would not be inspired to a certain extent.

"Although it is a lot stronger, you are not my opponent." Roja coldly glanced at Geral, who was approaching gradually. Although he recovered his strength and could even break free from the immortal rope, he had that little breath. For Roja, it was still too far.

After all, Monster Tail is only a small world. If Mebis is not counted, even the strongest Jeff Black Dragon and his ilk are at the same level as the Golden Fairy in Journey to the West.

This level of strength, in front of Dao Ancestor, it seems that it is no problem to describe it as pitifully weak.

What's more, Geral at this time may be considered powerful in the world of Monster Tail, but

"you die"

Geral seemed to have not heard it at all. There was only endless killing intent in his eyes. It seemed that he had lost the ability to think at this moment, and some were just killing instincts driven by violent hatred.

He came step by step, getting closer and closer to Roja, but he still didn't make a move, but the beating black flame in his hand became more and more vigorous.

In the wet sea breeze, that beam of black fire seemed to never go out, beating frantically, and it seemed to be burning more and more vigorously, followed by a stronger evil atmosphere.

That disgusting and disgusting evil aura became more and more intense, and even seemed to be fused with Geral, with mysterious black lines appearing on her body.

"Master Geral"

"do not"

At this moment, even Geral's subordinates were scared, even they had never seen Geral like this, and the catwoman Miliana was so scared that she couldn't speak.

Squarefaced Woolley opened his mouth, trying to persuade Geral like his companion, but in the end he just opened his mouth and swallowed.


At this moment, Geral, with a terrifying expression, finally made a move. His eyes were full of madness, as if he had forgotten everything. Only the killing instinct, the black fire in his hand turned into a ghost claw, surrounded by countless skeletons. He roared like Roja leaped over.

"This is not magic at all." Seeing this scene, Roja frowned. At the moment Geral shot, he felt a familiar and unfamiliar breath. He suddenly thought of something and shouted, "You are not in this world. People"


He shouted like thunder, and every move was a great secret, but Geral still did not recover.

Roja easily blocked Geral's attack. He did not choose to seal his power this time, but took out a magic weapon to temporarily trap him.

"My lord, what's going on?" Mebes leaned forward. She had heard clearly just now that Roja actually said that Geral was not from this world.

She seemed to think of other worlds, but she quickly lost her clue. In the world she knew, there didn't seem to be such a strange and evil atmosphere.

"It's not clear, in short, there are some problems in it." Roja frowned. One thing he can be sure of now is that the breath at the moment Geral shot just now does not belong to this world.

But what exactly is going on, is that Geral does not belong to this world in the first place, or that there is a certain aura in Geral that does not belong to this world.

In short, there is a big problem, even Roja has to pay attention to it.

In the world of Monster Tail, no matter who it is, it doesn't matter how terrible it is to Roja, he knows that he will become the master of the world.

But if there is another world, and it does not come through his channels, then there will be a big problem in it..

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