One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1989: True or false Miraj?

Elisa's fame is really too big, so big that Le Qi doesn't even have the courage to fight, her wood magic fighting ability itself is not strong enough, let alone facing the fairy queen

Le Qi knows very well that once she meets Elisa, she is absolutely not sure that she can survive a round under her.

Instead of holding on to death, being beaten to death, or even life-threatening accidentally, it's better to just admit defeat.

Le Qi was embarrassed, her head down and her face flushed. She felt that she was in sharp contrast with Gray not long ago, but in fact, what she didn't know was that no one would look down on her at this moment.

It is also a good way to be able to judge the situation, recognize yourself, know that you can retreat into progress when you know you are not as good as you are.

In fact, not everyone can have the perseverance and desperate courage far beyond ordinary people like Gray or Naz.Not everyone has unimaginable potential like them, sometimes over-squeezing will only make themselves collapse

Therefore, when Le Qi could give up without hesitation, almost no one in the audience would laugh at her, or even admire her.

Because if it were them, they might not be able to live in the crowds, and the outcome of decisively surrendering and gritting their teeth under the public's attention would only be even more embarrassing.

Although Le Qi gave up, everyone gave a warm applause. In the applause, Le Qi blushed and exited. She lowered her head, so ashamed that she hardly dared to look at anyone.

Elisa was the only player who won without a fight. The victory came suddenly, and she didn't react for a while, but after hearing the host Marcus announce the result, she still smiled and nodded at Leqi .

The competition is still going on in full swing. There are a total of more than fifty people in the guild who signed up to participate. At this speed of the competition, the knockouts cannot be completed without three or four days.

Roja wasn't in a hurry, he had nothing to do right now, except to investigate Geral's identity.

That night, there was a knock on the door in Roja's room.

Roja felt very strange. Generally speaking, except for Mebis and Aquiya, almost no one would bother him. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. He naturally felt that something was wrong, so Roja walked over to open the door with doubts.

"Master Loya, hello, I am Miraj." The white-haired girl in front of her, with a shy blush on her face, looks quite cute with a small bundle of hair, except for Miraj , Who else can.

"Come in." Roja nodded and smiled, but at the moment he turned around, he frowned slightly.Since the last time I had a relationship with Miraj, although Miraj always looks shy every time I meet, it is impossible to be like her.

So, almost the moment she spoke, Roja recognized that it was definitely not Miraj.

Turn into magic?

The corner of Roya's mouth raised a slight smile. As far as he knew, there was no one other than Miraj who could practice transformation magic to this level. If you think about it, you will know, this Miraj The pretender should be Ulutia.

Sarudi on the council

Roja was ninety-nine percent sure that the "Miraj" in front of him was Sarudi. After knowing the identity of the other party, he deliberately didn't break it. He wanted to see what tricks this woman wanted to play.

"You go take a shower first."

Roja held back a smile and said deliberately.

"Have a bath"

This "Miladje" was a little dumbfounded because he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Otherwise, didn't you come here to attend bedtime tonight?" Luo Ya made a plan, frowned, a touch of unpleasant color flashed on his face, and he seemed a little impatient.

"Serve, wait for the bed" she opened her mouth wide, seeming to be a little unbelievable, but after seeing Roya's face, she seemed to be frightened, and unexpectedly agreed, "Then, then I will go and take a bath."

At the moment she turned around, her face flushed to the bottom of her ears, and she wanted to dig a hole in.

"Forget it, forget it, no kidding, what do you want me to do"

Seeing her like this, Roja couldn't help but smile, waved her hand, and motioned her to sit down.

"Miladje" was startled when she heard the words. She was still a little confused and didn't understand what Roja meant, but she soon realized that the opportunity was coming, smiled and nodded, saying "Yes Well, I intend to ask you about the situation of today's game."

She spoke out the lines she had prepared long ago, with a natural look. Unless someone who is familiar with Miraj, she really can't tell that this guy is pretending to be.

"Master Roja, what do you think of Gray's performance?"

"Not bad, he has great potential." Luo Ya nodded and said.

"So what do you think"

She asked Roja several insignificant questions. In the end, Roja was almost impatient. She took the opportunity to tell her real problem. "Lord Roja, I heard that you and Mebis went on vacation last time. Destroyed the tower of the paradise and destroyed the dark guild, right?"

"Are you trying to ask me about Geral's whereabouts? Sarudi, oh no, maybe I should call you Ulutia" Roja put a smile on his face, thinking, finally here, he smiled Looked at her.

Urutia was stunned. She subconsciously wanted to nod her head, but after hearing Roja's true identity, her face changed drastically. She stared at him blankly, opened her mouth, and said nothing in her throat. As if blocked, there was a slight noise.

"Are you surprised why I know your identity"

Roya smiled and asked her doubts.

Ulutia nodded, her face changed, and she realized that she seemed to be fooled just now, her face suddenly became cold, and she said solemnly, "So you knew from the beginning, deliberately playing me."

"You can think so too."

Roja made no secret of it.

"You bastard"

Ulutia was ashamed and angry. When she thought that Roja let herself go to take a bath and said that she wanted to sleep, she unexpectedly agreed, she wanted to strangle this guy immediately.

While irritated, her head was already running quickly, thinking about what excuses would be better to explain.However, since her identity has been dismantled, she has simply restored her original appearance.

"Think of an excuse?"

Roya asked timely.

Ulutia blushed immediately. At this moment, for some reason, she felt as if all the secrets in her body had been seen through by this guy at a glance. That feeling was very uncomfortable.

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