One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1990: Double Dragon Showdown!

"You, what do you want to do"

Ulutia's thoughts were completely disrupted by Roja, she simply raked in the back, and asked confidently.

"This sentence seems to be me asking you, right" Luo Ya curled his mouth. No wonder that women are unreasonable creatures. Now it seems to be the case, even a stranger Ulutia, After being seen through by himself, he could still ask such words so confidently.


Ulutia suddenly had nothing to say and snorted coldly.

"Let's talk, you came to me in the middle of the night like Miraj, you wouldn't be trying to seduce me" Roja sat on the bed, lit a cigarette, and said with a smile. .

"Bah, who wants you?" Ulutia broke into a bite, and suddenly realized that she could not continue to be biased like this, otherwise she would be too passive. She took a deep breath and thought of the second set of rhetoric. If you know, then I might as well tell you, I actually came to punish the traitor Geral this time."


Roja frowned and looked at her thoughtfully.

"Of course," Ulutia said in a sensational manner, "Since you know my identity, you must also be aware of the serious consequences of the Paradise Tower incident."

"I don't know, I only know that your buttons are loose."

Roya spit out smoke and smiled 183.

"Wh, what?" Ulutiya was startled, as if she hadn't reacted, she subconsciously lowered her head to look down, only to find that she seemed to have a button opened in front of her, revealing some scenery, and her face suddenly flushed. , Quickly sorted it out.


Luo Ya sincerely admired.

"You, bastard, rascal"

Ulutia was originally not a good-tempered woman. Ever since Loya's identity was revealed, she has been passive. She has taken a big breath in her heart. This time she was completely ignited and she couldn't help it anymore. He hit the frivolous man in front of him painfully.

With a wave of her show hand, an ice crystal ball was bombarded.

This level of attack is completely painless to Roja. With a wave of his sleeves, the majestic power poured out, and the ice crystal balls instantly dissipated invisible, as if they had never appeared before.

He shook his body and appeared in front of Ulutia the next moment. This teleport-like speed shocked Ulutia. She kicked it like an instinctive reaction.

Her speed is fast, swift and fierce as thunder, and there is no mercy at all when she is in a hurry. Fortunately, it is Luo Ya. If she changes to an ordinary person, I am afraid that the future generations will be dangerous.

Unfortunately, Roja is faster than her.

"It feels good."

Almost at the same time Ulutia had just raised her foot, Luo Ya reached out and grabbed it. The slender and white jade legs felt very smooth to the touch, making Luo Ya couldn't help but admire.

"Asshole, let go"

Ulutia felt the warm touch from her legs, and the blush on her face became even worse. She wanted to break free. She hurriedly twisted her body, but suddenly lost her balance. At this moment, Luo Ya just let go. The whole person fell on Loya at once.

What is even more embarrassing is that when the two fell, Luo Ya's hands very intentionally grabbed the two groups of Ruan.

Ulutia was stunned for an instant, her body froze all of a sudden, at a loss, and she was stunned for about three seconds.

Roja reflexively pressed forward very naturally, and whispered in her ear, "Let's talk, what do you want to do?"

Ulutia blushed and left. She stood up and just sorted Lingan's clothes, and quickly fled Luoya's room.Naturally nothing happened between them just now, but such close contact with a strange man still touched Ulutia very much.

Looking at the flustered figure, Roya's mouth raised a smile.This woman is really tight-lipped, even in the end she is reluctant to tell the truth.But Roja didn't rush to ask questions, at least since Ulutia's appearance here can explain a problem.

They, or it could be said, that even the Missing Body Zicrein didn’t know the whereabouts of Geral.

This news is important

Before Ulutia left, Luo Ya quietly planted a sense of consciousness on her body, because he knew that Qi Klein must have a secret that he didn't know, as long as he followed Ulutia, he could get more Information.

Time slowly passed, and as the game progressed, the battle situation became more and more fierce, because in the back, there are basically some opponents of equal strength, which are full of sights, and every game is extremely anticipated.

This day is the last game of the knockout.

After two rounds of byes, Naz finally ushered in the first time in his life to step into the ring. It was a coincidence that the opponent he drew this time was actually the rival Gajeru.

One is the Dragon Slayer of Fire and the other is the Dragon Slayer of Iron. The confrontation between the two dragons has made the audience look forward to it.

Under the highly anticipated gaze, Naz and Gajiro both walked onto the stage. The former looked excited and warlike, while the latter looked indifferent, seeming to feel very disdainful of this opponent, but in fact, if Careful attention will reveal that Gajru's body has been tight since he took the stage.

This shows that although he looked down on it on the surface, he did not dare to be careless in reality.

In fact, when the ghost attacked, the two of them were already equal in strength. Otherwise, the two of them would not have been deadlocked for so long. In the end, the reason why Gajru was able to win Naz was mainly because he had eaten iron and restored his strength. .

Otherwise, it's really hard to say who wins and loses in the end.

This time, the two of them stood in an absolutely fair arena, and they will have the most exciting Ssangyong duel, which naturally attracted attention. Even as early as the day before, the audience after learning the news bought the front row tickets one after another, hoping to see it soon. .

"Gajiro, be prepared, I will defeat you later," Naz said confidently, making fists while saying.

"Huh, the defeated general" Gajiru, who was standing opposite him, was quite disdainful. He snorted coldly and said, "I advise you to beg for mercy. I'm afraid I will kill if I accidentally kill him. you."

As soon as Naz heard the word defeat, he jumped anxiously. He had been so worried about the previous battle and vowed in his heart that he would never allow such humiliation to happen again.

"Okay, it seems that our two players are fighting very high. Then, in this Ssangyong duel, who is the last laugh, let us all wait and see." The passionate commentary of the host Marcus immediately caused a cheer. .

Amidst the cheers, the showdown officially kicked off..

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