One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1991: Boiling, Dragon Slayer

"The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon"

These two men are like enemies of life and death, and basically do not need any warm-up. Almost at the beginning of the game, the fiercest confrontation was launched. They were of equal strength. Once they shot, they shot with all strength without leaving a trace of energy.

"Iron Dragon Sword"


Naz and Jajiru, these two guys are trying to defeat each other with the most arrogant moves. They are red-eyed. Every battle is a fierce collision, and the ring is shaking constantly with the strong shock.

"The Horn of the Fire Dragon"

"Iron Dragon Rod"


In just an instant, the two have fought for a hundred rounds, each of which is the most arrogant and unreasonable collision, which perfectly interprets the beauty of the ultimate strength. The direct collision of physical strength has brought the audience a complete shock. Not comparable to fancy magic.

"it is good"


"As expected, Naz is really strong enough"

The audience cheered and applauded.

Even in the judges' bench, Makarov saw that Naz and Gajlunen had such a performance, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and sincerely praised "These two little ghosts are still pretty good."

Makarov felt quite proud, and quietly glanced at Loya next to him from the corner of his eye. After seeing the expression of appreciation on his face, his heart became even more proud, and he thought to himself that although Naz was a fellow A bit reckless and carefree, but sometimes it's pretty reliable.

He even thought that if Naz could gain Roja's eyes and accept him as a disciple, then it would be a blessing for Fairy Tail Guild.

"Master Loya, what do you think of these two little guys" Makarov couldn't hold back thinking of this, and asked in a low voice.

Roja glanced at him, as if he had guessed what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "It's all good, the Dragon Slayer Magic really has something to do with it, but they still have a lot of room for growth, what can they go to? At this point, the key is to rely on self-development and understanding."

His words seem to praise Naz and Gajru, but he is actually telling Makarov in a vague way that you should not think about accepting disciples. Although Naz has good potential, he has not yet reached the real ability. As far as I am interested, these are still far away, so let's watch them slowly in the future.

Mrs. Macaroo was so sophisticated, she knew what Roja meant after a moment of stun, and she couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile. It seemed that she was too anxious.He didn't think about anything at all and watched the battle with peace of mind.

At this time, Mebis got to Roja's ears, and with a voice that only she and Roja could hear, quietly asked, "My lord, are you not accepting Zi as a disciple, is this really the reason?"

Roja smiled and explained in a low voice, "There is a part of the reason, but the most important thing is his character."


Mebis was stunned, seemingly incomprehensible.

After Roja's explanation, Mebis understood that although having a strong heart is an important cornerstone of becoming a strong, this is correct.But Naz's shortcoming lies in his personality. He is too impulsive, and sometimes even desperate, and doesn't know how to forbearance. In the world of Monster Tail, he is the protagonist of Destiny, which is no problem.

But if he wants to keep up with Roja's footsteps and see a wider world, he still needs to sharpen it, because there are too many powerful men in the outside world, even Roja dare not say that he will be invincible forever.

People, sometimes, need to know how to forbearance.

"I understand." Mebis nodded thoughtfully, as if thinking of something. She looked at Roja with big eyes and said, "My lord, when this time is over, Mebis also thinks. Go to other worlds with you, okay"

Roja looked at her in surprise. He remembered that not long after he arrived, Mebis told himself that he was tired of the bloody scene and that the rest of his life would be fine.

I didn't expect this girl to change her attention so quickly.

"Because the adults are going farther and farther, Mebis can't be too far behind, he wants to catch up with the adults all his life."

Mebis explained.

Roja agreed with a smile, and naturally he couldn't refuse Mebis' request.

Mebis was very happy, smiled as bright as a flower, very cute.

At this time, in the arena, the battle has come to a white-hot stage.

After hundreds of rounds of battle, the two of them had already panted a little. They didn't change their faces as before. They kept a certain distance, each stared at each other with fear, and took the opportunity to rest and regain some strength.

"I didn't expect you to be tough." Although Gajiro is reluctant, he has to admit that Naz is indeed very strong in combat. Not long ago, he was able to suppress the upper hand a little bit, but now he can do it all. I can only tie this guy with all my strength.

Ask for flowers

This is simply a humiliation to Gajeru who has always been arrogant and arrogant.

"Hmph, next, I will let you know what is the real dragon-killing magic." Gajru decided to use that trick. The magic on his body ran wildly, and the momentum of his whole person suddenly reached its peak. , A tyrannical aura permeated, "Steel Dragon Mode"

This is the magic that Gajru has painstakingly researched in the past few days. After his power reaches a certain limit, he seems to touch a certain level of realm, which can make the whole body as if it is toughened, and it is extremely powerful.

However, the only flaw is that he is not perfect at the moment. He just initially sniffed the threshold of the level of strength. It is not stable, and his true strength can't be displayed by one-tenth, but it is enough to deal with Naz. .

In the violent shouts, Gajru's entire skin showed a dark iron color, which looked a little gray and lacking luster, but the gray-black color visually made people feel as if they had incomparable power.

"you lose"

The fully improved Gajeru, speed reached the extreme, leaving only a trail of shadows in the action, almost instantly he came to Naz, and blasted out with a punch, as fast as thunder.

Naz only had time to protect with his hands, but in this state, Gajru, whether it was speed or strength, did not improve by a star or a half. He was extremely tyrannical. In an instant, he was hit by a punch and hit the railing of the ring. , Had it not been for Naz to stabilize his figure in time, I am afraid he would fly out of the field directly.

"So strong"

"What the hell is that?"

With this sudden change, Gajru, who suddenly became extremely powerful, caused many audience members in the audience to swallow a spit, and their eyes were dull.

In the judges' seat.

Seeing this scene, both Makarov and Mebis opened their eyes wide at the same time. They did not expect that Garjiru would still have such a hand. They could see that in this state, Garjiru The combat effectiveness has increased by at least twice.

Even Roja looked at Gajru in amazement. This guy realized the steel dragon mode so quickly, it was really unexpected..

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