One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 2035: Roja's Fury


It was Roja who appeared here.His appearance made the whole world tremble, as if even this world could not withstand his coercion.

The strange thing is that his body is so calm that there is no wave of fluctuations, and he looks like an ordinary person, but it gives people an unfathomable feeling like nine days of chaos.

"You are Roja"

Bryan's pupils shrunk slightly, his face suddenly changed. During this time, he sent a large number of people to spy on intelligence, and he naturally knew that there was a figure like Roja in the Fairy Tail Guild.

But why this guy would appear here Brian felt a little incomprehensible. Before deciding to lie in the sea of ​​trees, he and the devil's heart guys passed the air ahead of time and let them hold Roja and Mebis.

Could it be that the devil's heart betrayed him

"What about Hades?"

Thinking of this, Brian suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. The intense anxiety made his face turn blue and white. He took a deep breath and stared at Loya with full alertness.

From the moment Roja appeared, his nerves became tense. Even he could not see the details of Roja. His eyes touched a little, as if seeing the world shattered and the universe from those dark and deep eyes. The terrible sight of collapse.

He suddenly felt a shock in his mind, the blood in his body was rolling, and there was a sweetness in his throat, and he couldn't help coughing up a mouthful of blood, which made his face change drastically and he involuntarily stepped back.


Luo Ya said lightly.

"How is it possible"

Before Brian could answer, the faces of Angel Agulia, Cobra Kebra and others all changed drastically. They are both in the Baram Alliance. They also know the strength of the devil's heart and know that Hades has a strong suit. Unpredictable.

More importantly, that guy has mastered the book of demons and can summon those demons created by the Great Black Sorcerer Jeff, this is the most terrifying place.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Six Demon Generals and the Demon Heart fight head-on, they will have no chance of winning. Although the Six Demon Generals alone have sufficient combat capability, they will never be able to beat the demons under Hades. Army.

"Even so, you can never be here in such a short time."

Brian was silent for a long time, slowly speaking, his expression was dignified, his eyes were filled with deep fear, for some reason, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Is it weird"

Roja shrugged and said with a smile.With his speed, he can instantly appear anywhere in this world with almost a movement of his mind

What's more, he also possessed the Taoist supernatural powers of having one Qi transforming Sanqing.After taking control of the Journey to the West, there is no reason why Luo Ya would not have the supernatural power of Sanqing.What's more, with his strength, the magical power of one gasification and three cleansing has already gone further in his hands.

Excluding all the drawbacks, after his transformation, each avatar possesses ten percent of the body's strength, and most importantly, has the same will.

In other words, there is no difference between his clone and the body.

This is the reason why Roja is still there in the Devil's Heart Guild, but suddenly appears on the side of Shuhai, because what appears here is only a clone of Roja.

Of course, this clone is no different from the main body.The only difference may be that even if the clone is injured or even dies, Roja will not have any accidents.

In other words, as long as Roya is not eliminated all three clones at once, he is almost immortal. Of course, with his current physical strength, even if there is no one Qi to transform the three clears, he is close to an immortal existence.

It was also because of the one gasification and the three clearings. When Lucy rushed to find Luo Ya that day, Luo Ya was so calm and stable as Mount Tai.

Of course, Roja would naturally not explain these reasons.To be honest, the General of the Six Demons had almost no interest in him. What really made him interested was the so-called Nirvana magic.

"What about your Nirvana magic"

Luo Ya glanced at Brian indifferently, his tone was flat, as if he were chatting normally, but there was more than that, but there was an irresistible majesty.

"Yeah" Brian was about to answer subconsciously. Fortunately, his concentration was not bad, and he quickly reacted. His complexion suddenly changed. He didn't expect that Luo Ya had this kind of magic that could control people's minds.

"What do you want to do"

Brian's eyes were full of fear.

"I" Luo Ya smiled and was about to answer. Suddenly, from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a figure with a figure almost like a devil, lying on the ground with many scars on her body.

Ask for flowers


Roja's expression turned gloomy in an instant, and he saw that there were so many wounds on Miraj's body, and a terrifying aura that was extremely terrifying and overpowering the peak of the universe was released from him in an instant.

The terrifying fluctuations turned into shock waves, sweeping around him centered on him, as if possessing the power of destroying the world, instantly blasting Brian and other six demons into the air.

The next moment, Luo Ya flickered and appeared beside Milaj. He picked up Milaj with tenderness in his eyes. He touched Milaj's hair.

"Master Loya"

Miraj looked at him with a complicated expression. For some reason, she was frustrated just now, thinking that her life was about to come to an end, but after seeing the familiar figure appeared, she instantly felt that the whole world was quiet.

As if in front of that figure, even if the sky collapses, he can still be safe.Is that an indescribable sense of security?

Miraj didn't know that her heart was complicated, and her calm heart made waves again. All she knew was that she was very happy to see Roja.

"Don't worry, it's all right."

Roja squeezed a smile, and besides the tenderness in his eyes, there was also a touch of anger, mixed with a trace of cold killing intent. Anyone who knew him would know that Roja really touched the fire this time.

He didn't know when a crystal pill appeared in his hand, exuding a seductive fragrance, with immortal energy on it, which looked quite extraordinary, and a strong spiritual energy came to his nose.

Nine revolutions continued life pill.

This is the most precious pill in the Westward Journey world. It can live and die with bones and bones, rebelling against the destiny. No matter how serious the injury, even at the moment of death, as long as the soul is immortal, swallowing this pill can heal instantly.

The only flaw is that this kind of god pill is too defying, and can only be taken nine times in a lifetime. Once this number is exceeded, not only will it be invalid, but it will also disappear on the spot.

"Thank you."

Miraj swallowed the medicine, his face turned ruddy, all the injuries on his body disappeared almost instantly, and his skin was like a white jade.

A moving smile returned to her face..

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