One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 2036: Raise your hand and destroy?

Miraj's injuries healed instantly, her complexion turned ruddy, and she still looked so moving.

"You rest first."

Roja smiled and comforted Miraj, and told her to leave the next thing to him.He rubbed Milaj's head dotingly, and said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he raised his palm, and suddenly a majestic celestial aura spurted out. The crystal exuded a spiritual celestial aura, as if from the essence of nine heavens, like a mist that drew Naz and other injured people. Shrouded.

Under this majestic celestial fog, their injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't take long for their injuries to recover.

"Thank you, Lord Roja"

Gray thanked him sincerely. Although he was arrogant, "One Six Three" was not as ignorant as Naz. He respected a supreme existence like Roja, not to mention Roja rescued him.

"Thank you Lord Loya"

Even Elisa clasped her fists, her face was also grateful, but for some reason, she glanced at Luo Ya secretly, but there was a blush on her pretty face inexplicably.

"Hahaha, I also want to thank you, Lord Roja." Although Naz didn't speak much, he wasn't a fool. Seeing everyone saying that, he smiled awkwardly and quickly thanked him.

"Thank you Lord Loya"

At this time, except for the people of Fairy Tail, they all reacted, knowing that the mysterious man who appeared suddenly was Roja who had been rumored recently, they all immediately stood in awe.

At the same time, they were also very amazed by the way Roja could heal their injuries by raising their hands and feet.


"Healing magic?"

Angel Agulia, Cobra Kebra and others all changed their complexions. They were obviously shocked by Roja's exposed hand. They had never seen such a powerful magic that could heal a group of people casually.

You know, before Roja came, Naz and the others suffered very serious injuries. To put it bluntly, they were almost dying and near death, but Roja waved his hand and let them heal.

"Go" Brian's face changed, his pupils suddenly shrank at the moment Roja took the shot, even if they were far apart, he could still feel how terrifying that power was.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if there are a hundred more Bryans, they will definitely not be Loya's opponents when combined. Bryan has this feeling in his heart.

He believed in his instincts, because from the moment Roja appeared, he felt a strong uneasiness, his heartbeat kept accelerating, his whole body blood stagnated, and his body suddenly became quite cold.

"Want to go" Roja waved his hand, smiled slightly, did not answer, he slowly turned around, those dark and deep eyes stared at Brian and the others, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "You , No one wants to leave today."

"Stay all here."

Roja added, his tone was very calm and there was no waves, but there was a murderous intent in the depths of his eyes, and in a flash, a cold and killing air enveloped the world.

A breeze blew, and the cold and solemn meaning of killing, caused a large amount of cold sweat on the back of everyone in the Six Demon Generals, and their legs could not help shaking.

In addition to the icy killing intent, there is a more terrifying pressure, the pressure from the depths of the soul, like the suppression of natural blood, or it seems to represent the will of the ruler of heaven, so they can't help thinking To surrender.

Kowtow nabai

It seemed that what appeared in front of them was not an ordinary magician, nor a deity, but the ruler from the nine heavens, the god emperor who controls the universe, heaven and earth.

Brian turned around and wanted to leave, but after a few steps, he was beaten by sweat all over his body. He found that his legs were as heavy as lead, and he couldn't move at all. It was because he gritted his teeth and died. Only a few steps can be taken until the end.

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body was shaking, as if under great pressure, every time he stepped out of his foot, his skin would crack open, tear the blood mouth open, and gurgled blood.

The red blood, following his footsteps, remained on the ground one by one, exuding a pungent bloody smell

When he reached the ninth step, Brian seemed to have completely collapsed. His legs softened and he collapsed to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Even if he reached this level of strength and was able to kill Jura's existence, under the aura released by Roja, he could not insist on taking ten steps.

Except for him, the other people in General Six Demon were all pale, standing in place, gritted their teeth and supported them bitterly. When they saw Brian's down, they felt cold.

That kind of despair came out spontaneously.

Even the strongest leader among them, Bryan, could not go out, let alone them, although they could defeat Bryan by teaming up, but at this moment they had no confidence to resist Roja.

Even at midnight, which has always been arrogant and arrogant, when facing Roja, his confidence seemed to have evaporated.

No matter who it is, in front of Roja, there is no resistance at all.

"That said, you can't go." Luo Ya gave a cold smile, his face was indifferent, and his eyes were so cold that there was no emotional color. He glanced at a few people coldly, "From you to Mira The moment of outstanding hand is doomed to your fate today."

"In this world, people who dare to move me don't exist yet"


Roya's voice resounded coldly and domineeringly in this world, like thunder from the nine heavens, shaking the faces of the Six Demon Generals and others as pale and could not help coughing up blood.

Only Miraj, who had been standing in the back, almost suspected that he had misheard when he heard these words, blushed on his face, stomped his feet, and whispered "It's shameless, who is it?" Your woman"

Although she denied it on her lips, she could be seen shyly on her face, and she also showed a nymphomaniac smile from time to time. Everyone could see that she was very happy inside.

"My lord, please be merciful."

Just as Roja was about to make a move, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.This made Roya frowned and slowly raised his head, just in time to see two figures slowly approaching him..

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