One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 2092: x-23 has a nosebleed

Although he has been to the beach for a vacation in the world of Monster Tail, Roja still seems to be very interested. This is not because the girl is pleasing to the eye in her swimsuit, but more because of modern people's entertainment at the beach.

After walking out of the hotel, everyone followed in the footsteps of the waiter and came to the hotel yard.Stark's hand is very large, except for a sum of activity funds in Roja's hands, even the hotel and travel expenses are also paid remotely.

It even has a private beach and private club.So here and now, apart from Roya, there are no other tourists in this place except for the managers of the hotel and the beach.

But that's good, after all, even if these superheroes are not wearing their superhero uniforms, they are still the best, and both men and women can attract endless turmoil.

Of course, this does not include the disfigured Xiaojianjian.

It doesn't include Captain America who was not going to come out to play in the hotel.

Throw away the two people in the hotel room who couldn't wait to turn on the 13 TV and plug in the game console.The rest of the people all came to the beach.The superheroes who were good at sports chose the game and played leisurely on the beach.

Roja herself lay on a beach chair with the black cat woman, basking in the sun.

After a while.

"Honey, can you put on sunscreen for me"

Black Catwoman took a sip of her drink, while holding her phone to update her status on Facebook.Roya wanted nothing to do, so he agreed.However, the black catwoman, who was enthusiastic at night, seemed a lot timid at this time. She opened the cover and lay on the beach, covering her face on the sand as if she did not dare to look at people.In order to avoid some good deeds between the two of them, Luo Ya arranged a barrier that interfered with the line of sight, and picked up sunscreen at the same time.


Touched by the rough palm of her back, the black catwoman groaned involuntarily.She took a worried look outside, she probably wouldn't be heard.

"Don't worry, I opened the barrier. They can't hear or see."


So after a lot of setbacks, Roja finished the work amidst the black catwoman's soft snort. Knowing that what they did would not be seen by others, the black catwoman didn't suppress herself.

This made Roja a little angry.

Turning over from the beach, it seemed that something came to mind, and the black catwoman climbed up.



"Aren't you saying that others can't see or hear, so can we do it here"

Roja, who was disturbed by the sudden small commotion, said seriously.

"doing what"

He knew that Black Catwoman was the indescribable type, and she lowered her head shyly, and Black Catwoman moved her body up.

"You know."

"I do not know."

After a moment of silence, Black Catwoman hated Roya's tiao drama secretly, so she crawled down from him, snorted and turned her head.When Luo Ya saw her reaction, he hugged her severely, and said deeply.

"I'll give you half an hour."

After an exclamation, Roja spent a good half an hour, and then hugged the blushing black catwoman onto a beach chair.After lifting the enchantment and lying down for a while, Roja found that they had raised a bonfire.

Although the game of making a bonfire during the day is indeed a little bit, but seeing the superheroes singing and dancing, they still know how to smile.There are thousands of reasons for sadness, but happiness is so similar.Even after the estrangement between the years and the world, the appearance of singing, dancing, drinking and chattering is still the same as before.

Roja, who was a little sighed, was called by the running Spider-Man.

After asking what happened, Roja's face became weird.

"You mean to wrestle"

After getting an affirmative answer, Luo Ya couldn't help but feel a chill. Anyway, it was too disgusting for the two men to hug each other.However, under the persuasion of the people who ran over, Roja still agreed, but he made a condition.

"I only play with girls."

"Guess you said that."

With an ambiguous smile at Luo Ya, Deadpool raised his eyebrows at him. In fact, he didn't want to do this kind of thing with the guy, but those muscular men, especially the American captain, seemed to have a great deal of this. interest.

But it is a pity that neither he nor the girls have the intention of getting together to play together.The former is because of the wife-protecting mad devil who hides his attributes, while the latter is because he is usually too annoying.

On the contrary, Roja was invited by the heroine when she said this sentence.Roja, who had just finished with the Black Catwoman and didn't want to think about those things for the time being, although she took advantage of a lot of girls for a while and fell to the ground by the girls, she didn't feel any reaction from her body.

After the x23 and Storm Girl who had been hiding behind were pushed out, Roja finally felt a little confused.

Obviously, Storm Girl was driven over.Unlike others who don't care much about it, Stormgirl is obviously shy.

"This is just a game, if you don't like it, you can skip it."

Roja said to the Storm Girl that the latter's strength was that she did not agree to it.In fact, if you change the angle of view to Storm Girl, the handsome Roja who has clear and streamlined muscles in front of her is really too exciting for her.

Although the American team Wolverine and others only wore swimsuits, the impact of the explosive muscles was not as great as that of Loya for some reason.

Then, Roja noticed that x23's face suddenly changed behind Storm Girl, turned his head to the other side, and then vaguely leaked something from his hand and hit the beach.

x23 has a nosebleed.

Although I am more confident about my figure, in terms of light theory, everyone present is not bad, or it is because of the fairness and suppleness of the oriental people that account for a larger bonus.

Roja didn't care about these.

On the contrary, he made an invitation gesture to the Storm Girl.

The latter was nervous or uneasy, and did not play the card according to the routine, and punched Roja in the nose with a very panic.To block this attack, Luo Ya sighed, unloaded his strength and hugged the opponent in his arms, the panting white-haired and white-eyed girl was already afraid to move.

"That's it, okay. Maybe you should take a break."

"I think so. Maybe you can take me back to the hotel."

Oh my God, what I was talking about, Stormgirl immediately buried her head in Roja's mouth, and Roja could only put her on another beach chair, right next to Black Catwoman..

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