One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2093: They are all guardians

Looking at Roya, the black catwoman lying on the beach chair took a sip of her drink quietly. Obviously there is something wrong with the girl next to Roya, but for her, there are more girls next to Roya. Nothing, although she was a little upset, the one next to her was obviously about to fall.

"Because of what"

Storm Girl raised her head, looked at Black Catwoman, and was puzzled by this inexplicable question.Black Catwoman thought for a while, her tone affirmative.

"Do you like him"


"When did it start?"

Storm Girl didn't speak any more, and Black Catwoman's thoughts were drawn a little farther.

"In fact, if you like it, you can get him. People like us are fighters in this era. Although we are confident that we can solve most things, accidents will inevitably occur. Just leave no regrets."

With a slight sigh, the latter was a little sad. In fact, before Roja appeared, many people he knew had passed away over time.At least this point, Black Catwoman is right.

Seeing that the other party fell silent suddenly, although the girl had always been brave and courageous in the memory, it seemed that she was a bit too cramped to face this kind of thing.Thinking of the encounter at the reception, if it weren't for taking the initiative, or not going to the present.

The Black Catwoman didn't say much, everyone has their own ways, and she doesn't need to interfere.

"In fact, it was when the Justin Hammer arsenal was destroyed that time."

"He is like a god in charge of thunder and lightning."

"So you think he matches you well"

The Black Catwoman said weirdly that Stormwoman’s ability is to manipulate the weather.Some thoughts on this are normal.

"No, it's because he and the professor are the same kind of people."

Black Catwoman knows how much her other person admires the professor. If there is a young and talented person who resembles a professor, perhaps she will fall very quickly.But Luo Ya is like Professor

"They are all guardians¨."

The black catwoman didn't speak any more, because she concluded that this chick might have become so weird because of Loya's body. After all, this reason is too incredible.

On the other side, Roja found x23 because he had clearly seen x23 nosebleed just now.Putting on a thin coat casually, Roja walked over.

X23, who was sitting on the beach with her legs in the sun, still didn't know what she was thinking, and didn't play with others.Roja certainly wouldn't say anything to this kind of mature person, don't sit alone, just want to play with friends.

Sitting next to x23, Roja lit a cigarette.

x23 looked at it strangely, and Luo Ya ejected another smoke.

"Want to smoke?"

Shaking his head, seeing Luo Ya get closer, reflexively stretched out two metal claws from between his fingers.Luo Ya waved his hand helplessly.

"You don't need to smoke or use a knife. How are you feeling lately? I mean in the Avengers."


"That's good."

There was another silence, and the sky was already a little dark.The American captain waved at him from a distance, shouting his name.

"Mr. Roja, don't sit there on the campfire. The food is ready"

Wolverine swam up from the sea with a grinning smile, with two big fish stuck in his paws.Don't be stupid like that.

"Steve goes on"

He threw the fish to Steve. The nearly 40-year-old Wolverine did not perform as mature as in the original book. In fact, these superheroes today have a tendency to suddenly decrease their psychological age.

"Okay, give you a taste of the craftsmanship of American soldiers for survival in the wild"

"What am I talking about, Steve, are you not allowed to fish by the sea?"

Roja shouted.

"Sir, I asked because of Stark, allowing fishing here does not violate any regulations, so let us enjoy sir."

"Well Steve, you convinced me"

The taste of the fish is not very good, it is salty and mushy, and it can't compare with the food in the hotel.Roja was a little bit overwhelmed, but seeing how other people's food was not bad, he didn't say anything, just said to the American captain.

"Steve's next time you let me do what you make is too bad"

The mocked Steve was taken aback, and then looked at Roja a little angry.

"I don't think my craft is lost to anyone. Sir, even you are the same."

But when Roja washed the ingredients using magic techniques, and the fish that was slowly roasted over a low fire exudes infinite aroma, Steve suddenly felt the loss of being beaten.

x23 was holding the fish behind him, eating it with chuckles, and many people urged Roja to do it again.

Swallowing severely, Steve couldn't hold on to his face, and it was too embarrassing to go and beg fish after he was beaten.Luo Ya raised his eyebrows proudly.

"I'm sorry I am not anyone."

The subtle language game made everyone laugh, and when Steve was a little confused, a fish was thrown on his face.

It is baked.

Roja certainly doesn't worry about the fish falling to the ground. Steve is also a qualified superhero anyway, and his reaction ability is naturally fast enough.

The happy days passed very quickly, except for x23, who had been following Roja's ass, everyone knew that it was time to return to the Avengers.Stark finished all the work a day earlier.The construction of the headquarters is a very mature scientific research and production base because of its selection.So there is a very good prototype at this time.

In his prediction, it is enough to continue to pack the Avengers base while working on it.Well, at least now the core equipment of the Avengers has been manufactured.

The monitoring system connected to all networks and telephone lines, as well as national monitors, and the crime analysis system have been fully formed.Although the fast-moving equipment has not yet been completed, there is no need for Luo Ya to worry about being unable to arrive.

At the same time, Stark has decided to turn its own company into the engine of the Avengers and continue to be the brand of the Avengers.

In the future, these superheroes will not only engage in a just cause, but also become the idols of the American people in their careers.

And for the weapons developed for superheroes, some of the results are transformed into civilian technology, coupled with the celebrity effect of the idol itself, so Stark does not think it is difficult to accept the company's full-time as a backup for superheroes.At least there is sufficient capital interest, which makes Stark completely unnecessary to worry about the company's bankruptcy, which is enough..

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