One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2094: Thor

Back to the Avengers, all the heroes have updated their equipment in Stark. Except for Nick, who is capable of omnipotence without equipment, there is also the super core of Loya, which is positioned as an auxiliary personnel.All the remaining people have improved their abilities to varying degrees.

"start testing."

At this time, everyone was watching the test of Black Catwoman’s exclusive equipment at Stark’s weapons testing ground.

At this time, the black catwoman is wearing a tights with a pair of black cat ears on her head, looking very much like the cat girl next to Batman.But the difference is that on the black catwoman's tights, there are protrusions made of black metal on all the joints of her body. If you look closely, you can find some strange mechanical styles in the links of each joint. Texture.

"The first is destructive power."

"The first test, a straight fist attack to test the power of the weapon."

Hearing Stark's order, Black Catwoman slammed a punch on her strength.

"3500 kg."

That is three and a half tons of weight.According to the data recorded by Stark, this kind of lightweight exoskeleton armor can give people quite good strength without affecting physical activity.

"The second 513 test is to test the ability to run speed over obstacles."

Black Catwoman was caught on a parkour field.

It took less than 30 seconds for the 500-meter obstacle.

"Slightly insufficient flexibility. Needs improvement."

"The third test, testing long-range weapons"


"very successful."

Stark seemed a little excited. Although the black catwoman's ability at this time was not comparable to other super-type guys, this kind of combat power could already cope with most situations.Especially after solving the flying capabilities of these armies, the overall strength has improved significantly.

"Next, Wolverine."

"and many more."

"What's wrong with Stark"

Behind Wolverine was Deadpool, he was taken aback by Stark and so on, and Stark looked a little weird.

"The test is temporarily suspended. Something happened."

Because Stark’s crime investigation network is in effect throughout the country, the heroes are always very busy. Although most crimes do not require superheroes to stop, it is enough to return a receipt to the public security department based on the network.But although they are needed in a small number, when the scope spread to the whole country, the manpower of people like Roya also appeared to be slightly insufficient.

But this time, Stark stopped not because of a vicious event somewhere, but because the monitor found an energy level outbreak.

Roja glanced at Stark, he knew that Thor had come just now.It is clear from his feelings that Thor fell on a Gobi Desert in the western part of the United States.

"I will go in person."

Roja said that many of the superheroes here are very hot-tempered, and they don't know what will happen when they meet Thor, the newcomer.The fight between the two sides is not very good.Moreover, judging by the strength of Thor, the only present here is the evil spirit knight who may be able to do him.

"Roya, go there and wait for someone to do it if something needs to be teleported."

"I will leave a clone."

Stark nodded.

He knew that Roja's clone had the ability to teleport, so he didn't say more about it.

Others asked what was going on, but because the matter was more urgent, Roja did not answer.

After a teleportation, Roja arrived at the landing place of Thor.

Just like the original book, Thor descended on a desert, and soon after, met the heroine of the Thor series.Roja remembers that the heroine of the Thor series looks average, so he didn't have any thoughts about it. At the same time, he also felt that after he appeared, whether Thor could see the heroine or not.

At this time Thor just arrived, if the original plot is correct, this guy should be a problem child at this time, not the later super British bdff hero, very hostile.

Looking at Thor, who was slowly standing up in the sandpit in front of him, Roja walked over.

"Hello there."

Thor was very alert. He looked at Roja while wearing that medieval armor, while holding his Thor's Axe in his hand, or intended to attack.

"who are you."

"Roja, you can call me Roja."

Knowing that Roja was coming to him, Thor seemed to perceive that his brows became tighter, while Roja was watching the superhero.The Protoss of Alaska is not just an outlander as previously thought. There is divinity in his body.

If so, maybe the guys called gods in Marvel are more or less godlike.

Thor was not anxious to answer Roja's words. He also looked at this person. In his perception, Roja was just an ordinary earth person, and there was no difference, but his behavior was much weird, and he didn't seem to recognize him. It is the legendary god, plus I always feel that he is hiding a huge danger

"What is your purpose."

Speaking this sentence softly, Thor looked at Roja, who perceives Thor's changes, has a divine nature, and seems to be able to predict his power slightly.Of course Thor himself probably didn't know this.

"You should be a foreigner, you are someone who doesn't belong here, I am the same as me, so I came over when I sensed things here."

Roja lit a fireball in his hand.

"This may prove my identity. I have no malice towards you. I just think that you might encounter some trouble when you first come here, and these can be circumvented. Isn't it?"

Thor couldn't confirm Roja's words, but he boasted that he was powerful and did not fear any conspiracy, so he nodded.

"Then maybe I thank you."

"If you don't mind, you can reach out to me. Then I am going to take you away from here. I think you should need some drinks and food."

After Thor agreed, Roja took his hand and returned to the Avengers.

At this time, Stark’s weapon test has not yet ended. Only Black Catwoman and Wolverine who have completed the test are left in the headquarters lobby. The former is scanning Twitter, and the latter is drinking beer and watching the famous mobile phone. TV series.

Seeing Roja coming back, the Black Catwoman exclaimed.

"My dear, is it an ancient man you brought back? He looks so strange."

Wolverine also heard the words and looked here, then took another sip of wine in silence.

"Maybe you can introduce yourself, sir, we can get to know each other."

Roja then said to Black Catwoman.

"Actually I want to eat something, can I trouble you to prepare some, it's better to have more."

She agreed to Roja's request, and the black catwoman turned and left.Thor was baffled by everything he saw..

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