One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 2101: It's really... stupid.

As early as not knowing how many years ago, it was impossible for Roja to lose in gambling by sheer luck.

This gambling of 9 million deposits directly brought Luo Ya 500 times the profit.At least the Storm Girl next to her was stunned.

Although the salary income of the academy is not cheap, most of the expenses are in other places. The Storm Girl has never seen so much money in person, let alone touched it.

"Send you off."

With a frivolous smile, Luo Ya exchanged the nine thousand weights for larger denominations, and then stuffed them into Storm Girl's hands like a steel screw.Then Luo Ya whispered to her.

"Look for a chance to change it quickly, and maybe I won't be able to change money later."

Nodding hurriedly, Storm Girl suddenly remembered the purpose of the few people, so she changed the weight to Johnny to help with electronic cash. The peculiarity of Roja and others was naturally very noticeable, so after a while, someone looked for it. Here comes the door.

"Sixty-nine zero" "is the blood clan." Luo Ya used his mental perception to tell everyone who came.

The difference between the tall woman and the other waiters is that she is wearing a thin qg dress, Roja tilted her head and looked at her.

"Why are you wearing clothes"

"Because some customers prefer to tear it apart, don't they"

Roja seemed to accept this statement, but the power of this woman was not as she described herself, only a waiter in this place.

"I don't think you will be satisfied to stay here, will you, gentleman. At least a place like this doesn't match you well."

"You are right, in fact I don't think there is any place here that can match my identity."

He covered his mouth and smiled lightly, seeming to be moved by Roja's humor.

"Please call me Burrud."

She bowed to Roja.bood blood

It's a fake name.

Roya thought.

"So, maybe you will get a surprise next."

This sentence seems to mean something.Roja thought for a while but didn't know if it was a Hongmen Banquet or a direct attack.Nodding, Roja agreed to her invitation.

It doesn't matter what medicine is sold in the gourd, Roja and several people came to destroy the fallen people of these blood clan.

But it didn't seem to be the same as Luo Ya's thoughts. Although Bellud was interested in them, he did not set an ambush for Luo Ya and the others, but led a few people to the third floor.

She smiled and said to Roja.

"In fact, only the most distinguished guests can come here."

"Do you mean those parliamentarians and rich people are not qualified"

Seeing Bai Lude open the door, Luo Ya immediately stepped in. The third floor is much simpler than the second floor, but the decoration materials seem to be old.This is inextricably linked with the ancient heritage of the blood clan.

"Please come here."

Bellud opened the door of the dark room.Leading everyone into a corridor.Roja glanced at Johnny, who shook his head at him. He had never collected information on the third floor.

Walking through the long corridor, at the end of the darkness, there is a gleam of flames, which makes it feel like a dungeon.At the end of the road, there is a quiet room.A mirror is installed on it.

"Here, we can see everything on the second floor."

Pointing to the mirror, Burud said softly to the three of them.The picture in the mirror shifted to different directions following Roja's attention.

"We think this can distinguish the noble from the others."

"Superior watchers don't think they are the same species"

Johnny couldn't help but said sarcastically.

"Of course, just like people who are born with talent and natural mediocrity, and like people from noble and market-born families, there is always a class in the world. Those who are superior always think that they are superior, and those who are inferior will subconsciously admit it. at this point."

"But it's fair that they all only have a hundred years to live, don't they"

Roja also satirized.

"Of course not, maybe some people have a longer life. It's just that no one knows it. It's like we are here watching everything that happens in the second floor, and they don't notice anything."

"State your purpose"

Johnny's face sank.This is already very obvious.Regardless of the reason, the Blood Clan has some purpose for their arrival.

"Perhaps you should look in the mirror."

Although it is not five o'clock at this time, the auction has already begun.After experiencing some unsold auctions of treasures, when human beings are like goods on the auction stage, those people underneath start to boil almost instantly.

The expressions of Johnny Storm Girl became very gloomy.

"I will kill them."

He was talking so much in his heart.Roja noticed that the mind perceives to Johnny

"You will have this opportunity."

Human beings are cruel to the same kind that other creatures can't understand. When seeing those celebrities starting to mutilate a little girl on the spot for fun, Roja also had some killing intent.

"Humans themselves don't think they are of the same kind as other classes, do they"

"I think it might be."

Dianguangyan replied, resisting discomfort.

"Then what is your purpose?"

"I'm just a waiter. If you are in doubt, you can continue to follow me."

He owed his body, and Bai Lude's salute looked extremely evil and disgusting to everyone.

I comforted the only woman at this time in the heart call.The Luo Yaqi people followed Bai Lude into the corridor.

This time, the Luo Yaqi people saw the Lord.

Several polite gentlemen were sitting at the round table and looked towards Roja and others.

"Young people."

It was a mature man who was talking, and Johnny squinted at him.It seems to recognize the identity of this person.The man didn't look at him, but cast his eyes on Roja.

"Tell me, how do you feel about what you see"

Holding a glass of red wine and shaking it gently, the mature man drank the glass of wine in one go.But both Roja and Johnny noticed the blood inside.

"A bunch of sinful guys."

Dianguangyan replied that both Johnny and he wanted to know what the other party said.

"If you can kill them, would you do 04"


"The celebrities and politicians are just mortals. In the Bible, people are born with the original sin"

"And do you want to judge for God?"

Johnny thought about it for a while.Although Johnny knew that the spirit of vengeance began with God, the other secrets were not complete.

"No, I want you."

He pointed to Roja.

"Become one of us. You can see that you are not an ordinary person. Are you"

Smiled slightly, "If you can join us, you can escape the original sin. And judge those sinners."

Luo Ya originally thought it was a conspiracy, but he still had the desire to watch a show. As a result, the old antiques told a chicken soup story and hoped that the other party would give up their human status.

It's so stupid..

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