One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2102: rubach, salome

Thinking about it, it seems that Johnny's identity is not violent, and the opponent's performance is really too much to hold.Roja said he looked at each other like a joke.The mature man who stood up was a little frightened, suggesting that the enchantment magic in the future did not actually work.How strong are these people's will?

He never thought that these people are superheroes. The personality of the Vengeful Spirit itself is higher than that of the Blood Clan. When Johnny wants to hide, the Blood Clan will naturally not be able to find him. This has nothing to do with power, only the two. The mystery.

Of course Roja ruled out that Storm Girl and Dian Guangyan are mutants. It is naturally difficult for vampires who learn a secret method to see through the power of these mutants.After all, they are not a system, so they are treated as ordinary people.

"Just now you have been talking about joining you. Then who are you?"

"All Seeing Eye"

Roja said something about it. In fact, Americans in reality believe that there is such an organization behind the United States.But putting it here is just a stalk.After all, the idea of ​​just looking at them is similar to the all-seeing eye.

Human beings are born to be sins so they must be eliminated, and humans are too stupid, so they must be eliminated.This concept is basically the same.According to the general logic, Luo Ya said this answer is very normal.

The other party naturally heard of this, but naturally expressed disagreement with Roja's guess.

"In fact we call ourselves sons of God. Or demigods."

"It's just a group of moths parasitic in human society. Perhaps those who have never betrayed the covenant can call themselves the sons of God, but you, perhaps Sora has power, nothing more."

After receiving Roja's notice, Johnny no longer hides.Although the enemy's combat power does seem to be stronger than his own, there is hardly anyone here who rarely fights against the wind.At this time the brawny man finally reacted.

His face turned pale.

"Didn't you say yes, they are all peculiar ordinary people, what do you guys do."

Bai Lude is no longer calm, although her status is not low, but relative to this brawny man, it is like heaven and earth.

"Why is there a ghost rider here"

Panting quickly, the mature man stretched out his hand, and Burude was caught in his hand.Roja thinks this guy is really too stupid. When facing the enemy, he first kills one of his generals, and then exposes the flaws to the enemy.

"Asshole you should see this place"

Johnny deceived and yelled at Plaud's side, which just made the mature man react as if to look at him.


The head was wrapped in flames in an instant, and the state of the evil spirit knight and the eye of judgment were activated by Johnny at almost the same time.


Fanaticism and anger began to roll in the soul of the mature man, and everything in his memory was vividly visible in Johnny’s eyes


"You are inexcusable"

Grasping the opponent's neck firmly, Johnny stared at the opponent's eyes fiercely.

In almost a moment, the man passed out.And all this only happened in a few seconds.The blood clan sitting on the round table watched Johnny kill the man with almost no response.

In fact, Johnny's ability level may not be much stronger than that of the blood clan. He mainly won by surprise and the superiority of judgment ability.

But when the other blood clans stood up in the next moment, it was almost impossible to win with Johnny's power alone.

After all, they don't have 360 ​​reincarnation eyes, they can see each other's eyes everywhere.

"You killed atrocty"

"Just an atrocity"

The name of the blood clan he killed was atrocity.The 10 blood clans sitting on the seats stood up directly.

"Open the film"

Although Roja knew their names and their abilities, at this time, it was enough to simply deal with them.


Johnny made another move, and the fanatical flame instantly turned the entire room into a field of fire.Roja followed closely behind.

"Fire prison."

The flames were gathered by Roja and swallowed at those guys.

The foundry of the title-caster drew a one-handed sword from the cuff.

"Wind of Ice"

The cold wind blows and blows the flames away.But even Roja's spells that restricted his effort were not so easy to crack.When the flame was blown away, the flames in mid-air gathered together and became a fire dragon, fiercely burning the foundry to pieces.

"Roja, the regent is not here"


"Storm Girl, the monitoring is up to you"

Storm Girl has the power to control the weather, and it is certainly not a problem to perceive the strangeness in the air.Although every support has a ds heart, but the storm girl, who is already a senior mutant, has enough stable performance, and does both ds and support very well.

A laser beam projected from the eyes of the electro-optical eye.At this time, he had put on the exclusive glasses for electro-optical eyes, which looked like the vr equipment of recent years.

Roja knew that the power used by the Lightning Eye was the gamma ray that mutated Banner. The intensity of the first one was extremely high. As long as it hits, it will kneel if it is not at the level of the Hulk.Although these blood clans are powerful enough, they are far from enough.

Metachuss was directly vaporized by laser in half of his body 293.Even if she recovered from her injuries in an instant, her face was extremely pale.

"Buy me time"

Roja shouted, and the others remembered Roja's previous performance, and immediately agreed.

Johnny put the chain change growth spear in the blood clan seven in and seven out, and the other two responded, although it was difficult to fight but nothing happened.

Seemingly knowing what dangerous spell Roja was preparing, the two blood clans rushed over immediately.

"Rubach, sao."

Maintaining the posture of the upper body to cast the spell, Luo Ya slammed on the floor, and immediately turned into a hole on the ground, and the opponent flew up.


A laser hits the opponent's head.

At this time, Roja's spells were ready.

"Johnny's hellfire is out."


The fire became more swift and violent. Except for Roja, Dianguangyan and Stormgirl both felt heat and uncomfortable to varying degrees.In fact, under the control of Johnny, the two of them have never been accidentally injured by the flame, which also proves that Johnny is a little weak

Look at him a little bit.Roja's spells are ready.

Immediately afterwards, he gave a low sip.

"Flame Array".

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