One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 2103: Apocalypse

A magic circle flickered from the soles of Rubach and Sao's feet, and the surrounding flames swept there like life. This process was very short, even less than an instant.

Then, like something triggered, the huge pillar of fire exploded directly upward.


After the screams sounded, the remaining blood clan burst into anger.

"What have you done? I'm going to kill you"

Sao actually broke through the pillar of fire. Although Roja knew that she might be the strongest blood clan here, she was a little surprised.But this is just a matter of adding strength.

However, other blood clans obviously won't watch the excitement around.Except for the two who were restrained by Johnny, the rest of them broke away almost instantly, followed by a fierce attack on Roja.

Unanimously, several people thought that Roja was the caster, so they chose to attack in close quarters, hoping to give Roja a headache by relying on the natural powerful body of the blood clan.

"Is that so?"

With a soft snort, Luo Ya performed a real art.With his strength, even with the strength of ordinary people, it was enough to dissolve the attacks of these people. Once a little bit of his own ability was added, it would cause the same consequences.

"I do not believe"

Sao, who uttered this roar, encountered the most unbelievable thing in his life. He obviously didn't use much strength, and only used his strength to knock down four of the six people who surrounded him.Although they are still slowly recovering their bodies, they have already begun to fear for Roja.

"I can't resist anymore." Johnny locked a person with a chain, and the violent fire turned it into a torch.

"Who are you guys?"

Although he knew the identity of Johnny Ghost Rider, the abilities of the others were something they had never learned.At the end of life, these blood clans seemed to be quite understandable ghosts.

"Who knows this haha""

With a light smile, the other party glared at him, and the blood clans were even more annoyed by their choice than they hated Roja and the others.Why did you bring them in? Sao hated Roja.

"The master won't let you go"

Roya glanced at Johnny when he heard this. He didn't say anything about these guys and their masters.If it is the regent, it seems to be much smaller than the power against sao, not the absolute leader of the blood clan.

So who will the masters of these people be?

"I didn't find out that they had a master."

Johnny was also a little bit confused. Although all parties inquired or secretly observed, the purpose of the blood clan was only to choose the throne after the Apocalypse.It seems there are other hidden things in this matter

"Then who is your master? If you are confident that he can kill us, then you can tell us."

"You dream."

At this moment Johnny walked over and said to Sao.

"I know you guys value the same kind, so if you don't answer, I will kill your kind. Now the countdown starts. If you don't answer for 30 seconds, I will kill one. If you don't answer for a minute, I will kill two."

Sao was sweating and his complexion was very tangled.

"You can't say that if you say that we will all die, the master will not let us go instead of doing this, it is better to fight with them"

A blood clan suddenly exclaimed, and in a flash, Johnny's chain was wrapped around his neck.

With a roar, Johnny turned the man into a torch.

This feeling of being slaughtered is not good, at least for the Blood Clan.However, there are still people who want to agree to Roja's request.

"Sao, you can resist your master, so you find a way to escape. As long as someone can live, even if you promise him, it's fine."

Seeing the disgusting and moving drama in front of him, Roja frowned. It seems that these guys are only fortune-telling by the same family.

After taking a deep look at Luo Ya, Sao pursed his lips and made up his mind.

"Our master is called Zac."

"Who is he."

"A big devil."


Roja thought for a while, "You are very interesting, so you can survive. As for them, Johnny killed them."

Photographed by Loya's powerful force, Johnny did not encounter any obstacles when doing this work.On the contrary, Sao looked at all this with incomparable hatred and pain.

The matter here is over.

Roja thought for a while. Although he got the name, who was this man? Johnny walked over, and he gained something when he used the Eye of Judgment just now.



With a light sigh, Johnny's brows were locked tightly.

"Perhaps we have caused a lot of trouble. Zac is a big demon. The legendary lord of hell, according to the practice and purpose of the blood clan, his goal is likely to be to open the apocalypse."

"It's normal for the devil to destroy the world, isn't it"

Dianguangyan interrupted and said, in fact, after learning that Thor was the legendary Thor, he no longer had the awe of the trial.

"The Great Demon is not the same as Thor, the god of Thor, even if he doesn't lose his power, he is just a false god, while Zach is an elemental demon lord. The gap between the two is huge."

Johnny didn't explain anything, because he knew that if he hadn't actually seen the great devil, he would never understand that kind of existence.He had heard the name at Mephisto.And Mephisto himself was the guy he couldn't beat.

"And I said the trouble was a lot, and it wasn't just because of Zac." A cold sweat ran down Johnny's forehead.

Luo Yadino Zhao understood what he meant. Now that the devil started to act, the angel would not be idle.

"Demons and angels should all be the promoters of this matter. The latter is because the apocalypse was prevented in 1999, and the will of God cannot be beaten. The former is because the devil itself has a full interest in this kind of thing. Even more, the devil is probably in the same group as the angel."

"They are all created by God. Are they not?"

Johnny thought for a while and said.

"Perhaps we should go to a friend of mine, he may be able to give us some help."

At this point, at least Johnny didn't think these blood clans were any trouble. The real trouble was yet to come.

"Who is he"

Johnny smiled reluctantly.

"Constantin, a guy who often deals with demons. If my guess is true, he might know something."

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