One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2104: So, assassinate

Before leaving, Roja left sa's name, perhaps this female blood clan will use it a little later.After all, in the clues just got, Sa can disobey the big demon named Zac to a certain extent.

Roja is not going to ping all the way to get all the villains down, so there are a little more clues that will help these people in the Avengers.

After returning to the reunion, Stark greeted everyone.Luo Ya found that Dr. Banner had come to his senses. He seemed to be holding the terminal while studying something, and briefly introduced the situation to the members of the reunion. Most of their faces became weird.

Just coming over to listen to the conversation of Roja and others, Dr. Banner is obviously a little different.

"What video game are you talking about? The conspiracy of gods, angels and demons"

Obviously, as a great scientist, Dr. Banner is able to accept mutations and superpowers naturally, but does not have sufficient knowledge of the mystery.

"No, we are discussing some battle plans. In fact, it is very likely that the 160 guys just mentioned will be our next enemy."

Stark took a look at Dr. Banner. In the short exchange just now, he was full of favor with this knowledgeable physicist.At the same time, an agreement was made that when Banner's madness is cured here, Dr. Banner will join the Avengers.

So at least for now, it is very necessary to explain the situation to Dr. Banner.Roja, who was on the side, turned his mind a little and muttered. Dr. Banner, who could control his power, joined, and many of the battles afterwards seemed to have passed.

Putting aside for the time being about Dr. Banner's upcoming joining, Roja was surprised to see Dr. Banner.

"No, no, I mean Stark, you are also a scientist, why would you believe this kind of thing."

Obviously Dr. Banner is an atheist.The latter didn't argue with him, but told him with facts.

"When things are in front of your eyes, no matter how ridiculous, you can only face them, right, Dr. Banner."

Roja interjected.

"In fact, science and theology are not two parallel lines. We can try to use science to analyze the occult. Many things in it can be answered by science. For example, the famous Kabbalah tree of life sequence. The alchemy of gold."

Dr. Banner accepted what the two said, and quickly shifted the topic to how do we engage these guys.

"Actually I have a friend who might be able to give us some help." Johnny said Constantine's name.Constantine is a very famous occult master, often dealing with demons.

Even Mephisto knows something about it.

Of course Johnny didn't say this sentence.

"And this guy, maybe we have to add some imprisonment facilities here. Some people seem to be unable to keep them in jail." Luo Ya thought for a while, it seemed that they were missing something.

"There is still a mopping up on the black street. If you notify the official, I think many guys will escape the French Open, so maybe we should arrange for a guy who is willing to do dirty work to kill them all."

Roya thought for a while and said that the matter was so rushed that he had forgotten just now, but the other two did not remind him.At this time, I think it should be done.

"Why do you say that"

Although Stark knew there were a lot of dark things over there, in fact he always thought that it would be enough for those people to be caught in prison.As for what happened in the place of the Blood Clan, Stark did not know.

bdbb "Look at you and you'll know. Dr. Banner, avoid it, you know what happens when you are angry."

Dr. Banner agreed to Roja's request, and the others gathered around to look at Roja's projection.Almost as expected by Luo Ya, the strong impact picture, the degenerate and the darkest part of human nature burst out, and it has an overwhelming effect on a normal person's three views.

"They should die."

"But we can't do it casually, because they are all guys who have a pivotal position in the United States."

"So, assassinate."

Roja thought for a while, assassinations are not uncommon in the US political circles.Even if a clue is found, it is easy to solve.

"They shouldn't be so happy to die."

Hawkeye was born in the market, so he sympathizes with this kind of thing.

"Leave it to me and Natasha, assassination is not a big problem."

"Yes, pay attention to safety."

It seemed that he didn't want to recall the scene I saw on the screen just now, and everyone present seemed a little silent.

"Then the soldiers will be divided into two groups. Johnny and I will go to Constantine. Stark, you will provide remote support for Hawkeye and Natasha's operations."

Stark nodded, and the others had no opinion.As for the others, Roja prepared them to fight and don't slacken their efforts.It seems that Roja wants them to do this to fight the devil, but in fact Roja is for the coming of Loki.

"Why now one or two want to destroy mankind"

Thinking for a moment, Roja glanced at Johnny beside him.

"Know where he is, we can set off."

Johnny agreed to Roja's request, and then the two of them used his motorcycle on which the evil spirit was mounted.Although the cost and quality of this gadget itself are not high, it can be regarded as a high-tech gadget after Stark's easy modification.

With Johnny's human-like ability, there is even a feeling of being barely able to control it.

It only takes 12 seconds to accelerate to the highest speed.When the top speed reaches 500 kilometers per hour.At this time, the fastest motorcycle in the world can only reach 450 hours.Of course, similar to some weapons and equipment, as well as Johnny's human combat equipment, Stark is also preparing to come out.After all, the ghost rider appears too conspicuously during the day, and things that can be solved in a human state at some point can be solved in the human state.

Sitting behind Johnny's motorcycle.

Johnny answered Roja's question.

"In Manhattan. Downtown New York. In fact, he participated in the last battle of Justin Hammer. But because he was a guy who didn't like to meet people, he left after the battle was controlled."

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