One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2112: Luo, I...protect you

Sending Hawkeye and Natasha back to the headquarters of the Avengers, Roja asked everyone for some cash and left.Returning to the residential house, and greeted Xiao Jianjian, Roja found traces of x23 and Wolverine in a car.

"Is it still anti-tracking after being caught?"

Roja doesn't think the opponent has the ability to grab Logan and x23, even if a person with strong special abilities encounters such an undead with an explosive attack, it will be quite powerless.

Put the 200,000 US dollars in cash brought from the reunion under the pillow in the bedroom of this residence, and wrote a letter of compensation on it. Roja took the Deadpool and began to confront Logan and x23. Tracking.

Teleported to the general location, here is a highway leading to the suburbs, behind him Xiao Jianjian patted Roya on the shoulder.

"What are you going to do, are you lying in wait here?"

After observing the surrounding terrain, it seems that this is not a good ambush place. After all, the space is open. Tell the road that there are large wheat fields on both sides. As long as the opponent drives hard, it is easy to counterattack.

"No, I will take you to fly."

"How to bring"

Asked a little puzzled.Roja squatted, grabbed Xiao Jianjian's legs and flew into the sky.13

"Wow, it's so flying"

With a very alarmed cry, Xiao Jianjian was lifted upside down by Luo Ya, and then Luo Ya hung a bunch of wind on the bottom of his feet and galloped towards Logan and X23.And Xiao Jianjian, who hung upside down under Roya, was not taken care of by Roya in any way. The strong wind blew his mouth up, and he screamed almost all the way.

Anyway, this guy is immortal, and it doesn't matter a little bit.

Using the light to add a layer of camouflage to himself and Xiao Jianjian, Luo Ya saw the car.The other party didn't even notice Roja's arrival.

"Six cars? There seems to be a lot of people."

Frowning, Roja sensed the current situation of Logan and x23 again, and found that they were being bound by a high-tech lock at this time.According to what Eloah knew about them, these two were not the kind of characters who knew how to pretend to be captured and then take the opportunity to destroy each other's nest.Then he was really captured

Roja was not in a hurry to rescue the two, because the best method at this time was to smash the car directly, and then the two would heal themselves with immortality, but this was not without risk at this moment.In Mutant 3, the government has the weapon to restore mutants to ordinary people. If this weapon appears in advance, he will give the car a shot, Logan and x23 may be a tragedy.

"So what should I do."

"Maybe it can."

Roja took out a pistol, aimed at the tire of that car, and shot a bullet.

With his dynamic vision, a gun at this speed is almost as static.

Almost the moment after the bullet was fired, the car started to bend in the other direction.At the same time, Roja severely threw Xiao Jianjian away.It's impossible for Xiao Jianjian to react like this.

So when he landed on the roof of the car, Xiao Jianjian, who was out of the range of Loya's spell, showed his original shape.But at the same time he also stabbed the knife severely into the window above the driver's seat.


The very sharp composite gold knife cuts this second-rate metal as easily as paper.With just one knife, he took the life of the person sitting in the driver's seat.

At the same time, just as Xiao Jianjian's knife was inserted into the car, Logan and x23 slammed into the person beside Zhen.Immediately afterwards, he pressed the lock on his body against the blade.

Then Xiao Jianjian chopped the lock into two again.

Wolverine, who had regained his freedom, broke the restraint lock on x23 with one paw, and another paw caught another person in the car.The man's head was scratched raw.

"It's too tragic."

He sighed slightly, and X23 and Logan were rescued by Xiao Jianjian almost in an instant. This time the action was quite smooth.But at the same time, the five cars on the side blocked the road in a ring.

Immediately after getting out of the car, there were a total of about twenty people with special clothes.

Roja attracted thunder and lightning and smashed these people fiercely.By coincidence, these people survived in various ways.

"Let me see Lazar, Britney, Aldrich, they are all Stark's old opponents. Are the remaining super fighters?"

It seems that these people have lost money

The weakened version of the American captain does not have Steve's Edman alloy shield, and the physical ability is also a deteriorated version of Steve. It should be about three times that of ordinary people.Then Logan's capture is quite normal.

After all, the physical abilities of Logan and x23 can only be said to be slightly better than ordinary people. His killer is only the metal skeleton of Edman and the immortal body.

Just thinking about it, the guys under him used the light guns they carried to shoot at Roja in a round.Roja flew up and slammed into one of them.

Naturally, the result of Roja's shot was only a spike.

The three super fighters who fought against Logan x23 were a bit of a rat, the opponent is immortal, although the overall quality is not as good as his own, but if he hits a bit, he is basically kneeling.

"Damn, why are there so many immortal bastards"

Cut off Deadpool's head and saw that Deadpool returned to the original state after a short while, the super soldier cursed fiercely.In the distance, Aldrich sprayed flames at Deadpool.

"Burning to ashes can always kill you, right"

Logan and x23 don't think, the Edman metal bones on these two guys were not melted by his flame 407.Now I just want to kill these two reinforcements first.

At this time, Roja had already shown his figure, and happened to be protected by x23.

"Luo, I protect you"

It seemed like it had been silent for too long, and the voice of x23's words seemed a bit vague, but the expression was still the same as usual, expressionless.

I couldn't see that it was still San Wuxin silently complaining, and the feeling of being protected by the girl was not too bad.

"You are a mage, I will protect you"

Repeated another sentence, it seems that x23 regards Luo Ya as the kind of crispy mage that cannot be touched.Smiled slightly.Seeing x23 standing in front of him with open hands, almost blocking the angle of 270, Luo Ya was a little helpless.

"Even if I am a mage, you still have to leave room for me to cast spells."

"I'm sorry"

When the two spoke, they did not take their attention away from the enemy, and when x23's voice just fell, the other party launched an attack.

The first is a neat round of shooting.


Roja opened the shield to block the bullet.Then he smiled at those people easily.

"Perhaps I can get a lot of information from you."

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