One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2113: You will lose this baby

"No, maybe I can get some secrets from you, right, Mr. Roja."

Luo Ya curled his lips slightly.


It seems that Roja recognized him, Aldrich looked at Roja, but didn't say anything. At this time, he was fighting, and it was serious to find an opportunity to kill the opponent.The politicians offered these crimes in exchange for those who wanted to kill them.

Although Roja's identity is sensitive, it seems that the consequences of dealing with Roja are not unacceptable to those people. After all, Roja is just a person next to Stark.

He didn't know that Roja threatened the entire political arena of the United States, and those politicians and celebrities didn't know that the person who hunted them was Roja, so a subtle misunderstanding caused a confrontation between the two.

Of course, what surprised Aldrich and the others was that they thought it was a lone ranger who was hunting these politicians and celebrities for unknown reasons, but it was really hard to think that this hunter would involve more people.

The other party also has an organization.

Aldrich didn't guess the motives of Roja and others, all he should do was kill these people.

Another pillar of fire sprayed over.

There was a smile on Roja's mouth.


The magic shield protected the whole body of several people, and after a salvo of bullets and the pillar of fire were taken, there was no wavering.Roja glanced at each other.

"It seems you can't leave."

Just now, Roja noticed that the Avengers’ reinforcements had arrived.Although I don't agree with this in my heart, it is better to save some things.

Almost in an instant, Luo Ya exerted a slight force, turning the shield into a shock wave, and knocking down the opponent group.Then a figure fell from the sky.

"Is the distance of the airdrop so high?

Just when Roja thought so.A bullet came from the front, and x23 almost instantly blocked Roja behind him and was shot gloriously.

Roja frowned. When did he need a girl to protect him.Although the body of x23 returned to its original shape at the moment the bullet pierced the skin, it still made Roya feel a little dull on his face.

Even at this point, he doesn't need to do anything.

After pulling x23, Roja whispered against her ear.

"Don't do this next time, this is an order."

The Avengers’ philosophy is that everyone is equal, but Roja is the default coordinating commander. Unlike others who obey the arrangements when Roja is correct, the life of x23 is almost from being ordered to the present.


"No but. I don't need you to do anything for me."

When the voice fell, the figure in the sky had already fallen to the ground, shaking the ground.

"Roja, this is not good."

Looking at Luo Ya, he saw that Luo Ya's hand had been slightly attached to the upper part of the x23, and Dr. Banner, who fell from the sky in the form of the Hulk, made a comment.

When he saw him, Roja said to everyone around him.

"It's over, no need to fight again."

Xiao Bian and Wolverine didn't participate in the battle that was too Hulk. Of course, they didn't know how fierce the Hulk was, and even as soon as he arrived at Roja, he said that he could stop work.

But the next performance of the Hulk made Wolverine a little shocked.

"This is how monsters fight."

Xiao Jianjian sighed.His fighting style is not much different from ordinary humans.So when the Hulk squeezed a car into a long stick in his hand, he felt that the other party was a monster.

In fact, the Hulk is indeed a monster.

Almost all of the power, speed, and defense have reached the upper limit.There is no problem even with outnumbered enemies.Unlike Wolverine's sturdy and quick killing technique, the Hulk's fighting method is simple and rude.

"What kind of monster is this"

Seeing a super soldier being torn in half with no resistance, Aldrich was directly shocked.Although he has the ability of fire and is also a super soldier, he does not have any advantage or even weaker than those super soldiers based on the US team.

The Hulk walked over, and the various weapons hitting him were blocked by the tough skin like useless.

"Is there really a way to defeat him?"

Xiao Jianjian was stunned.

Luo Ya watched the chaotic battlefield and slowly explained to a few people.

"In fact, there are many ways to defeat the Hulk. The easiest way is to directly attack the opponent's internal organs. The Hulk's skin is hard, but the internal organs are relatively weak. This was the method I used to defeat him last time. The method directly attacked his heart."


Xiao Jianjian asked.

Luo Ya added another sentence.

"Of course the strength of the power needs to reach a limit. After all, the Hulk’s heart can only be said to be relatively fragile, and it also needs a certain strength of strength. Another is similar to Johnny’s special ability, the eye of judgment, and the eye of judgment can be against the Hulk. It worked, Dr. Banner was a good man. After he became the Hulk, he killed some innocent people. If Johnny uses the Eye of Judgment, he should be able to kill in seconds. Then there are the claws of Wolverine’s Edman alloy, which can break the Hulk. With his defenses, coupled with his immortality and his inability to fly, Logan has great hopes of defeating Hulk. Of course, this does not mean that Hulk is not strong. After all, the weapons known to be capable of breaking his skin are only There are weapons made of Edman alloy."

"What about the others"

Roja frowned and glanced at Xiao Jianjian.

"At least you can't. Apart from being caught and thrown out and resurrected, there is no chance of winning. Anyway, he can't kill you in the end, you can't break his defense."

While chatting, Dr. Banner had already ended the battle, and besides the old enemies of Stark, he had left a super soldier alive.

After taking those prisoners, Dr. Banner changed back to his original appearance.

"What are you talking about"

Roja pointed to the deadpool next to him.

"This guy said he wants to practice with you. Maybe we should build a martial arts field."

Ignoring Xiao Jianjian who was shocked and afraid, Luo Ya asked Wang Hao at Banner.

"Dr. Banner, that, how did you come here."

Xiao Jianjian ignored Luo Ya and ignored him, but kept chattering beside him.

"Boss, you can't be like this. Don't look at me like this. I'm afraid of pain. The Hulk is the size of the Hulk. Maybe even that one is very big. You can knock people out with a whip. I can’t forgive you for what has been done, head.

"Stark borrowed me a battle armor, adjusted the automatic navigation, and when I got to the place, I lifted the armor and airdropped over."

Roja nodded, but Xiao Jianjian continued.

"Boss, don't stay away from me, you know, if you do, you will lose your baby."

"Boss, if you don't speak anymore, I might go crazy, you know, I start going crazy even my own is scared"

"Shut up and soul light"

X23 and Dr. Banner said in unison, and Roja never said a word to him..

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