One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2122: Judgment Eye? Mephisto

Roja nodded.

Banner went on to say, "In fact, the ability replacement device has been built, and the experiment has been conducted several times. The energy released by Stark's energy source is quite pure. In fact, to be honest, things like perpetual motion machines can be developed. , I have to say that Stark is a ghost."

Then he paused. "The current technical difficulty is how to effectively use this energy. In fact, it is not processed by the core power source of the armor, which is a rather inert nature in normal conditions. When encountering a stimulus below the medium level, it will not produce any reaction. Even if it is floating in the air, it will not be unstable like many kinds of energy producing products, and it will easily explode or burn. In fact, it is because of its reality. It’s so stable that there is almost no way to make good use of it.”

"and so"

"So we started to experiment with some occult energy utilization methods, such as Constantine's prayer technique."

Roja frowned.Constantine also became interested. Although the 13 questions were crooked, he still expressed his own views.

"I have rarely heard that wishing can use energy to pay for it."

Banner was a little embarrassed when he heard this.At this moment Stark poured a drink from outside and walked in, and Banner took the conversation and continued.

"In fact, after the experiment, we also found that this is not very feasible. To be honest, Stark and I are both rookies to the mysticism. It is inevitable to go astray. But after many experiments, there is a by-product. Appeared. When this energy gathers together, it can make other energy sources more stable. I mean you should know. If the devil’s body is an energy group, then when Stark uses this energy When you wrap the other party, you may control the other party."

"There is a certain degree of feasibility."

Stark came to a conclusion.

Corresponding to the mystery rookies of Stark and Banner, Constantine is an out-and-out mechanical idiot.Although Stark and Banner had tried their best to tell their ideas in a language that ordinary people could understand, Constantine was still at a loss.

"Since you think it can, try it."

"just now"

Roja frowned.

"just now."

Stark gave him a positive answer.

All the way to Stark’s laboratory, Roja caught a glimpse of Kwai Molly, who had been captured a few days ago. In fact, this demon was kept in a glass cabin. It looked neat and tidy. Quite boring.

"Oh, you are here. Are you going to start those nasty physical examinations again?"

What she said is somewhat ambiguous, in fact Stark and Dr. Banner are gentlemen in the usual sense, and they don't do what a gentleman would do.In fact, for Kwai Molly, the two have only done some experimental observations of energy dissipation.The other is to encourage the demon to release her abilities in a restricted venue.

In fact, the former is nothing to Kwai Molly, and the latter two seem to do everything in order to make Kwai Molly use the power of the devil.When a demon is angry, he will definitely use his ability to vent.It is similar to the concept that superpowers sometimes use abilities uncontrollably when they are angry.

Kwai Molly, who saw the purpose of the two people at the time, of course would not cooperate well, so she was subjected to various experiments and then this product began to cooperate with the two of them.

"Of course not. Actually, I didn't have anything to do with you today."

Constantine took a step forward.This female demon has always been more cooperative, and at the same time it has not shown much danger. Even Stark and Banner once relaxed their vigilance against her, but Constantine, who knows the nature of the devil, will not make such mistakes. Even because of past events, he has always had an extreme hatred of demons.

Leading everyone to a compartment full of magic circles, a male demon was tied to a chair, his head was lowered, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Here, it's a rather notorious fellow among the middle-class demons. Where's Johnny?"

Constantine thought for a while, "Maybe I can call Johnny to try."

Roja nodded, Johnny's Judgment Eye is now working on the soul. I don't know if it can have some effect on the devil. Stark immediately contacted Johnny under Roja's signal.

Walking in slowly, Johnny frowned.

"The mechanism of the Eye of Judgment makes it impossible for it to work against demons, otherwise I would not have been played so badly by Mephisto."

"The Eye of Judgment Mephisto"

The demon reacted a little when he heard these two names.

"Is it a human boy? Living in the cracks, but still such a naive guy, it's rare to see him."

"what are you saying"

Johnny frowned.Constantine sneered, took out a hip flask from his pocket and sprinkled the holy water on the devil's body, and immediately after a puff of white smoke, the devil began to howl.

"Perhaps you can be a little behaved."

"Baby maybe I can play with you again."

The devil looked at Constantine with a sneer. He also heard about this guy's name. He was said to be a more cunning 243 than the devil, and he had what the devil wanted.A small character like him was almost certain to return to hell the moment he saw Constantine.

Once this point was confirmed, my heart felt like I didn't care about the physical pain.

"It's a pity that you haven't been to hell. Talking about the means of torturing the soul hehe."

The demon deported back to hell will face the painful torture of a century, but for this notorious guy, he can't even remember how many times he has been deported.Beginning with the demon hunters in the Middle Ages, or when the Son was not born

As a relatively old guy, because he couldn't bear Yu Wang's control, he didn't become as powerful as the demons of the same era, but the experience of fighting against hunters was already very mature.

"Perhaps you can only be so stiff. Konstantin. To be honest, you are not a bit worse than Van Helsing. That guy has the power to destroy the devil, haha."

"Perhaps. And how do you know that I don't have the power to destroy the devil"

Sneered.Constantine just used this guy as his first experiment.

If it succeeds, it may be a frenzy of hunting demons..

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