One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2123: What about the transaction content?

"let's start."

Constantine said that he glanced at everyone. Stark had placed the energy replacement device on his chest, and Constantine also took out a piece of paper with runes. This technique does not require lengthy spells. In fact, the magic method of Soul Locking Soul was developed in the war years, and its convenience and speed are almost his biggest advantages.

Both methods need to be tested, as long as one of them works, then the strategy for the devil may be directly changed.

Stark uses an energy replacement device to flood the hall with inert energy.

Afterwards, Roja protected the bodies of several people in the shield. There was no guarantee that the power of the mysterious system would not chemically react with the energy of Stark. Such safety measures were still necessary.

Constantine then pronounced the Latin exorcism.

This is a spell that can drive the devil out of the skin and return to hell.It is also the most commonly used spell used by all enemies hostile to the devil.

Almost at the same time that Constantine uttered the second sentence, the devil began to mourn tragically. He covered his head with his hands and struggled on his seat.The length of this spell is quite long, a full half a minute.

Until the end, when Constantine uttered the last sentence, the demon roared tragically and opened his mouth to exhale something similar to black smoke.

Constantine's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he immediately uttered the spell of the soul-locking soul.

The black smoke was fixed in the air for a moment, but it still began to roll and struggle.

"Damn what is this."

The voice of the devil came from the room.Stark's energy seemed to begin to exert force, and the black smoke was like a pedestrian in the mud, walking hard.

"It's an energy body"

Stark screamed.

"Energy body with soul."

Constantine was a little frustrated.After all, his spell didn't seem to have much effect.

"what should we do"

Dr. Banner asked.

"Use more inert energy to control him, and then put him in the safe." Luo Ya suggested."It's easy to confirm that he is an energy body anyway, isn't it possible to kill him as long as the energy is eliminated with an energy annihilation device."

Stark nodded.Energy annihilation devices are not uncommon, and there are almost a dozen large-scale energy annihilation devices in the headquarters of the Avengers.

"Banna, help, bring the containment equipment."

Nodded, Dr. Banner went out and took all the necessary items in, while Stark increased the inert energy in the room a little more, and the demon cursed everyone with fear.

"It seems that our experiment was successful. Perhaps your partner will bring your story back to hell, Mr. Devil who is about to truly destroy."

Constantine said coldly to the demon.

"No, I guess you are just bluffing. Otherwise, why don't you just kill me?"

The fierce voice came again.Luo Ya squinted at him and said, "You may not know a behavior called a scientific experiment."

At this time, Dr. Banner opened the containment device and absorbed the demon in.

At this moment, the room fell silent.

"There are still a few demons here"

Roja asked again.


After thinking for a while, Luo Ya pursed his lips and smiled.

"Leave two for the next experiment, kill the rest. Kill Molly Kwai."

This kind of work didn't need to waste much time for Stark and others, so when the demons were turned into nothingness by the energy annihilation device, Kwai Molly's hair was almost directly blown up.

But her good business standards did not lose her dignity too much.

In fact, if it were the time of the former King Solomon, as the seventy-two pillar demon god, she still had the real body of a demon, and naturally would not be afraid of such things, but at this time Kwai Molly felt a real crisis.

"What do you want from me? Such tricks of killing chickens and monkeys are actually very low-level, aren't they"

"But it is always effective. Demons are not susceptible to death in this world because they themselves will not die. At best, they will only be sent back to hell, and high-level guys like you will not suffer at all. Torture of high-ranking people. It's like going home, isn't it."

Constantine said with a smile.

"But I always feel a little bored."

Kwai Molly smiled, "If you have a long time and leave your hometown during these long years, maybe you will fall in love with the world."

After a moment of silence, Constantine curled his lips.

"I don't mean to chat with a demon."

"Then it's a deal" Kwai Molly said with her hand lightly, "Maybe this time you can get a lot of benefits for no reason. As a lady, I am a person who is afraid of death. So I allow you to use mine. Life comes to trade with me. Isn't it fair?"

"Of course, it's fair."

"What about the content of the transaction?"

"Unconditionally obey all our orders, and in exchange, we will not kill you indirectly or directly in any way."

Constantine knew that such ancient guys were generally more cunning, and that they were only insulting themselves when playing some word games.

"I agree."

When the transaction is concluded, the ancient contract will force both parties to comply with the content of the transaction.In fact, the demons are very honest and trustworthy in the iron and steel transactions. They will only cheat the parties on the terms of the transaction and the content of the transaction.

"Then. First thing. Tell us everything you know about Apocalypse."

"Well, my new master. I will tell you everything I know. In fact, this matter has a lot to do with this little brother."

Kwai Molly looked at Johnny, who was taken aback for a moment.

"First of all, the word apocalypse comes from the biblical apocalypse. Don’t ask me how I know it. The devil will also go to the other’s scriptures to understand his enemies. For a demon of my level, as long as it’s not the true version of the Holy See Won't be hurt by that thing."

Everyone nodded.

"The book of Revelation means that celestial phenomena, signs, prophecies, and prophetic facts will have some influence on the whole world. In fact, to a certain extent, people like you who know the coming of the apocalypse in advance are the so-called The Prophet.".

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