One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 328: Dugu Defeat [Seeking Monthly Pass]

Xinduoli, who had been silently preparing for the ability, watched Xia Li and Aquiya's attack ended, and directly released the long-prepared moves, and a slide that went straight to the back of the revolutionary army appeared at the feet of the three.

Without waiting for Xia Li and Aquiya to celebrate their success, they grabbed Xia Li with one hand and jumped onto the slide.Xia Li grabbed Aquia, and Aquia pulled the dripping water bottle. The two of them were caught by Xinduoli, and the speed soared to the limit in an instant.


The screams of Aquiya and Xia Li in the sky caused Roya to raise his eyebrows.Seeing and hearing the color, Aguiana girl seemed to be afraid of heights, and her tears came out.

However, Xin Duoli's speed is really good, I am afraid that the general generals can't catch up at all.

Screaming so miserably, I don't know if they would just bury their heads in the soil if they knew they were broadcasting in the world at that time.

Once the fourth layer of the defensive wall had a gap, it instantly turned into a flood of dykes. The original defense was destroyed, the fort collapsed, and the army fell. Under this power, ordinary soldiers could not resist it.

Seeing that surging wave seemed to have the surging power that would also smash the third floor, Roja had to do more, and the big move that Aquiya and Xia Li had been holding for a few hours was really powerful.


The five old stars suddenly looked back and saw the rushing currents, and they all tried their best. Once they were also hit here, they lost the profit of the army, they would face the rebellion of nearly 150,000 without any support. military

The five people use their own methods but there is no one with the ability of the devil fruit. They are all the purest practitioners of physical skills. They have reached the point of standing proud in the world by relying on physical skills. Such aptitude and perseverance are indeed admirable.

The huge wave was broken up by the five people, and it diverted to the two ends of the red earth continent. Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and was not surprised by this result.

Xia Li and others were able to successfully destroy the fourth layer of defensive wall, which has already taken great credit.

"Rebel, you will inevitably pay for today's behavior"

The old man with the sword among the Five Old Stars was obviously more temperamental than the others. Seeing the fourth layer of defense that had completely lost its function, he turned his head and shouted angrily at Roya.

"Hawkeye, look good."

Said to the eagle eye beside him, Roja had already risen into the air, and the black dragon princess Onyxia let out a dragon chant and flew to her feet.

"System, use Dugu Defeat Kendo experience card."

"Dugu Defeat Kendo Experience Card is used successfully."

There was a crisp sound of a sword, but a sword intent that reached the sky rose from behind Luo Ya, and a long sword of nothing could be vaguely seen.

Hawkeye was already speechless, his eyes were full of incredible expressions.As a swordsman, what he saw at this time was a different sight from everyone else. In his eyes, Loya had already been transformed into a sword, a sword that nothing could not be cut, nothing could not be broken.


With a violent shout, Esdes and others moved first, and White Beard also shook his feet and rushed towards the battlefield.The revolutionary soldiers behind him moved like a taut bowstring.

An ancient sword aura shot out from Loya's hands, and the sharp and unmatched aura made the back of Wu Lao Xing cold.

Immediately headed towards the old man with the sword among the five old stars.

This guy said that he would let himself die and that he would pay the price for a while. For this old man with two loaves of bread, Roja no longer wanted to talk nonsense with him.

The face of the old man with the sword changed, the first-generation Ghost in his hand was already clenched, and a dark sword aura burst out at the wrong foot, facing the sword aura that Luo Ya casually waved.

At the moment when the two sword auras were in contact, the seemingly unremarkable ancient sword aura directly smashed the murderous inky black sword aura, and even more power went toward the front line.

Asura Slash

He seemed to know that he couldn't stop the sword energy just now. After the last knife was swung out, the old man with the sword made two consecutive swords. The sword energy in opposite directions interlaced, and the power suddenly increased, like a huge scissors, tightening. Follow

After the collision, the sword energy disappeared invisible, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Luo Ya's eyes narrowed slightly, and the effect of Dugu Defeat Kendo Card was far beyond the original estimate. It was just a casual blow. This effect

The five old stars looked at each other and saw that the horror in the other's eyes was even more terrifying than before

Onyxia was flying at full speed at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, he had reached the front of the five old stars. The five people rose into the air and attacked Luo Ya without hesitation

Following the most mysterious trajectory with both hands, Roja waved his hands with sword aura and a loud dragon chant, Onyxia took a deep breath

Ding Ding

As the supreme authority in control of the world government, the five old stars are not weak. Under the sword aura, the five armed forces mobilized with all their strength to work together to fight against Roja. For a time, the sound of golden and iron mingling continued to be heard.

The old man with the sword was obviously taken care of. The first generation ghost in his hand already had a gap the size of an index finger, and the supreme big knife had already suffered damage under the horrible sword intent of the sword.

Wu Lao Xing deliberately took Luo Ya away from the top of his position, and several people went to the high altitude


Amidst the roar of Onyxia who had been brewing for a long while, a pillar of fire that was several times more ferocious than the Dragon Flame sprayed out. The five old stars who caught off guard were directly burned very embarrassed, and the suits on her body were already dark. Holes.

At this time, the skin under the hollow had burnt skin. Just being touched by this trick, the five people were already very embarrassed.

"Time is limited, so I won't play with you." Enjoying the feeling of a powerful sword intent, Roja watched below that Asides had already begun to kill the Quartet, but also lost the fight with five old men. Interest to go, after saying a word that made the five people tremble, the right hand suddenly pierced out

The blood sprayed, and the left arm of the old man with the sword broke at the sound, leaving only the bare arm.The reflexion retreated quickly, and the eyes under the round-frame glasses were full of horror. Just if he hadn't reacted quickly, that blow would have penetrated his heart.

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