One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 329: No one can beat [seeking monthly pass]

In terms of speed, no one can surpass Roja.Now that he had made up his mind to take him, Roja would naturally not let him retreat like this.In an instant, Luo Ya's hands were used as sword fingers, and three more powerful sword auras were sent out in a row, which had already locked his whole body.

The old man with the sword, who was retreating quickly, looked at the other people who had been rescued so quickly, gritted his teeth fiercely, and with a wave of one hand, he put the first ghost behind his back, curled up and avoided two of them.The last sword aura hits directly on the side of the original ghost, hitting its back.


The sound of clear fragmentation came, and the supreme sharp knife made of meteorites was obviously overwhelmed and broke into two pieces directly from the gap.

The blood in his mouth rushed and the old man with the sword opened his eyes wide, and the raging sword aura directly cut through the hideous blood port behind him, and the tiny blade fragments spattered after being broken penetrated his abdomen and emerged from the front.

The curled up body couldn't stop leaning back, and the old man with the sword looked down at the gap between his abdomen, a mouthful of 13 blood rushed up, and he staggered without falling to the ground.No matter how tyrannical the body was, such an injury caused him to instantly lose most of his combat power.

"How could it be so strong." The five old stars of the sword-bearing old man opened his eyes and entertained, feeling greatly horrified at the strength Luo Ya showed at the moment.

He vaguely remembered that the last time the Yan Emperor Luo Ya made a riot in the Holy Land, he almost died under the joint hands of five people.

But now, before the other party has used the Devil Fruit ability aggressively, he has already seriously injured himself.

Vaguely, the old man with the sword felt a deep sense of evil in his heart.

On the other side, the four five old stars that Shanshan rushed over also stared at Luo Ya with a stern face, and everyone could clearly feel the fear and guard in their eyes.

"Hmph, it would be a little troublesome if the five old guys get together." Roja twisted his neck and said lightly.

His strength, of course, is no longer what it used to be.But in the case of one opponent and five against the five old stars at the same time, one or two of them must be eliminated if they want to win.

Looking at the five people, Roja did not hesitate in the face of the few people who were waiting. He directly charged up and prepared to perform the strongest move.

Sword God Seeking Defeat

A crazy sword intent in Shen Ning vented from Luo Ya.

In an instant, the five old stars on the opposite side looked heavy and sweated down.The deep, seemingly invincible aura made them withdraw almost without hesitation.

However, while the five people retreated, a flash of sword light without any brilliant colors, as in the original ancient clumsy meaning, struck them.

The hidden madness makes it more powerful and terrifying than the original sword intent.

There was a look of horror on the face of the old man with the sword who was moving a little slower. He felt that the ancient sword intent was coming towards him.

But when he perceives all this, it is already too late.

The sword light pierced the sky, and the figure of the old man with the sword paused, his face solidified.The round-frame glasses on his face separated from the center in a small cracking sound, and a slight blood stain appeared on his body.

The blood stain began to expand slowly, and the old man with the sword turned into two halves, and fell weakly on the ground.


At the same time, another short, bearded old man among the five old stars was obviously a little late to dodge.His left foot was also severed from under his ankle.Looking back at the broken foot on the ground, the old man did not dare to stay and quickly retreated to the center of the world government.

Exercising the strongest sword of the Dugu Defeat Swordsmanship is extremely exhausting to Luo Ya's mental strength and spirit.

That sword just now, the artistic conception contained in the sword, has long gone beyond the conventional level of kendo.

Because of this, it can be called the sword god seeking defeat

Why be defeated

Because no one can beat

In the distance, after Hawkeye Mihawk witnessed this invincible sword with his own eyes, his expression changed dramatically. His whole body was stuck in place, seeming to have entered a unique insight.

And Roja now has no time to worry about what Hawkeye Mihawk has learned from it.The sword that was exhausted just now, although one of the five old stars was eliminated, there were still four people left.If these guys cannot be dealt with all at once, the influence of the world government obviously cannot be wiped out within a half-time.

"Dip, congratulations to the host for defeating one of the five old stars and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment." At this time, the system's prompt sound also sounded.

After hearing the system prompt, Roya's mouth showed a smile.Whether it is for the complete destruction of the world government or for the fragments of the Supreme Treasure Chest, the remaining four five old stars must not let them escape.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Ya directly incarnates the fifth-speed Thunder Fire Real Body, intending to do his best to solve one more.

At this time, the white beard in the distance had already repelled the army and rushed towards Roja.


The four five old stars originally wanted to fight again, but when they saw that the reinforcement white beard was about to arrive in the distance, they finally gave up this plan and chose to withdraw and evacuate, and each ran faster than one.

There was a sneer at the corner of Roya's mouth, looking at the four people who began to flee in embarrassment, a flame of lightning flashing in his palm burned.

Whether it is the light speed of the sun fruit or the teleportation of the god thunder fruit, they are both very efficient abilities in the pursuit.If these four guys don't run away, maybe they can hold on for a while.But since the other party chose to escape, it was undoubtedly stepped into a mortal situation.

Thinking of the 21 pieces of supreme treasure chest fragments that have already been obtained, if they can defeat these four guys, they will undoubtedly be able to synthesize the high supreme treasure chest.

In this regard, Roja certainly would not choose to let them go.

Extreme Thunder

Between the flash of thunder and fire, the incarnation of Lei Yan, who was approaching the speed of light, had already caught up in front of one of the pudgy old men in the blink of an eye.

Although the short and fat old man has a shabby appearance and short stature, as a pure practitioner, the five old stars who are above the sea without taking any devil fruit are more powerful than the others..

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