One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 399: Hold on for eight minutes?


The information in Kagura’s eyes gave Roya a smile on his face. The movements of Matt Dai and Shiranui Genma and others were clear to him, and he knew these people as soon as his thoughts turned. What are you thinking.

It is nothing more than fear of causing a war between the two countries. However, as Zhongren and Xiaren, although they already have a good overall sense of the situation, they are not in their place and cannot see through after all.

In the recent war, Konoha sent two giants to fight against Wunin Village. The power of the two big families of the Hyuga and Uchiha clan, any Ninja village is very jealous.

As a powerful blood succession limit of the 360-degree investigation, the white eyes have overcome many of the ninjutsu of the mist ninja. The sneak attacks and assassinations are all useless. The Bagua Palm is always disadvantageous when dealing with the mist ninja, even the famous fighting madman, Hui Ye's clan, faced with Baguazhang, is also hampered.

The writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha clan are also quite extraordinary. Although this clan’s proficient fire-dance ninjutsu was restrained by Shui Dun, it was able to compete with the Senju clan for the most fertile land during the Warring States period. Uchiha’s power is more than just attribute restraint. Can suppress.Uchiha Shisui's name of Shisui Shisui resounded through three battles.

In the face of the Uchiha clan who wanted to plunder their merits in order to gain higher rights, Wunin Village had already suffered a heavy loss of 230, so how could it be lightened.

The reason why the Wuren Seven Swordsmen were completely preserved was only because their proficient swordsmanship and assassination skills were restrained on the frontal battlefield, and the village sent them to more effective assassination missions.

It was not the reaction of the people in Shiranuhuo Xuanjian that could make Luo Ya speak softly, but the situation in Kagura's eyes in another direction.

4th generation Mizukage Yakura

The tragic soy sauce character in this original book was controlled by Uchiha and implemented the blood fog policy. It is unknown until the end that he died.

This appearance looks like a child who is not growing up, but the actual age is not too young, and his body exudes an aura that is several times stronger than the Mist Ninja Seven Swordsman.

The small figure and the iron rod with flowers in his hand made Roya easily recognize his identity, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly, revealing interesting eyes.

"Your Shuiying-sama seems to be here, who notified you? Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost"

The hearty voice reached the ears of the remaining few people, making their faces full of terror, especially the watermelon mountain puffer fish named by the name, the legs that kept running away were a little weak.

"It's not me, it's not me, it's the black thunder tooth hoe, the black thunder tooth hoe"

The fat was shaking for a while, and the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost betrayed his teammate without hesitation. Compared with the lives of others, he still felt that his own was more precious.

"Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, you traitor" Black Hoe Lei Ya screamed, obviously angry at the betrayal of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost.

Just now, the black hoe Thunderya had already passed the information back using the special ninjutsu of Wunin Village. The arrival of the four generations of Shuiying brought hope in his heart, but at this time the betrayal of the watermelon mountain blowfish ghost , Making him almost certain that he must be the next to die.

The man in front of him, perhaps only Master Shuiying can stop him, but before Master Shuiying arrives, there will definitely be someone who will die. No one wants that person to be himself, and Black Hoe Thunder Fang is no exception.

"Don't be nervous, I just ask, no other meaning."

Seeing the two people who were about to have infighting while fleeing, Luo Ya hooked the corner of his mouth and waved his hand indifferently. The Bamen Dunjia state had already exited, and he looked at the ninjutsu treasure box exploded by the wild bait man in the system.

"System, open the ninjutsu treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the treasure chest of ninjutsu and winning the first axe."


Seeing "the first axe must win", Roya bdbb held back a sigh, it was all rubbish, and all that exploded were the best swordsmanship of several people.

Roja's swordsmanship has long been thrown away by these people for thousands of miles, where is the value of the Mist Ninja Seven Swordsmen to him, not as good as any one of Shangren, some ninjutsu at any rate.

The killing intent in his heart was dissipated. Looking at the few people who were desperately running in front of them, Roja appeared right in front of them in a flash. The eight-door Dunjia and the speed of shaving were far beyond their imagination. .

A fist hit the ground, and the four people who had fled each had their own abilities, but stopped abruptly, trembling and looking at the man who looked like a god or a monster.

"Four people, I only want three of you to survive, so you know." Closing the eight doors that were open, Roja stood in front of the four without blushing or breathing. The oranges that entered the warehouse reappeared in his hands.

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Fish Ghost, Loquat Juzo, Li Chai Chuan Wan, Hei Chu Lei Ya looked at each other, and they all saw the defense in each other's eyes.

Luo Ya's meaning is obvious, only three people can survive, that is, one of the four must die. This is to let the four of them kill each other.

As a ninja, even if the current Wujin Ninja did not start the blood fog policy, they have always implemented the elite policy and are very familiar with this elimination battle.

Winners live, losers can only die

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Master Shuiying will come right away. As long as we persist, we can all go back alive as long as we persist."

Li Shikushiwan said loudly to motivate the morale of the remaining few. He just lost his companion who had been teaming up to perform the task. The hatred in his heart for Roja made him choose not to compromise.

Luo Ya responded with a mocking smile to Li Shikuanwan's words. The only half of the orange left in his hand was peeled off one by one and slowly thrown into his mouth.

"At the current rate, there are at least eight minutes before you can see Kuraya. Well, do you want to try if you can hold on for eight minutes under my hands."

The indifferent words made several people unable to help but swallow. The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost, the loquat juzang, and the black hoe Rayya all saw the defense in the other's eyes.

The behavior of the few people just now was disgraceful. If they were known by the fourth generation of Master Shui Ying, they would be punished quite severely..

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