One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 400: Four Generations of Water Shadow

Thinking of this, the three of them turned their eyes to the only uncompromising Li Shichuangwan. As long as they worked together to kill him, no one would know their behavior and they would survive.

Compared with the lives of others, these people decisively chose to obliterate Li Shakewan. They had already experienced countless betrayals, and they directly surrounded Li Shakewan.

"You guys, what do you want to do"

The expression was full of incredible, Li Shikushimaru really couldn’t figure out why they, who have been collectively referred to as the "Mist Ninja Seven Swordsmen", would have their swords facing each other. Shouldn't we join hands to fight

"Sorry, you are too "noble" and seem out of place with us." Loquat Juzo took the decapitating knife in front of him, and the cold light under the sharp blade made Li Hao Chuan Wan's heart cold.

"Li Shikuanwan, remember how my brother died. As the contender for the long knife stitches, he was killed by your own hands."

The watermelon mountain blowfish ghost has a cruel smile on his face, and his funny hairstyle looks particularly scary at this time.At the beginning, his brother, the watermelon mountain finless porpoise ghost, died under Li Shichuanwan's hands. At this time, he happened to be able to take revenge.

"I really want to hold a funeral for you, Li Shikuan Maru." Thunder flashes above the ugly Thunder Tooth, the black hoe Lei Ya grinned, and the hideous face made Li Shi Chuanwan subconsciously retreat. A step away.

Throwing the last orange in the mouth, Luo Ya looked at the few people in front of him with disdain. Such people are really dirty. There are not many good people who come out under the policies of Wuren Village.

In the early stage, the one who made people like it was a dried persimmon ghost shark. Although he looked cold-blooded, he was still a qualified ninja. As for the rest, it was rubbish.

In the later period, Terumi Mei is a good chick, and Chojuro is also a good person.That kind of blue, being able to dig down the enemy's eyes and put it in his own eyes, is not a good thing to look at.However, being able to preach to Changjuro's endless chatter proved to some extent that he still had feelings of being a human in his heart.

The battle of several people is in full swing, and they can become the heirs of the long knives and stitches, and have won a huge reputation. The strength of Li Shikuanwan is still remarkable.

Just facing three ninjas of the same level as him, he didn't have much resistance at all, and the battle was over in less than a minute.

Surviving panting, looking at Roya sitting on the boulder, Li Shikuanwan breathed more and less air.

Jumped off the boulder and kicked Li Shikuanwan in the neck. Faced with this situation, Luo Ya decisively chose to take his head. At any rate, it was Mist Ninja Seven, in case there was a little surprise.

Picking up the head, Luo Ya waved his hand to open the ninjutsu treasure chest that was refreshed.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the ninjutsu treasure chest and obtaining the spider stitch of the long sword ninjutsu."


Unable to see what he had expected, Luo Ya curled his lips and looked at the remaining three people. He really didn't have any interest at all. Who would like to use this tattered sword technique?

"You guys, really rubbish."

"Yes, yes, sir, some of us are indeed rubbish." The watermelon mountain puffer ghost saw Luo Ya who was so close to him, shaking like chaff, without the backbone of being a Shinobu at all.

Seeing the three Mist Ninjas who were already scared to their bones, Luo Ya's heart moved, and three small pills appeared in his hand.

"Take it, I will let you go, don't worry, the incubation period is three years, as long as I am obedient and obedient when I look for you, I will give you suppressing drugs, and it will never happen."

With a gloomy smile on his face, the three brown pills in Roya's hand made the three surviving three people tremble in their hearts. The brown gray under the sun means that they will be controlled from now on.

"Yes, yes, it's my honor to work for adults."

Seeing the three pills, the most savvy watermelon puffer ghost was determined, knowing that he would not die this time, and in his heart, only those with value in use could survive.

Busy taking the pills and swallowing the entrance, the watermelon mountain puffer fish can’t help but use his eyes to signal the remaining two people. Only when the three are on the same front can their future safety be guaranteed. Even as a spy, the three will take care of each other. , The chance of exposure is also very small.

Ask for flowers

Hei hoe Lei Ya and Loquat Juzo swallowed hard, and also took the pills and swallowed them. The nauseating smell instantly erupted in their abdomen. They wanted to vomit, but they held back.

Roja had forgotten the strange taste of Harry Potter's chocolate beans when he opened the treasure chest, but the ghosts would want to try it when they saw the smell of shit in the system reviews.

At this time, it was used to fool the three people who had been scared to the point of breaking their guts and ridiculed their IQs. This strange chocolate bean could be considered useful anyway.

"Run toward your Shuiying-sama. If you run slowly, then I can't blame it."

With frivolous words, the three of them hurriedly ran towards the direction shown by Roja, for fear that they would face the crisis of death if they run slowly.

Putting away the long knife and stitches on the ground, Roja was draped behind a few people. The four generations of Mizukage Yakura, the shadow-level master with very few descriptions in the original work, if you don’t meet each other and just leave, it’s impossible. .

The two people approached the same destination, and the journey that had taken a few minutes was shortened by more than half.

"The water escapes the water hits the torrential rain"

With a "squeaky drink", the huge water column emerged out of thin air, transforming into the appearance of an unknown beast. The huge body is more than that of the tail beast.

The fourth generation of eyes Mizukage Yakura made a strong blow as a shadow-class powerhouse, with dozens of handprints, facing the figure chasing after the three watermelon mountain puffer ghosts, without the slightest care.

Heihoe Leiya’s distress message clearly pointed out that the opponent’s strength was beyond imagination, and they had no resistance at all.

The beast formed by the huge current whizzed in the direction of Roja, destroying all the trees along the road. Such a blow is definitely an S-level super ninjutsu. It deserves the name of four generations of water shadows. .

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