One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 611: Five-ninths

If Lao Zi knew that the four-tailed Monkey King was puzzled at this moment, she would probably regret the ruthless words she made just now.This is properly no different from death

Moreover, the four tails will not die, even if they are killed, they will reappear soon.But Lao Zi is different. People always have only one life, and not everyone has Roya's cheating device.

"Don't let him run, I'm useful." Luo Ya leaned on top of Bai Ji's head, yawned lazily, and said to Bai Ji with the eyes of the four tails crawling out of the water. Scream.

"The adults will really make the slaves." Bai Ji's true color as a vixen is smart and charming, and she talks all the time without acting like a baby.

Luo Ya rolled his eyes, the psychic beast was not allowed to be called, could it be that the rider Bai Ji, this girl seems to be a little less trained recently, this kind of unhealthy trend must be corrected.

Although Bai Ji was coquettish in her mouth, she was not slow at all when she started her hands. She was able to compete with Huo Qilin for so many years, she was not as simple as it seemed.

After years of fighting, the combat experience has long been outrageous. Roja's preference has caused her recent strength to soar like a flying one. Fighting an incomplete tail beast is completely abusive.

"The Art of Covering the Sea"

Bai Ji yelled softly, and the surrounding waves suddenly set off a huge wave, because it was on the edge of the cloud country, surrounded by rocks, and the currents gathered for a while. At this time, the power of the sea-covering technique was directly increased several times.

Tail beast jade

Upon seeing this, Shio used a big move without much consideration. Any other move seemed trivial before such waves.

The wave rolled, enclosing the surrounding faces towards the four tails, and the four tailed beast jade was also forming at this time, turning around and spitting out to the wave behind him.

The tail beast jade was in a highly condensed state before it exploded. Obviously, this guy wanted to break his face and create an escape channel for himself.

The tail beast jade collided with a huge wave on one side, and the four tails followed closely behind, in the huge mist formed by the interaction of magma and water, trying their best to escape.

A ray of light appeared from the tunnel opened by the tail beast jade, and a smile was already on Siwei's face, and he was secretly proud of his wit, and passed the immediate crisis easily.

As long as he runs, he is agile and has a speed that is not inferior to the five-tailed Muwang, and even the nine lamas may not be able to catch up.

However, it miscalculated

I saw a huge mushroom cloud rising, and after a bang, the four tails flew back at a faster speed than when they came, and were directly hit by the wave on the ground, and the magma around them was mostly extinguished.

The huge size of the nine-tailed fox Baiji stood before the gap made by the four-tailed beast jade. Looking at the four tails flying upside down, a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes, and she didn't even know about the illusion. Such opponents treated her. It's too weak.

The encirclement and suppression of the waves on all sides exploded the real power at this time, and the power that could easily destroy the city was vented on the body of the tail beast.

Under the double attack, Lao Zi couldn't resist at all, and the powerful force turned her eyes clean and fainted.

Ren Zhuli lost consciousness, and the four tails didn't directly jump out of the monster in front of him. He heard clearly what he said just now. The person on the white fox said I was useful.

It's better to die than to live, even if it can be resurrected, but whoever wants to be killed, the process of regaining strength after being killed every time is painful and unreasonable, Shiwei has no plans to die.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the four-tailed man Zhuli Lao Zi and refreshing the ninjutsu treasure chest randomly."

The sound of the system came, and the surrounding water waves were slowly absorbed by the earth. Luo Ya jumped off Bai Ji's head and walked towards the location of Lao Zi.

"Tweet" Bai Ji saw Luo Ya who ignored her after the fight, and murmured in dissatisfaction, and did not return to the Great psychic world, but turned into a human form and followed behind.

Roja came to Lao Zi's side, felt her own aura, pretending to be the grandson's four tails, with a disdainful sneer on her face, she came for it, is it useful to hide?

Ask for flowers

Looking at the ninjutsu treasure chest on the side, Roja waved his hand to open it. Even garbage ninjutsu had its value.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the ninjutsu treasure box and obtaining the fire escape heroic flames."

Seeing the gadgets launched by the system, Roya showed a look like that. Rubbish is rubbish. Hao Yanhua's fire escape is flashy and looks handsome. In fact, farts are useless, and there is no fire dragon technique. Make.

Shao Dun is the blood succession boundary formed by the fusion of Huo Dun and Tu Dun. Before the fusion, this kind of ninjutsu was the best one, and Lao Zi's level of trash can be imagined.

It is estimated that this guy has practiced this ninjutsu so easily, even surpassing some powerful techniques. In all likelihood, it is to attract the attention of those little girls.

Roja shook his head, threw out the crazy thoughts in his mind, kicked Lao Zi lying on the ground and said, "Four-tailed, don't pretend to be dead, I know you can hear it, please contribute a little chakra obediently, otherwise I slaughtered Ren Zhuli, and then sealed you to the bottom of the ocean without seeing the sun."

Roja threatened, and a little bit of the seal technique of the whirlpool came out of his hand, with a cold expression, the murderous aura that was so strong that the sky would change color, so that the four tails were busy transporting Chakra.

The Sealing Technique of the Earth Kingdom is not very clever. Compared to the Maelstrom family, the Four Tails cannot escape the trap. If they are sealed by the Maelstrom family to the cold seabed, they will never turn back.

Although Shiwei is sometimes impulsive, he is not stupid. The two evils are the lesser one, and he obediently contributed to Chakra.

The bright red chakras are full of hot air, which is almost equivalent to a quarter of the chakras of the four tails, and the diamond mission treasure chest in the system warehouse is only five-ninths.

Roja had achieved his goal, so he didn't bother to look at Lao Zi on the ground again, an insignificant figure, so he didn't need to bother about it.

Bai Ji saw that Luo Ya was leaving, and quickly put his arm around him, and was quickly brought back to Konoha..

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