One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 612: Instructor of Xiao Huangshu

Leveraging the power of the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes, Luo Ya returned to the position before he left in an instant. The little girl was curiously holding the little black pig’s hooves, studying whether this guy was a male or female. mother.

"Hey hum hum" The little black pig wanted to resist, but could not resist Quan's strength, so he could only keep begging for mercy. At this time, seeing Luo Ya come back, he was struggling with excitement.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ya's eyes twitched insignificantly, and the curiosity of Quan, the little Nizi, was as always a headache.

"Hey, master, you are back. Is this the little lover that Mr. Tsunade and Sister Red said is so pretty" After Quan found more interesting things, he turned around and put the little black pig down, staring at Bai Ji with small stars. .

Bai Ji's "Five Zero Three" temperament is indeed very outstanding, fussy and unobtrusive vulgar, clear and beautiful as an immortal, but a bit more popular, so Quan's eyes can't be moved.

Roya rolled his eyes when he heard Quan's words. What the hell did the little lover Tsunade say to the girl Yurihong was thinking about?

Is it because I suspected that the time I disappeared was because I was living a two-person world with that woman outside, and then I returned when I got tired of it

Luo Ya looked at Bai Ji, who was staring straight at the little black pig, and there was a pain in her heart. This girl's focus was completely different from that of ordinary people. She was clearly looking at the grilled pork chop.

"Well, what is this?" Luo Ya was about to stop the two people from opening in an unconventional way, when he saw a square package on the table.

"Oh just now, a white-haired uncle came to see Master, and when he saw that Master was not there, he left this one." Quan stared at Bai Ji without blinking, and took the time to answer, and he squeezed. Imitated Bai Ji's expression and actions.

Bai Ji flashed her body, picked up the little black pig, and looked curiously at this mysterious species that seemed to be a creature, but did not have the slightest vitality.

Seeing Baiji and Quan doing their own things, Luo Ya picked up the package on the table, saw the envelope on it, and pulled it out.

My teacher whirlpool taboo Qiuye kisses.

Seeing these literary words reminiscent of the white hair that Xiaoya Touquan said, Luo Ya knew that this was a thing left by that guy from the Jilai.

Why don't you give this product a good gift?

With doubts, Roja opened the envelope and unfolded the letter paper. Before reading the two lines, he almost jumped up and screamed. He hurriedly opened the parcel, and saw two hardcover books signed by the tender heaven.

There is no doubt that the author of the book is free, and the author also wrote the title of the instructor, the four characters of the shining vortex autumn leaves, actually Nima is still bronzing

Roya's heart tens of thousands of alpacas rushed past, and got a big dad. He actually became the instructor of a little yellow book. There is no mistake.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission, publishing a signed book, and obtaining the golden mission treasure chest."

The sales volume of signed books with the opening conditions of the Golden Mission Treasure Box exceeded 150,000 copies 137975150000.


Roya almost choked to death by his own saliva. Funny system, are you serious? This is called a signed book. It's just a title, although the name of the instructor is more prominent than the author.

And I didn’t want to publish it. Even if it’s published, it’s not this kind of book. Almost 140,000 copies have been sold. Is this a trend that will be stinking for years?

The instructor of a generation of best-selling small books, thinking about it, makes people feel uncomfortable. If Tsunade sees this, the ghost will know if the girl will run away.

Nima’s only fortunate thing is that Jilaiya’s letter said that at the latest tomorrow, the intimacy paradise will also start selling in Water Country, and the sales volume is estimated to be at least 20,000 copies.

This is because Wuren Village is currently implementing the blood fog policy, otherwise it is at least 30,000 copies, and 100% can exceed the 150,000 mark.

In other words, this golden mission treasure box can be opened at the latest tomorrow

But at this moment Roja would rather return this golden mission treasure chest. If the paralyzed Terumi Ming sees that girl, will the cooked duck fly?

"Made Jilaiya, Jilaiya"

Roja whispered to himself, Kagura's eyes covered Konoha for a short time, and Jiraiya was found in the corner of the female bath. This old man is still peeping.

In the blink of an eternal kaleidoscope, Roja blinked behind Jilaiya and flew directly towards his chrysanthemum.

Bang Kacha

In the village of Konoha, and the voyeur was energetic, Jiraiya did not expect anyone to attack, and was unpreparedly hit. The cannonball crashed the wall of the female bath and plunged into the hot spring. in.

Ji Lai Ye was clutching the chrysanthemum in both hands, and crouched in pain, slowly floating up from the hot spring. The sudden kick had obviously kicked and broken his coccyx, and now it was difficult to move his lower leg.

The big daughter-in-laws and little girls around who were bathing saw the man who appeared after an explosion, and they let out a scream, and the whole Konoha could hear the scream.

Luo Ya was still puzzled, but he was embarrassed and rushed into the female soup, dashing to a few hundred meters away, quietly watching the development of things.

Such 14 screams obviously attracted the attention of the Konoha Guards who were patrolling, and a group of Uchiha ninjas hurried to the location of the incident.

Jilaida also knew that things were going to be bad, and ignored the pain on his butt, he hurriedly made a few handprints in his hands.

A white hair began to skyrocket, wrapping Jilaiya's body into a ball shape, on which six hairs that looked like tentacles stretched out, propped up the sphere of hair, and began to flee like a crab.

Roja saw such evil ninjutsu, the corners of his eyes twitched, this guy is absolutely inspired by those heavy-tasting little movies he gave, and such nasty ninjutsu has come out.

Jiraiya's ninjutsu is extremely fast. The guards only patrol ordinary ninjas. Wherever they can catch up with him, he slipped away in the blink of an eye. .

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