One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 630: Full-scale brain jump

Looking at the bright bald scoop, Roya couldn't help but grinned. The little old man Oh Yemu is nearly seventy years old this year, and he is still old-fashioned.

This bright Mediterranean Sea is also the only one in Naruto World. The most important thing is that if you are bald, you will be bald. Can’t you shave your head?

Oh Yemu had to keep all the hair around and comb it meticulously. It looked like a hurdle from the countryside surrounding the city.

Using the moment to hide himself in the space, Luo Ya, wearing a cloak, quietly walked towards Tu Ying's desk.

Even if it is a veteran shadow-level powerhouse, without the spatial ninjutsu talents like Bofeng Shuimen and Senjutsukan, Oh Yemu can't feel the existence of Roja.

However, if the golden treasure chest is put into the system warehouse, it will be transformed into an entity for a short time. This old guy will definitely be aware of it. If he approaches here so quietly, he will not attack if he does not attack.

Of course, even if he was not aware of his negligence, Roja would remind him that he came here not just for a golden treasure chest.


The pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box on Ohnoki's body, and the Chakra of the Five-Tailed Pillar Class, were all things Luo Ya was determined to get, and it happened to take this opportunity to collect them together.

Outsiders can't see the treasure chest refreshed by Roja's treasure chest system. Shangren, who returned from completing the task, reported the task to Onogi with a serious expression.

Onoki crossed his hands on the desk, with short legs off the ground, sitting on a high office chair, listening carefully to the reports of his subordinates, looking like an old Chihuahua.

With a bitter chill in his heart, Luo Ya stretched his hand to the golden treasure chest, directly released the instantaneous ability and put it into the system warehouse.

Looking at Ohnoki's bright forehead, the ghost flicked his finger and sent a powerful brain collapse in a ten thousandth of a second.

Onoki, who was caught off guard, just felt a cold eyebrow, and was suddenly attacked. The tremendous strength made his mind hum and his body flew backwards uncontrollably.

The wall of the office behind bdeb Ohnoki was directly knocked down, and the entire office building was shaken. Under the huge smoke and dust, Roya's figure in invisibility was faintly visible.

The skill of Brain Crash, Roja was already full when he was in Pirate World, and with full power, even steel plates could easily penetrate.

Even if Oh Yemu was not young, he was also a powerful shadow-level man. He was suddenly attacked. The Chakra conditioned reflex in his body protected him, otherwise he had to splash his brain on the spot.

"Master Tukage", who was reporting to Ohnoki's chin, almost fell to the ground, and subconsciously let out an exclamation.

The faintly visible figure in the smoke made this Shangren understand the whole story in an instant, knowing that Onoki had been attacked, he turned his palm and held it without suffering, and directly attacked.

Luo Ya lifted his leg and kicked Shangren behind him to fly. There was a crisp sound of bone cracking. This Shangren also hit the wall behind him, destroying a wall again.

The original luxurious office instantly became a ventilated alley, full of broken rocks, damaged appliances and flying documents.

Half of the ninjas guarding the Tukage Building rushed to the position of Ohnogi, and the other half rushed toward the smoke and dust. Although the faintly visible figure was vague, it was enough for them to confirm the target of the attack.

The ninjas who can be selected as the guards of the earth shadows are at the highest level, and they are definitely good players who fight in the blood and rain. They don't need to think about how to do it.

Luo Ya ignored these half-hearted upper-bearers in his eyes, watched a brain collapse and flew upside down into the street, hit a shop with a pair of big wild trees, and chased him with his feet.

Where can the surrounding Shangren follow Roja's movements, the dizzy Ohnogi staggered to his feet, barely knotting a handprint in his hand, and then fisted to meet the attack of the perceived figure.

The two huge forces collided, causing the surrounding buildings to collapse and sag under the aftermath. Onoki obviously used a technique similar to the earthen hardening technique on his body.

Seeing Ohnoki's performance, Roja showed a faint smile on his face, pretending to be invincible, and smashed the wall behind him, heading in the direction of Wuwei Renzhuli.

"Where the hell is it?" Onoki's forehead was swollen with a huge red envelope, and he looked embarrassed. He gained an advantage with one move. He sensed that the other party wanted to escape and directly caught up.

Being attacked in the office is simply a shame. If Ohnogi can swallow this breath, he won't bear the hatred for Uchiha Madara's words forever.

Boom boom boom

Roja pretended to be flustered, aiming at the position of the five-tailed man's pillar force, and rushed directly towards it, not knowing how many houses were crashed along the way.

Onoki chased him, and the red bumps on Zhi Liang's forehead looked particularly eye-catching. The scene of chasing and fleeing made Yan Shinobu a jump.

Yang Dun Yang Jade

Luo Ya's hand condensed the Muji Ninjutsu Yang Jade, after colliding against the wall, he directly pressed the face of the five-tailed Ninjutsu Liban who was making tea with his steam ninjutsu.

The five-tailed man’s post-power physical skills are extraordinary. Even the sudden attack was avoided by one of his iron bridges, but the teapot he loved in the center of his hand did not have such good luck. It was stirred under Roya’s Yangyu..

Luo Ya stepped on the abdomen of the class that was leaning back and ran forward unabated.

With a kick in the abdomen, Ban sank directly under the floor, looking at the powder left over after the teapot was destroyed with tears in his eyes, and then chased up with Onoki in anger.

"I dare to destroy my jade-little pot, I want you to pay the price." The five-tailed man Zhuliban yelled, and without hesitation, he chased up in the direction where Luo Ya had left.

At the same time, Onoki also followed closely, chasing Roya's figure, secretly swearing in his heart, no matter who it is, dare to come to Yannin Village to assassinate the shadow, and you must not let his life leave this place, otherwise Yannin Village will become another. The laughing stock of the four great nations..

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