One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 631: Dayan Decision

Roja ran while paying attention to the figures of the two behind him, controlling the speed, only Ohyeki and Ban could catch up.

Onoki's technique of light and heavy rock has been used in a superb state, and he can easily fly, even if he is not young, he can hang behind Roja.

The Five-Tailed Man Zhu Liban is called a Steam Ninja, and it is not a little bit stronger than the Four-Tail Man Zhu Li Lao Zi, plus the power of the tail beast, it is also considered a strong shadow level.

The squad that controls the steam can greatly increase his physical power, increase his strength and speed, his speed is almost the same as that of Onoki, far beyond the scope of ordinary Shinnin.

Hoo hoo

Three human shadows flashed across Yannin Village at an extremely fast speed, and both the dark part and the earth shadow guard were thrown away in a moment, and they ran out of Yannin Village within a few minutes.

Both Ohnoki and the Five-Tailed Zhuliban were in anger, chasing them, looking at their faces, they obviously wanted to devour Loya alive.

Originally, Luo Ya had planned that if the two of them didn't chase them halfway, they would use a few ninjutsu tricks, but he didn't expect that there would be no need to spend two times.

Old man Ohyemu has been here for most of his life, and he is about to fall into the soil. He hasn't been beaten to such a refreshing brain, and that swollen old man is not one or two people.

If he couldn't let the shameless little thief attacking him in front of him, Oh Yemu felt that his fame would definitely be ruined. He almost had a concussion just now.

The Five-tailed Column Liban has no other hobbies, that is, practicing ninjutsu and making tea, and the jade-little pot is a teapot he bought from the black market at a high price, and it cost him six million taels.

After he got the jade-little pot, he did not dare to publicize it. He, who has always regarded it as a treasure, is exclusively for himself. Every time he uses it carefully, for fear that it will be damaged by a little bit, he did not think that these six million taels of teapots were actually made by others. Only a layer of ash remained.

Both Ohnoki and Ban had reasons to chase them, so they fell behind Luo Ya tightly, and didn't even want to stop at all.

"Ban, don't chase, the person in front is very dangerous." Wuwei Mu Wang instinctively sensed that Luo Ya was not easy to provoke, and in order to prevent danger, he reminded Ben aloud.

"It's impossible that my jade-little pot can't die without looking at the three generations of adults, this bastard can't escape" Ban's heart roared, and Mu Wang who was one with him naturally heard clearly.

Originally, the relationship between King Mu and Ban was not so close. It can only be said that King Mu agreed with Ban’s efforts, which did not mean that Ban could slam it at will.

King Mu naturally perceives the breath of the three generations of earth shadows, and he clearly knows that even Oh Yemu is not in danger of that man's breath, but when he feels unhappy, even if he loses himself, he can escape even if he suffers a bit, so he just shut up. Words.

Sometimes people do things like death without knowing it. The angry squad obviously didn't know that he had just missed the only chance to escape.

While running, Roja placed his mind in the system warehouse. He had not opened the golden treasure chest he had just put away in Onoki's office.

"System, open the golden treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the golden treasure box and obtaining the Dayan Decision."

Dayan Judgment comes from the world of mortal cultivating immortality. The God Lord Dayan has created his own secret technique, which is divided into seven layers and specializes in the secret method of powerful spiritual power and divine consciousness.

I found the treasure

Luo Ya was stunned when he saw what he had opened. He hadn't seen much of the mortal Xiuxian Biography, and the name Dayan Jue was only familiar.

But the world of mortal cultivating legends is a world of immortals, and being able to open such classics from the golden treasure chest is totally profitable.

Moreover, this Dayan Judgment is used to strengthen the spiritual power and the spiritual consciousness. It seems that things only exist in the world of Xianxia, ​​and Luo Ya has not experienced it, so it is not easy to deduce.

However, he is deeply impressed by the benefits of strong mental power. Kagura's heart can directly cover dozens of miles because of his strong mental power.

Roja has always used illusion the most ninjutsu, that is, with a strong mental power, it can bring the effect of illusion into full play.

Ask for flowers

The advancement of the writing wheel eyes is also inseparable from the spiritual power. At the beginning, I was able to jump directly to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes from the blood succession boundary of the writing wheel eyes, thanks to the strong mental power.

If you can successfully practice this Dayan Judgment, I am afraid that it will be able to advance the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye again.

The only uncomfortable thing is that this time the system did not directly turn Dayan Jue into a skill, and it is necessary to learn step by step by itself, which is really tricky.

Different power systems, it is quite laborious to learn, it is like coming to the world of Naruto, learning how to start to solve the Zanpaku Sword, now it is still painful to think about it.

Dayan could not be understood in a moment. After Luo Ya moved it to a prominent position in the system warehouse, he slid intently at the big Yemu and Wuwei Renzhu Liban behind him.

Running all the way, Roja deliberately slowed down a little bit. Onoki and Ban have also been chasing closer and closer. After seeing the hope of stopping the enemy, the bodies of the pursuit gradually moved closer, obviously preparing to discuss the next confrontation. Enemy tactics.

In the hearts of the two of them, being able to take them to escape at this speed is evident in the strength of the person in front of them. This kind of speed elites can't catch up with the first-rate.

Even if Ohnoki and Ban are quite confident in their own strength, but they can solve their opponents more easily, they are naturally very happy.

"Master Tuying, what's wrong with your head" As soon as the two approached, Ben saw the bright red envelope on Ohyemu's head.

It's only the blame for Ohnoki's forehead is too bright, there is no hair to cover, the red and swollen bag is very eye-catching, and the red rosacea on the face echoes each other, enough to attract anyone's attention.

The corners of Ohnoki's eyes twitched, and he regretted descending from the sky, scolding himself in his heart, and discussing the tactics of arrogance, it would be better to do it directly, and now he was embarrassed before the subordinate..

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