One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 634: Buddha Fury Golden Lotus

There are too many things that a master of this level can do in one minute. Even if his sight is deprived, Oh Yemu has not completely lost his combat effectiveness, but his strength will be greatly affected.

Roja didn't take advantage of this time to attack, and for a while, Ohnoki was puzzled. If he were a mortal enemy, he would never let go of such an opportunity.

"What on earth do you want to do with Uzumaki Akiba"

The layers of defensive ninjutsu like a fortress formed by rocks spread out, and Ohnogi slowly floated out of it, looking at Loya standing on the tip of the stone thorn with red eyes.

"What I want to do, I will tell you after I finish the fight." Luo Ya chuckled, and the seal of the child was formed on his right hand again, and a colorful rainbow appeared behind him, and the light escape Hongqiao had already hit the whole body of Ohyemu.

Boom boom boom

The moment Ohnoki saw Luo Yajieyin, he subconsciously shielded his eyes, but Hongqiao was not a playful ninjutsu like a flash, his figure was directly hit by a colorful beam of light

A series of colorful beams of light attacked the direction where Ohnoki was, and Ohyeki, who fell down the wind first, could only use chakra to protect the whole body in a hurry, and use the unearthed escape hardening technique to carry it hard.

With a loud roar, no matter how Oh Yemu dodges, the light formed by Hongqiao can hit directly at absolute speed.

The 100-meter radius was turned into ruins, and the fighting five-tailed pillar Liban and Bai Ji could only exit their attack range to avoid the fish pond.

"Master Tuying" yelled anxiously from the class, and the steam erupted from her body, pushing Bai Ji back, trying to step forward to support Ohnogi, but Bai Ji's tail hit Ban's abdomen before it could happen.

With a loud bang, the squad was pumped out, and Bai Ji's figure followed like a shadow. The fox's dexterity should also not be underestimated. The squad's methods were of little use at all.

"Smelly old man, your opponent is a concubine. If you don't want to die, you'd better be more serious, otherwise" Bai Ji laughed, her tail entwined with various brilliance, and the blessing of attribute power made her even more powerful. .

"Damn" Ban gritted his teeth and looked at the vixen in front of him, the tail beast Chakra in his body broke out completely, directly completing the tail beastization.

Bai Ji was unwilling to show weakness and turned into the body of the nine-tailed white fox, and restarted the battle between you and me. For a time, countless rocks collapsed, and the battle between two giant beasts made the ground tremble.

Luo Ya looked at the embarrassed Oh Yemu, the mark in his hand remained unchanged, and slowly closed his eyes, the beam of light from Hongqiao continued to attack his body.

Onoki is worthy of being a veteran shadow-level powerhouse. He can skillfully use the properties of the three attributes. Although he has a lot of wounds on his body, he has applied a super light and heavy rock to himself, and has gradually adapted to the light escape. The speed can make some dodges accordingly.

Pushing the huge amount of chakra in his body, Luo Ya slowly raised a Buddha statue composed of pure light, with a compassionate face and closed eyes, as if he did not want to see all the misery in the world.

The Buddha statue wears a luxurious Buddha crown, and its face is faintly similar to Luo Ya, but it has a sacred atmosphere.

With the passage of time, the Buddha statues grew taller and taller, and the characters and texts that you spoke were exuding bright golden light, which made people feel a warm breath from the bottom of their hearts.

There was a shocked expression in Onoki's eyes, looking at the towering Buddha statue, his body was standing upright. Although he didn't know what he would face next, he felt a palpitation for no reason.

Dodged to avoid a few rainbow rays that struck him, his hands were struggling to urge the Dust Escape Primordial Realm stripping technique to infuse all his chakras.

Although Chen Dun is very powerful, its consumption of Chakra is terrifying. Even the Chakra at the pinnacle of Ono Muying-class can't use it many times, so it has always been used as a means of pressing the bottom of the box.

But the great sense of crisis the Buddha image gave him made it clear in his heart that if he doesn’t work hard at this time, he will definitely be dead.

"This kind of ninjutsu really needs to be used in the fairy mode. Although the chakra in the body is more than enough, the speed is really slow enough."

Luo Ya let out a sigh of breath, opened his eyes, and nodded in satisfaction at the huge Buddha statue at his feet. After studying the light escape for so long, this is his most satisfying move.

The Buddha statue composed of golden light almost turned into substance, sitting cross-legged on the same bright golden lotus platform, with the same handprints in his hands as Luo Ya.

Although this trick has succumbed to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the previous life, its power is far greater than other escape tricks, and it can easily destroy the surroundings.

The enchantment of Chen Dun continued to grow bigger under the full force of Ohnoki. After pouring all the chakras in his body, it was already about the size of the head of the Buddha.

"Give me the technique of stripping the original realm of Chendun" Onoki shouted loudly. The Chakra in his body was exhausted. Without hesitation, he directly threw the enchantment of Chendun towards the head of the Buddha statue standing on Loya.

"Buddha Anger Golden Lotus" Roja screamed, pushing forward with the seal of the child in his hand, and the Buddha statue sitting down acted like him. The golden lotus sitting on the platform turned into a dense cluster of thousands of small lotus flowers. Surge directly to the enchantment of Chen Yun.


The intersection of the two did not explode, but instead constantly canceled each other out, both were techniques that could separate the opponent into an atomic state, and at this moment the silent anxiety exuded a frightening aura.

Oh Yemu sat on the ground feebly, watching the dusty enchantment gradually shrinking under the continuous golden lotus. This is his last resort. If he cannot overcome the enemy, the outcome is self-evident. .

Luo Ya, who was standing on the head of the Great Buddha, frowned. Although the two seem to be at odds with each other on the outside, the golden lotus with the Buddha's incense sitting on the top of the king is about to be exhausted, and Ohyemu's dust is still nearly half.

In the beginning, Luo Ya used this technique to match his own fairy model. Unexpectedly, relying on light escape alone, it was so weak.

"Maha Vairus Covers the Palm" Luo Ya narrowed his eyes slightly, and with one stroke of his hands, the Buddha statue under his feet moved fiercely. He opened his closed eyes and hit the half-shrunk Chendun barrier with both hands.

Two different types of ninjutsu collided together, and a huge explosion that made ordinary ninjas desperate burst out in mid-air. This power was more than enough to destroy a ninjutsu village.

A radius of more than ten kilometers was destroyed and turned into dust under the aftermath. The Bai Ji, who was constantly teasing the five-tailed column force class, saw her in the distance, waving her tail repeatedly behind her back, and a white mask firmly protected her in the center. This kind of power, even she could not rely on her body to carry it hard..

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