One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 635: Earth Escape·Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique

In the aftermath of the impact, Luo Ya stood under the nearly one-third smaller Buddha statue and looked around. A ten-kilometer radius has turned into a huge pit.

Centered on the collision between the two, the deep pit tens of meters deep is much stronger than Deidara’s last self-detonation in exchange for life. If Sasuke used the body of a snake to withstand the explosion, I’m afraid No ash will be left.

Estimating the power of the full force in his heart, Luo Ya still dissatisfied with Zui, secretly saying that he is still suitable for a punch to the flesh attack.If Guang Dun is used for close combat, with the Eight Door Dun Jia, it is much stronger than the current power, so it takes such strength.

Raising his eyebrows and looking towards the ground, Oh Yeki slowly crawled out of a quagmire. At the last moment, the old guy barely used the little chakra left and used the technique of submerging out of the soil and got into the ground. Only deep down can we survive.

In Kagura's eyes, ten kilometers away, many ninjas were rushing, and the first one was Onoki's son Huang Tu. Seeing that anxious appearance, he was obviously worried that his father would be unpredictable.

On one side, the five-tailed pillar force class was affected by the aftermath, and his body was covered with scars. Bai Ji was still playing with it reluctantly, but looking at the weak appearance of the five tails, it was obviously not going to last long.

"Bai Ji, don't play anymore." Luo Ya glanced at Bai Ji, gave a command, and then turned to look at Oh Yemu who was lingering on his waist.

As soon as the handprints were released 693, the Buddha statue slowly dissipated. Luo Ya descended from the air and floated to Oh Yemu's side. Seeing his unwilling eyes, he shrugged a little helplessly.

"Oh Yemu, I heard that you have a granddaughter" raised his eyebrows, Roja squatted beside Oh Yemu with a little laugh on his face.

"Asshole what do you want to do"


As soon as Oh Yemu stood up and scolded Roja, the bones of the old waist made a sound, and he fell directly to the ground. The high-intensity battle was not an ordinary load for an old man of this age.

"Now, don't get excited, it may be a family in the future."

"Who is shameless and you are a family?" Ono Mu grinned in pain, with cold sweat on his head, but still stubbornly refuting Luo Ya's words, with a look on his face ready to be generous.

"Colluding the Uchiha clan in an attempt to overthrow the Konoha regime. This time it was just a warning. Next time, your granddaughter seems to be a little beauty."

Luo Ya finished the first half of the sentence with a cold gaze, and when he turned to the second half, an interesting expression was directly on his face, making the role of the blame uncle vivid.

"You threatened your family, aren't you ashamed of your actions?" Onoki blushed and wanted to stand up, but his old waist was really weak. When Chakra was exhausted, he could only lie on the ground in pain .

When he issued that statement to Konoha, Ohnoki had speculation in his mind that Konoha's senior management might have learned of the agreement between Uchiha and himself.

But I never thought that Konoha's reaction would be so fierce. Sending people to threaten Dokage directly did not exist in the history of Shinobu.

"That said, your granddaughter is really pretty. You said that if I use you as a hostage, exchange your granddaughter to bring Konoha back, tut."

"Akiba Uzumaki, do you want to go to war?" Ohnoki said Li Neiru, eyes flashing with worry, and he made up his mind that if Luo Yazhen did this, he would bite his tongue and kill himself and never let the black soil fall into his hands.

"Do you dare to go to war?"

"Uzumaki Akiba, do you really think Konoha has no one to provoke Konoha? Your act of taking relatives as hostages will surely cause Konoha to be punished by the four great Shinobu villages.

"Old man, do you think I would be afraid of several battles in the Ninja World, which is not Konoha who faces several big Ninja villages independently, come if you have the courage, I will destroy you Yan Ninja village first"

With a grin on Roja's face, he slowly said to Onoki that the four great ninja villages were attacked by groups. He couldn't ask for this kind of thing, and he could just catch all these ninja villages.

However, he has not yet boarded Hokage, and he cannot completely control Konoha. If a war starts, the bdfa charge of provoking war will be placed on his head. People in the Naruto world are not ordinary to war. disgust.

It's okay to start a war, but it must not be now.

Roya's smirk at the corner made Ohnoki shudder, and he could clearly feel the authenticity of the man in front of him.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the five-tailed pillar force class and randomly refreshing the ninjutsu treasure chest."

The system's prompt sound came, and within a few words of effort, Bai Ji had already solved the five-tailed human column force class, transformed into a human form again, and swayed to Roya's side.

When Oh Yemu saw Bai Ji's figure, he knew that there was no chance to turn over again, closed his eyes and sighed. In a flash, he seemed to be old and not knowing how old, with a twilight breath on his body.

"Tomorrow I will issue an apology to Konoha."

"It's not enough just to declare. We want one billion taels of silver. You should understand why this is."

"it is good."

Oh Yemu replied with his eyes closed, saying that the words of stealing chickens and loosing rice are probably what he is now. The village was rioted and numerous buildings were destroyed.

His face was discouraged, but he still had to pay Loya compensation. Whoever it was, even if he suffered such a blow, he would feel powerless and want to die to thank the world.


Roja lightly slashed Oh Yemu's neck with a hand knife, and was stunned by the sadness of spring and autumn, and he rolled his eyes and fainted with his old Oh Yemu.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the two Libra Ohnogi, obtaining the Supreme Treasure Chest Fragment, and randomly refreshing the Ninjutsu Treasure Chest."

The seventeenth piece of the supreme treasure chest

Ignoring the big corpse lying on the ground, Roja directly opened the ninjutsu treasure chest with his backhand.

This guy is a veteran shadow-level powerhouse at any rate. Although he should not be able to escape the original world stripping technique, he should have a lot of precious ninjutsu.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the ninjutsu treasure chest and obtaining the technique of earth escape super light and heavy rock."

The Earth Escape Ultra Lightweight Rock technique can reduce the weight of the material by reducing the density of the material, and easily lift a hundred tons of heavy objects, which can be effective on anything around it, and it can also be used for flying.

Seeing the ninjutsu, Roja raised his eyebrows. During the Fourth Ninjutsu World War, Ohnoki used this trick to lighten Gaara’s sand, causing it to rise in a straight line, even holding both hands. The huge turtle island in Kiyunren Village, flying in the sky.

Even the meteorite summoned by Uchiha Madara in the eternal kaleidoscope state was also resolved by this technique of super light and heavy rock, which shows its power..

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