One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 645: One-tailed Morizuru

Roja made a seal with both hands and directly used the gossip seal, not only to securely lock one tail Shouhe, but also to seal all the chakras of Gaara himself.

Seeing that the surrounding sand was still moving, Luo Ya directly took Gaara out of Yasha Maru's arms, and with a few simple handprints, a small barrier was laid.

The sand guarding Gaara anxiously swirled around the barrier. Although Roja didn't understand this secret technique, Kagura's heart could clearly perceive the spiritual energy in it.

Turning on and listening to everything that hadn't been used for a long time, a burst of anxious female voices passed into Roya's mind. This was the great will of a mother.

"Don't hurt my child. Don't hurt my child." There was a strong pleading in the voice, which was the voice of Gaara's mother, Gaara.

Even if she died, she still loved her child, guarded him by his side, turned into sand, and protected him from any harm.

Gaara, who only left a faint spiritual body, could not be seen by any perception ninjutsu in Naruto World. These spiritual bodies were scattered in every piece of sand, and there was no other consciousness besides protecting Gaara.

"It won't hurt him, and I will give him a small gift in a while." Luo Ya used his ability to listen to everything, slowly conveying his 210 wishes, feeling the goodwill, and the sand slowly calmed down. .

Although these sands have lost the support of Gaara’s Chakra, it will not take long to move and will not cause any hindrance to Roja, but it is a mother’s obsession, so take pity for this great mother.

Luo Ya's behavior would not threaten Ren Zhuli's life, and then he would impose a four-image seal on Shou He, but it was a simple effort, not only would not hurt, on the contrary Gaara would benefit from it.

As for hunting tail beasts in the future, whether Gaara can be rescued by the old lady of Sand Ninja Village using her own reincarnation technique like the original book is not his concern.

The eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes turned slightly, and Luo Ya's spirit walked into a dilapidated sewer. This environment was not even as good as the half-hanging iron seal on the wooden man.

Konoha used to seal the nine tails, it was the orthodox vortex family's sealing technique. Although the environment in the sealed space was darker, it was densely covered with bricks and stones, and the surrounding walls were tightly stitched. There were also huge cages that made the tail beasts. Can not hurt the human column force.

The iron seal used by Yunren Village to seal the eight tails and two tails is somewhat effective. Although it looks like a slum, the impact of the tail beast on the strength of the human column is also limited, and it cannot control his will.

The seal of Sand Ninja Village is completely rubbish, and a few chains are added to the body of one tail to be used as a sealing technique. If the force of the human pillar is accidentally swallowed by the will of the tail beast.

This kind of rotten street ninjutsu, and the seal technique are in the sky and the underground, that is, the power of one tail is the weakest among the tail beasts. If you use this to trap the nine tails, you will get out of it in minutes.

Roja walked into the sealed space. Because of the gossip seal, this place was like a fortress in a strong city, with all the prisons trapped in it.

The gossip seal is much more ruthless than the four elephant seal. Chakra completely cut off the tail beast. A smile appeared on Roja's face, but the smile in the eyes of the tail was like a demon.

"That pair of unidentified eyes, what do you want to do with the Uchiha clan?" Ichimu Morizuru's copper-like eyes flashed, surprisingly he did not growl and roar. Under absolute power, he could clearly see situation.

Although Shouhe's strength can't match that of Nine Tails, it is obvious that this guy knows to use his brain when encountering a strong enemy. Unlike Nine Tails, he can do nothing except brute force.

Roja didn’t mean to talk nonsense with Shouhe. He probably figured out the amount of chakras collected in the diamond mission treasure chest. It looks like a one-tailed item. I’m afraid that two-thirds of it is needed to complete the mission. Chakra above.

After all, it is the least chakra among the tailed beasts, and the sucked bdac collects such an amount, I am afraid that within three or four years, a Shou crane will not want to resume its heyday.

Having absorbed so much, it’s weird not to resist. Instead of delaying time with nonsense, it’s better to just do it hard and save trouble.

Luo Ya said nothing, the five-pointed star in his eyes turned rapidly, Shouhe trembled and wanted to resist, but his consciousness slowly fell into chaos.

Although there is no special technique for manipulating the tail beast, relying on the tyrannical pupil power and mental power, Shouhe is such a garbage, there is no room for resistance at all.

"Come on, hand over your Chakra." Luo Ya picked up his horn and spoke softly to Shou He, Gaara's body began to overflow with the tail beast's Chakra.

The system moved spontaneously, slowly absorbing the chakra of one tail, and the size of one tail shrank and shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was more than half smaller.

This severe overdraft of Chakra's behavior caused Yiwei's body to spasm, and the control of the writing wheel became a little unstable. It can be seen that this process must be extremely painful.

"It's done." Luo Ya muttered in a low voice, exited the space of the first seal, and watched the completion number on the diamond mission treasure chest became seven-ninths, nodded in satisfaction, so that only six remained. Rhinoceros and Nanao Shigeaki.

Sealing solution

Luo Ya's handprint changed, and he pressed one hand on Gaara's belly button. The original gossip seal disappeared in half. At the center of the complicated square pattern, the violet pattern was fleeting.

The original tattered seal had long since collapsed under the gossip seal. With the suppression of the four-image seal, no matter how cunning, he could only obediently admit his fate.

The surrounding sand slightly rolled, and after the supply of Chakra was restored, it slowly gathered into a pair of hands and took Gaara from Loya's hand.

A little bit of "Thank you" was conveyed, full of gratitude.

This kind of magical secret technique relies on Gaara's Chakra, but it has its own will, and the soul is not scattered. It is really magical.

Roja touched the tip of his nose, prompting him to leave Gaara's cabin in a flash, and went directly to the place where Luosha lived.

Gaara died after giving birth to Gaara. The fellow Luosha also became a bachelor. I don’t know if it’s because the people in Saranin Village know that this guy is psychopathic, and no girl wants to marry him anyway.

Send someone to assassinate his son, test whether he is a qualified person, and judge whether he has the value of existence. This kind of thing is really impossible for ordinary people to do except abnormal.

The scene before him changed, and it had become a small courtyard. Luosha was still asleep in the eyes of Luoya's Kagura..

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