One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 646: Surprise Four Generations of Wind Shadow

As soon as Roja appeared, a few small golden sands on the ground trembled slightly, and the sleeping Luo Sha in the room turned over seemingly unsuspecting, and quietly opened his eyes, and a faint light appeared around his eyes. Dark circles under the eyes.

This is the characteristic of the time when it urges the magnetic escape of blood to continue the boundary. The appearance of Roja has been detected by the placer gold placed in the courtyard of the house.

Through the study of the classics left by the third generation of the wind shadow, Luosha obtained a magnetic escape that is different from the third generation of the wind shadow through his own development.

Manipulating dust, which is denser than sand, forms a ninjutsu similar to Gaara’s sand ninjutsu. Although Roja's power is not that great, the value of this guy's blood inheritance is not small.

What is placer gold? Placer gold is formed by the long-term weathering of exposed gold ore, and the gold detaches from the veins and flows down the water along with the sediment.

Pure gold is not controlled by magnetic escape. At least one third of the placer gold controlled by Luo Sha is composed of iron, but the other part is gold

This thing is hard currency. A little bit of refinement, no matter in which world it is of great value, think about Luo Sha using large-scale ninjutsu such as Jinsha Wave, let alone two thirds of gold, that is, one third First, it is also an amazing wealth.

What's more, there are a lot of placer gold in the underground of Sand Ninja Village, but Naruto World has no corresponding mining method, so it has been sleeping underground.

The seemingly poor Sand Ninja Village actually has such a golden doll. Most of the funds in Sand Ninja Village are estimated to be derived from Luosha's ninjutsu.

Looking at the Blood Succession Boundary Deprivation Card that had been obtained in the system long ago, but had never been used, Roja showed a smile on his face, and he didn't know if this guy would go crazy without the Blood Succession Boundary.

In the eyes of Kagura, Roja had already discovered the concealed Chakra flow beneath the surface. Although Rosha made it very concealed, he could not hide his perception at all.

Luo Yamo rubbed the scattered stubble on his chin, just like that.

Now is not a good time. Some time ago, I picked Yannin Village and got a huge sum of one billion taels. The opinions of the four major countries are not small.

Although the villagers in Konoha were very excited, they only felt that in the first generation of Hokage, the heyday of coercing the other four powers was about to come, but if there is no legitimate reason to go to war this time, it may cause trouble.

It seems that we still have to enter the village quietly, not to shoot

Roja raised his eyebrows, with a huge amount of Chakra gathered in his hand, and slapped it directly on the ground, covering the small courtyard where Luo Sha lived in an instant.

The five-pointed star in the eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes turned rapidly. Under the traction of this Chakra, the ability of the moment was urged. The next moment, Luo Ya directly moved the entire yard to the sky above a desert.

The courtyard where Luo Sha lived was not small, it was more than 500 square meters. After disappearing directly, there was only a huge pit more than ten meters deep in place, like a gap cut out on the neat tofu.

The patrolling Anbu quickly discovered that the residence of the fourth generation of Fuying Luosha disappeared. In an instant, the alarm bell of Shanin Village was mastered, except for the big hole, no clue was found.

A loud noise came from the desert. After the small courtyard suddenly appeared in the air, it fell directly into the desert, carrying a huge amount of inertia and hitting the ground. A radius of hundreds of meters was covered with dust.

The ability to stimulate the moment, without any preparation to take away such a big thing, made Roya a little uncomfortable. Although it would not affect his eyesight, there was still a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

The instantaneous space transfer is the same as the divine power, and the speed of activation is not very fast. For a shadow-level powerhouse such as Luosha, if the range is small, it will not be hit at all.

Not all of them are Dedala's second stunner. They have already seen something wrong. They don't know how to quickly avoid Kakashi's sight. Even if they are covered by the explosive clay, they will not leave one of their arms.

There was nowhere in the shattered house where dust splashed out. Just when she fell from the sky, Luosha had already discovered something wrong and protected herself with dust.

The huge vibration did not cause much impact on it. At this time, he was down-to-earth and directly shot the alluvial gold around him, raising his head to look at Loya in the sky.

"Vortex Autumn Leaves" Luo Sha narrowed her eyes, already recognizing Luo Ya's identity.

Ask for flowers

There is a history of attacking the third generation of Dokage Ohnogi. Now every Shinobu village classifies Luo Ya as an extremely dangerous element, and Luo Sha is naturally no stranger.

"Four generations of wind and shadow Luo Sha really has a nasty face." Luo Ya slowly fell from the sky, looking at Luo Sha, who was waiting, and his expression was full of disgust.

"What do you want to do" Luo Sha waved his hands, and the dense dust formed a solid dust sphere, wrapped it in it, and kept thinking about the news in the intelligence in his mind.

The physique capable of hand-to-hand fighting the nine tails, extremely fast, almost impossible to defend, and the final collision with the third generation of the shadow of the shadow Ohnoki, directly turned more than ten kilometers into ruins.

Now that I’m in a position that is no longer in Sand Ninja Village, that is to say, the man in front of me is also proficient in the legendary space ninjutsu.

How should such a ninja deal with Luosha has not yet taken a shot, and there are already fine beads of sweat on his cheeks, which is almost an unsolvable death. In today’s ninja world, no one is the opponent of the person in front of you.

As the thoughts and thoughts turned, Luo Sha continued to comfort herself. There is no perfect person in the world. Everyone has shortcomings. Even the god of the Ninja World will not be without the slightest flaw.

"It's nothing, I just want to borrow your blood to continue the boundary." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and carried his hands, and said his purpose directly.

What he wants to do, no one in the Shinobi world can stop him, whether to say it or not, the difference is not big, let Luosha be a ghost, it is his kindness.

In the original work, this guy tried to conspire with Oshemaru to overthrow Konoha. He is a complete careerist. Although Oshemaru has been subdued by himself now, he may still think about who to unite. Instead of keeping it to cause trouble, let him No more ability to add chaos.

The Blood Succession Limit Deprivation Card can only be used when the opponent does not have the ability to resist, and the Shards of the Supreme Treasure Box can only be obtained by defeating the opponent.

Without Luosha in Sand Ninja Village, there is only the old woman of the thousand generations who is a shadow-class powerhouse to support the scene, destined to lose the threat and become the bottom of the five great Ninja villages..

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