One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 664: Nanao Shigeaki

After observing in the cabin for a long time, Luo Ya originally wanted to see if there was anything valuable, but there was a rush of footsteps in the tree hole.

Luo Ya frowned slightly and sank directly into the trees, observing the situation in secret.The leader of Takinin Village just rushed over and stood in front of the empty cabin.

"It's okay." Seeing the opened cabin and the disappearing hero water, the leader of Taki Shinobu village patted his mouth, and said with great joy.

Fortunately, there was a smile on Roja's face. Sure enough, there are still things that he really didn't know about. The big tree blocked the perception of vocal music's heart. It was really painful. Thanks to this guy showing up in time, otherwise The harvest this time will be much smaller.

The leader of Takinin Village squatted in front of the wooden house, facing the wooden house, the small stone statue directly under the water of heroes was twisted, and the wooden house moved aside with the sound of clicking.

There are a lot of heroic water hidden in a secret grid one meter long and fifty centimeters wide, and there are also several scrolls that look very old.

"Huh, I just didn't find it." The leader of Takinin Village took out a bottle of the Book of Heroes from it, and was about to close the mechanism and go out to fight against foreign enemies, but he unexpectedly received a heavy blow on the back of the neck.


The leader of Takinin Village tilted his head and fell neatly on the ground. No matter how light Roja's hand knife was, it wasn't the kind of ninja that only had a middle-level ninja, and stupidly called himself a second-rate ninja who could resist.Without a day, this guy shouldn't wake up.

The scroll Roja in the huge secret grid is all closed, and the ones that can be placed here must have a relatively large effect, and it should be something like a forbidden technique.

As for the remaining hero water, Luo Ya put away half of it, and incidentally dropped a scroll that recorded many ninjutsu.

You can’t be a man, and you have to leave a way for others to survive. It’s not advisable to kill chickens and get eggs. Otherwise, if the research on Dashemaru doesn’t go well, you won’t know if this Shinnin Village will survive again when you come to fetch the water of heroes. exist.

After Luo Ya had done these things, he slowly sank into the big tree and walked along the root of the big tree towards the village. Half of the trip was completed, and the rest was the Seven-tailed Chakra on Fu's body.

The small village that was still quiet just now has become a mess. Numerous ninjas have begun to search for the enemy's whereabouts in the village, while ordinary villagers are hiding in their homes and dare not come out.

Fu is still a child less than ten years old, and even Chakra is not very proficient in the use of it. He also hides in his hut. The old man who taught her ninjutsu just now is guarding him.

Illusion and Nirvana Abode.

With the handprints in his hands, feathers began to fall from the hut, and the old man and the seven-tailed man Zhu Lifu who had barely reached Zhongren slowly closed their eyes and fell to the ground.

Changed his body and appearance with the magical power, Roja directly transformed into the appearance of the fourth-generation eye Raikage Ai, slowly rising from the floor, Nanao Shigeaki was obviously trying to shrink his strength at this time, hoping that the enemy would not notice Fu is different.

In the eyes of Kagura, the huge Chakra shrank into a small ball. Among the nine big-tailed beasts, only Zhongming could do this kind of concealment technique.

Roya saw Chongming's performance with a faint ridicule on his face, and continuously formed handprints in his hands, using the gold and silver seal formation on the turtle island of Yunren Village.

Originally, this formation was only suitable for large altars, but after a little improvement by Roja, it has been able to be displayed in a small area.

Nanao Shigeming, who was hiding his breath, had not yet reacted, and was locked by the sealing circle. Heavy gold and silver chains bound it, and gold and silver pillars firmly nailed it.

The huge roar of "Roar ¨" echoed in the formation, but it could not be transmitted beyond the formation. The sealing formation that can be regarded as the treasure of Yunrencun, although it is a bit worse than the top sealing art of the Maelstrom clan, but It is also quite extraordinary, after all, it was originally a formation used to restrain the eight-tailed bull ghost, second only to nine tails.

The seven tails, which looked like a unicorn, fought desperately, but the gold and silver seal formation after Roja's improvement was not even the seven tails that could not fully manifest themselves.

At only ten years old, Fu's physical strength is not enough to support Nanao's full play, and the current strength is not one-third of the heyday.

Luo Ya stood in front of Nanao, with one hand on his single horn, and the system's ability spontaneously moved to the east, and began to forcibly extract Nanao's Chakra.

With gold and silver chains, Nanao who couldn't help struggling can only roar, but it couldn't threaten the man in front of him. As a tail beast, when has it ever been treated like this.

When Takininmura first sealed it, he didn't know how much manpower was spent. There were countless casualties after a great battle, and many people who drank the hero's water also died after the war.

Zhu Li of the previous generation also relied on the heroic water to transfer it to Fu's body. Even so, it killed many people in the process.

"Asshole asshole," Nanao saw that the resistance had no effect, and kept cursing at the man in front of him.

Thorn la khacha

Luo Ya, who had been replaced by the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai, didn't have so much scruples. He directly used the Lei Dun Chakra mode and slashed at the sharp corner of Nanao with a hand knife.

There was a cracking sound, and the hand was hardened again, and the sharp horns were snapped off. Nanao's original arrogant arrogance suddenly diminished, and even a word could not be said.

Even if the carapace on its body is not as hard as the three-tailed beast, it is still among the best among the nine big-tailed beasts. It was cut off with bare hands. How could it not be shocked.

"Oh, don't move, or I don't mind killing Renzhuli." Luo Ya's voice came out of the rich and rich voice, which is exactly the same as the fourth generation of Leiying.

Takinin Village and Konoha Village are friendly neighboring countries, and the blatant resoluteness has a very bad influence on reputation. Now Raikage who blames neighboring countries is yellow mud off the crotch, not shit or shit.

The Lei Dun Chakra mode is the secret ninjutsu of Yunren Village. Only the previous generations of Raikage can learn. Apart from the late third generation of Raikage Ai, there is only the current fourth generation of Raikage.

Under the rude means, Nanao obviously doesn't have the unyielding hard spirit of Yao, and he is good at hiding. It is timid to hide the rest.

After feeling the bone-thin killing intent, the clamoring Nanao directly withered.

Chakra continued to absorb Nanao. After a long time, a stream of light flashed on the diamond mission treasure chest in the system warehouse, and the three characters had been completed after the conditions were turned on..

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