One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 665: Seed of the God Tree

This diamond mission treasure chest was obtained a long time ago. It is no longer known how long it has been in the system warehouse. Now that the mission is finally completed, the sense of expectation in my heart is directly overwhelming.

Roja has opened the diamond treasure chest, but he has never opened a diamond mission treasure chest.When using the lucky dice, the system has explained that the diamond-level treasure chest must be the best

The words "must be the best" alone can already make Roya's blood boil, and the diamond mission treasure chest is also a diamond level, what can be opened

He couldn't even wait to leave here, Luo Ya put his mind in the system and directly issued orders to the system.

"System, open the diamond mission treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the diamond mission treasure chest and obtaining the seed of the god tree."

Sacred Tree Seed The seed of the World Tree can plunder the nutrients of the land, absorb the energy of the world, and grow into a hundred years to form the main body of the tree of the god.

Seed Tree of the World

A question mark in Roya's head, it sounds like the seed of this sacred tree seems to be somewhat similar to the sacred tree made by Kaguya Ji in the world of Naruto.

"System, what does this fruit have to do with the sacred tree of the 193 Naruto World?" Luo Ya couldn't help asking the system in his heart. It seemed that the fruit had burst, the explanation of the system was unclear, and it was awkward not to ask clearly.

"The sacred tree of the Naruto World is bred from the seed of the sacred tree combined with the power rules of the Naruto World. A warm reminder, only one seed of the sacred tree can be planted in a world."

"In other words, if I plant it in a world, I can get the Chakra fruit"

"Different worlds have different rules. The fruit of the sacred tree can absorb world energy and form a unique fruit."

After Roja communicated with the system, he let go of his hand on the head of the seven tails, and slowly sank to the ground, urging the eternal kaleidoscope's instantaneous ability, and the next moment he came to a wasteland.

I found the treasure

Fists squeezed fiercely, Luo Ya couldn't help but laugh, Kaguya Ji's power is definitely the top of Naruto World, and most of her strength comes from the fruit of the sacred tree.

Although the Naruto World can no longer grow the fruit of the sacred tree, other worlds can. The Pirate World has already obtained the original power and does not need to be stronger.

But go to the next world, plant the fruit of the sacred tree directly, combine with the rules of that world, and form a unique fruit. After eating it, it will definitely become an invincible existence.

This kind of fruit is completely bug

There is also the body of the sacred tree after it grows up. The body of the sacred tree of the Naruto World is the ten tails. The nine big-tailed beasts are formed after the ten tails are divided.

What will Ten-tailed people look like when they grew up in another world? Even if they don’t become Ten-tailed people, it’s still a good pet to use them for your own use.

After calming down on the wasteland for a long time, Luo Yazhen took the fist-sized seeds of the god tree into the system warehouse.

Loya, with a smile on his face, activated the momentary ability, and the next moment he came to the research base of Dashemaru, the immortal body didn't know how this guy was doing research.

The empty research base is much cleaner compared to the last time I visited. Dashemaru recently divided the base into four. The four bases are far apart from each other.

The people who were originally in the base were also diverted to four places, and the four bases were conducting research on different types and different projects.

Because of Loya's value, Xianglin, the little girl, was not assigned to the northern base like in the original work, but stayed in this central base.

The fragrant phosphorus that awakened the blood of the whirlpool clan, and it didn't take long to grasp the authentic eyes of Kagura, and he felt it the moment Roya arrived.

"My lord, I miss you so much." Xianglin, the little girl's recent bdce food, was obviously good. Her skinny body had become a lot more rounded. The moment she saw Roya, she swooped into his arms.

"Well, I also really want fragrant phosphorus." With a petting smile on his face, Luo Ya touched the little girl's head, and after messing up the red hair, he walked into Dashewan with her. In the research room.

Fragrant phosphorus lay on Roya's shoulder, smelling a familiar taste, with a satisfied smile on his little face.The news of her father has been found, and that scumbag is indeed a ninja from Moon Kingdom.

But as early as two years ago, he died in a mission. He had no relatives, no wife, and Xianglin was his only blood.

After learning the news, Xiao Xianglin was sad for a long time, and then he relied on Roja even more. Every time he came, he felt tired and refused to get down in his arms.

"Master Qiuye." Duo saw Luo Ya come in, pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and bowed.He just returned to Konoha a few days ago, and three generations summoned him to settle the commission for the task.

The generous commission was all used to buy the daily necessities of the orphanage. The orphanage is his home. As long as it is here, his heart is there.

For Roja's respect, he did not cheat at all. The orphanage can have the current appearance and the children can live happily, all depends on the man in front of him.

Da Snake saw Luo Ya coming in, a pair of snake pupils exuded expectant eyes, the research of the immortal body was coming to an end, and he needed a new research project.

"How's it going?" Luo Ya sat directly on the chair next to Da She Maru holding the fragrant phosphorus, and asked straight into the subject.

"The spells of the Bayi clan do have their own uniqueness. A few of the spells have been restored, and they are all quite practical. The remaining spells are already difficult to recover. It can be regarded as a temporary stop. Although the success rate of the immortal body has increased by a lot. Cut off, but side effects cannot be avoided."

Da She Maru shook his head when he heard the words. It was a bit disappointed to see the appearance. Such an immortal body continued to live by virtue of a curse, which was far from the perfect body in his mind.

He stood up and took a scroll from the scroll stand on the side, and Oshemaru handed it to Roja, which recorded the spell he recovered.

"I went out this time to get something new, the water of heroes." Roja took the scroll and put it into the system warehouse, waved and placed a bunch of things Takinin Village got on the test bench.

"Oh, the secret treasure of Takinin Village. I've heard the name for a long time. I didn't think that Akiba-kun could get it." Oshemaru's eyes lit up and stood up directly from the stone chair. The exhaustion on his face disappeared, and he walked straight to it. Before Roja took out a bunch of things..

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