One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 666: Eighty B, Nine B

Heroic Water is a good thing that can make all ninjas covet. Chakra has exploded dozens of times out of thin air. Such a temptation, even if it has quite strong side effects, few people can resist.

After all, power in this world is respected, and most of the power of ninja comes from Chakra. As long as Chakra is strong, ninjutsu and physical skills will naturally be greatly increased.

"Well, there are also some secret techniques, which are probably somewhat similar to Earth Grievance, and their power is quite strange, I think you will like them."

"Jiaodu's technique? That's great."

There was even more excitement among Dashemaru's pupils. He, who is still in the Akatsuki organization, naturally knows the name of Jiaodu, and has learned some information.

Jiaodu's body can also be regarded as eternal life in another sense, as long as he constantly changes his heart and maintains the vitality of the grievances, he can live forever.

"The side effects of Hero's Water are very strong. The amount of chakra that is increased will have to deduct the corresponding lifespan, but since this thing is the essence of plants and trees, there must be something that can neutralize this side effect and leave it to you."

"Akiba-kun, don't worry." Da She Wan took the time to reply. He has opened the cork of one of the bottles of Hero's Water, took out a drop with a dropper and placed it under the electron microscope.

The black technology of Naruto World is really impressive. The laboratory of Dashemaru changes almost every day. The original manual experimental equipment has changed greatly.

There are all kinds of new instruments and a lot of electronic display screens. Although computers are not everywhere like when Naruto became Hokage more than ten years later, there are already prototypes like that.

"By the way, Qiuye-kun, can I withdraw from Akatsuki's organization? It was too time-consuming. I interrupted my research several times."

Luo Ya was about to leave the laboratory, but Da She Wan turned around and spoke, her frowning brows showed her emotions.This guy had zero goodwill towards Akatsuki.

"Yes, are the two samples made by the immortal body still there?" Luo Ya groaned a little before speaking. Now the Oshe Maru can ask his opinion, which proves that he has completely stood by his side.

As a researcher, it is obviously not appropriate to spend time participating in Akatsuki's actions, but if there is no one who can replace it, it is likely to slow down the footsteps of Uchiha's stunner.

"Well, it's locked in warehouse number two."

"How is your strength now."

"In terms of physical skills, it is better than the original experimental materials. Except for the spells like the death of the blood, it is impossible to master other ninjutsu."

"One stay here to watch the door for you. No one can find out about the things here, and the other one, I will arrange for him to join the Akatsuki organization instead of you."

"Understood, Dou." Da Snake nodded, and after speaking to Dou, turned his head to continue watching the changes under the electron microscope, adding some other things from time to time.

Tou put down the scroll in his hand, immediately led the way for Luo Ya, and walked towards Warehouse No. 2.

Passing through the gloomy underground corridor, the surrounding lights gradually became scarce, and stopped in front of a door made of black iron.

Opening the closed door, a deep chill came out from the cracks in the door, and Xianglin shuddered slightly, arching towards Roya's arms, and his little face was full of curiosity.

"Master Oshemaru finally wants to use us." A sour voice came from the door, and two ninjas with heads and feet of two meters walked out of the cold storage.

He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, with a smile on his face, and stepped aside from the door, revealing Loya standing behind him.

"See your lord." The moment they saw Luo Ya, the two of them trembled and knelt directly on the ground, their expressions full of almost fanatical worship.

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, Da She Wan's brainwashing skills were indeed extraordinary, and he could easily control people's minds to such an extent. He deserved to be the apprentice of the three generations of brainwashing masters.

Both kneeling on the ground were naked, and the cold in the cold storage didn't seem to have had any impact on them. Luoya's Kagura could clearly perceive that the strength of these two people was completely above the flying stage.

"Name." Roja looked down at the two people on the ground and spoke softly. There was no emotion in the words. You are not at all polite to the guy who was brainwashed by Da She Wan.

The two of them also have gray hair, their figures are almost the same, their faces are somewhat similar, and they are about twenty years old in appearance.Last time Oshe Maru only informed that two experimental subjects had been created, but Luo Ya did not personally see it.

Ask for flowers

"My lord, my subordinate Bayi, this is my younger brother Jiuyi." The slightly older Bayi replied respectfully, and it seemed that his mind was a little higher than the Jiuyi beside him.

Luo Ya's cheeks just twitched, and you don't need to think about it. The two people were crippled by what Dashewan used to give you a new life. This name is completely pirated from the Bayi Clan.

Taking out the favorability detector in the system warehouse, and seeing that the favorability of both of them was above 90, they belonged to the kind of people who would not betray almost to death, Roja nodded with satisfaction.

"Get up, Bayi come with me, and Jiuyi will be responsible for the defense of this base from now on. You can arrange it."


The named Bayi, Jiuyi and Dou Bian answered.Roya turned around and walked out of the base of Dashemaru. The Phosphorus lying on his shoulders blinked and looked at the two of them.

The small glasses on the bridge of the nose were specially matched by Luo Ya when he came last time. The big red frames are matched with his hair, and they look extraordinarily cute.

"I will arrange for you to join Xiao organization. What you have to do is very simple." While walking, Luo Ya told Bayi what he needed to know.

The undercover Xiao organization, except for the leader of the organization, are all their own.This shocking news really made Bayi's worldview collapse again after it was re-established by Oshe Maru.

Roya urged his instantaneous ability, and brought Xianglin and Bayi directly to a small building next to a public toilet. The public toilet is a money exchange at the border of the Fire Country. This small building is where Jiaodu and Xiaogu exchange information on a daily basis. Where.

"I have seen an adult." The one who sits in the small building is the whirlpool Yuzhu who has retreated behind the scenes and handed over everything to Xiaogu. Only people who fully trust can manage this kind of place.

"How long will Jiao Du and Rope Tree come back?" Luo Ya unceremoniously sat on the main seat holding Xianglin, and asked the whirlpool Yuzhu.

"Return to Sir, the information we exchanged ten days ago, according to normal practice, they will come today." Maelstrom Yuzhu respectfully brewed a cup of hot tea for Luo Ya and replied in a low voice..

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