One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 669: Hidden Mission

Hearing Loya's words, Naruto blinked his eyes, and then subconsciously turned around and ran away. Every time his prank was discovered, he was beaten and bruised.

I saw Luo Ya knotted a handprint in his hand, and a water whip suddenly appeared beside his foot, easily entangled Naruto's ankle, hung in the air, and pulled back to the center of the training ground.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me." Naruto, who was hung in the air, covered his face, tried to protect the vitals, twisted his body, and kept asking for mercy.

The power of a ninja cannot be resisted by a child who has not yet attended a ninja school. Naruto, who has lived with discrimination since he was a child, fears this power while being extremely envious.

"Hey" Naruto felt that he hadn't been punched or kicked as usual for a long time, and he let go of the arm protecting his head and looked at the man standing in front of him.

"Do you often get beaten?" Luo Ya said softly, and the whip behind him slowly lowered Naruto to the ground.

"Um, it's not that right, hahaha, isn't it really great that Uncle doesn't hit me? Let me just say, clearly the plan has not been successful." Naruto sat on the ground, scratching the back of his head, squinting and smiling, he I rarely meet anyone who can communicate with him like this.

"What were you planning just now?" Luo Ya gave a chuckle, squatting in front of Naruto.

With six beards on his face that are indistinguishable from the original work, and one or two faint freckles on both sides of the nose, Bo Feng Shuimen's genes are still quite powerful, and these freckles can't be seen unless you look closely.

"No, nothing, haha, uncle is really a good person." Naruto sat on the ground with an innocent smile. This behavior of sending good people cards made Luo Ya helplessly roll his eyes.

“Don’t squint your eyes when you talk later. It’s extremely impolite. There are many ways to gain the approval of others, but it’s clear that pranks are not one of them.”

Roja shook his head, stood up and walked towards Konoha's restaurant. It was near noon. He did not have breakfast. Although he was not hungry, he always felt empty.

"Who are you? You want you to control me¨"" Naruto heard Luo Ya refute his original intention of the prank, and stood up with his fist clenched with an expression of discontent.

"In Konoha, it is estimated that no one is qualified to care about you except me." Roja said casually, and walked without looking back. Naruto was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and strode to catch up. .

Kunako wanted to come to Konoha at the beginning. Although Roja told her everything, even the death, she insisted on coming.

Everything in Huahua World is attracting Kunako's attention. After becoming Kushina, she has experienced things that she has never experienced in the past, so even if she died, she was willing to die.

Although Roja doesn't like this kind of paranoia, it's not annoying. It's just that everyone chooses a different path. With her help, Kunako can have the opportunity to choose life, which is happier than ordinary people do not know. How many times.

The guy Bo Feng Shuimen is not annoying in nature, but his position is too firm, one heart for this, one heart for that, is destined to be a hindrance on the road to Luoya, just like the original said, it can make him die. A hero is already the greatest kindness.

"Uncle, who are you?"

"It's polite to say your name before asking others."

"It's polite again, the uncle is really old-fashioned, forget it, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, I will definitely become the greatest"

"There are too many words, ideals are not something to talk about, but to be practically put into practice."

"Uncle, people who don't have the courage to say their ideals are just cowards."

"It's an idiot who talks all day long."

Roja walked, while coping with Naruto's inexhaustible problem. This character lacking in the brain, in fact only approved one sentence from beginning to end, that is, don't squint to speak.

He has been regarded as a demon fox since he was a child. Even children would throw stones at him when they saw him. No one ever wanted to play with him, no companions, no childhood. The word fox is what he cares about most.

"Uncle, who are you?" Naruto Uzumaki folded his hands behind his head and walked beside Roya swaggeringly. When he walked back to Konoha Street, everyone just looked at him with disgust, but then He didn't expel or insult him, even if his reaction was slow, he knew it was because of the man beside him.

"Swirl Autumn Leaves."

"Ah, you are Uzumaki Qiuye's most hopeful man to become Hokage, I want to choose from you"


"Idiot, you should call my patriarch or uncle, not just by name." Luo Ya lightly punched Naruto on the head, but let him roll on the floor with painful head. But tears fell rustlingly.

In the Hokage World, like the plaster country in the previous life, the elders of the father's brother and the mother's brother are called uncles, and they are not like China, and have a clear division.

Seeing Naruto who was holding his head and tearing, Roja looked at his fist, and his cheek twitched slightly. Could it be that I used Nima accidentally just now, this kind of kid is crying the most annoying, the key is that this kid is special What a man.

"Do I have a relative too?" Naruto, holding his head, asked Roya tearfully. The same surname Konoha is not uncommon, and he obviously didn't regard the name Uzumaki as such a rare thing, so there was nothing at all. Discover the relationship between the two.

"Eat Yile Ramen?" Luo Ya sighed in his heart and said to Naruto with a smile. Anyhow, Kunako once called her brother, so she can help her take care of her son who is inconspicuous.Zhao Qianhao

"Yeah." Although Naruto didn't get a positive answer, he obviously guessed the so-called fact and nodded tearfully. Thinking of every sentence just now, it seemed that he was teaching him how to behave, and the tears in his eyes were more turbulent.

No one has ever cared about his life or death. Even the person who adopted him can clearly see the disgust in his eyes. Although he doesn't know why he will take care of him, the disgust does exist.

Kyuubi can clearly feel the other party's resentment and malice, so Naruto can easily distinguish it, who has good intentions, and who wants to kill him.

Although the man in front of him rarely smiled, he didn't have the slightest disgust in his eyes. The breath on his body only made Naruto feel extra comfortable.

"Congratulations to the host for conquering Asura's reincarnation Naruto Uzumaki, and completing one-half of the hidden mission world."

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